• Robert Knight's avatar
    Make direct-link injection robust to URL fragment changes as the page loads. · 5f3ad570
    Robert Knight authored
    Sites such as Medium and EBSCOHost modify the URL fragment as the page
    loads, causing direct-link annotation ID fragments to be lost by the
    time the app's init code runs.
    When a tab's URL changes, extract the '#annotations' fragment and pass
    it to the application as configuration info when the app is injected.
    If the URL fragment is removed or replaced by client-side JS as the page
    loads, the app will still get the original annotation ID that was
    captured by the extension prior to the page load completing.
    The direct-linked ID is remembered until the sidebar is successfully
    injected, at which point it is cleared so that it is not re-used on the
    next navigation within the tab.
config.js 1.61 KB