• Robert Knight's avatar
    Add a new entry point script for the client application · 6abe62d6
    Robert Knight authored
    Add a new bundle (build/boot.js) which serves as the main entry point
    for the client. This entry point will be used in two places:
     1. When embedded in a host web page it will add the bundle for the
        annotation layer (injector.bundle.js) to the page plus supporting
     2. When included as the sole asset in the sidebar's HTML page
        it will add the bundle for the sidebar app (app.bundle.js) to the
        page plus supporting assets.
    Having both entry points be a single script means that when it is
    referenced in app.html, the browser will already have it cached locally,
    saving a roundtrip.
    In this commit the script just adds all <script> and <link> tags for the
    annotation layer or sidebar to the document. In future it can be made
    smarter - eg. by preloading sidebar assets when loaded in the host page
    and not loading polyfills in newer browsers.
boot-test.js 3.88 KB