• Randall Leeds's avatar
    Improve packaging, bundling and module boilerplate · 992efe84
    Randall Leeds authored
    Prevent negative interactions with module systems present in injected
    pages and refactor browserify interactions with angular to increase
    CommonJS accessibility / legibility and isolate angular module system
    - Avoid issues due to mis-detected module environments
      - In the injection script, load only Annotator and jQuery in the
        global scope and then both removed with `noConflict()`. Both are
        loaded with browserify-shim, which prevents jQuery from registering
        itself against require.js, if present (fix #2026).
      - Be explicit about registration of common cross-frame components
        (fix #2090).
        - Lift angular glue into app.coffee. Individual components are
          exported as CommonJS modules.
        - Lift Annotator glue into bootstrap.js (renamed hypothesis.js).
    - Break up all modules that contained multiple services/directives/etc,
      such as the formHelpers and uiHelpers modules, as well as catch-all
      files like services.coffee and directives.coffee. For a summary of
      these movements see the bottom of this commit message.
    - Rename all services, dropping the -service suffix, to match their
      injected names. This is consistent with how directives are being
      treated, and controllers as well (controllers are registered and
      injected done with the "Controller" suffix).
    - Move Annotator subclasses into the annotator subdirectory. This
      change avoids having `Annotator.Host` clash with the `host`
      service and makes it easy to glob dependencies in assets.yaml to
      minimally rebuild either the app or the inject.
    Summary of structural reorganisation. Modules that have been trivially
    renamed (from "foo-service" to "foo") are not included in this list:
        controllers:AppController                   app-controller
        controllers:AnnotationUIController          annotation-ui-controller
        controllers:AnnotationViewerController      annotation-viewer-controller
        controllers:ViewerController                widget-controller
        directives:match                            directive/match
        directives:repeatAnim                       directive/repeat-anim
        directives:whenscrolled                     directive/whenscrolled
        directives/thread:pulse                     pulse
        filters:Converter                           filter/converter
        filters:momentFilter                        filter/moment
        filters:personaFilter                       filter/persona
        filters:urlEncodeFilter                     filter/urlencode
        guest                                       annotator/guest
        host                                        annotator/host
        helpers/form-helpers:createFormHelpers      form-respond
        helpers/form-helpers:formInput              directive/form-input
        helpers/form-helpers:formValidate           directive/form-validate
        helpers/string-helpers:createStringHelpers  unicode
        helpers/tag-helpers                         tags
        helpers/time-helpers                        time
        helpers/ui-helpers:tabbable                 directive/tabbable
        helpers/ui-helpers:tabReveal                directive/tab-reveal
        searchfilters:QueryParser                   query-parser
        searchfilters:SearchFilter                  search-filter
        searchfilters:StreamFilter                  stream-filter
        services:DraftProvider                      drafts
        services:ViewFilter                         view-filter
        services:renderFactory                      render
        session/session-service                     session
        streamsearch                                stream-controller
flash.coffee 224 Bytes