Commit 00fb7e65 authored by Ujvari Gergely's avatar Ujvari Gergely

Heatmap: introducing gapSize parameter.

The clustering algorithm uses this gapSize parameter (it was a constant before) to determine if an annotation is far enough or not from the current bucket position to merge the annotation into this bucket.
As a constant it was set to 180, but now it has a default value of 60 to make the clustering less agressive.
parent cde35500
......@@ -31,9 +31,13 @@ class Annotator.Plugin.Heatmap extends Annotator.Plugin
# index for fast hit detection in the buckets
index: []
# gapSize parameter is used by the clustering algorithm
# If an annotation is farther then this gapSize from the current bucket
# then that annotation will not be merged into the current bucket (probably will get an own bucket)
constructor: (element, options) ->
super $(@html), options
unless @options.gapSize then @options.gapSize = 60
@element.appendTo element
_rebaseUrls: ->
......@@ -138,7 +142,7 @@ class Annotator.Plugin.Heatmap extends Annotator.Plugin
if (
(index.length is 0 or i is points.length - 1) or # First or last?
carry.annotations.length is 0 or # A zero marker?
x - index[index.length-1] > 180 # A large gap?
x - index[index.length-1] > @options.gapSize # A large gap?
) # Mark a new bucket.
buckets.push carry.annotations.slice()
index.push x
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