Commit 0c06349f authored by BigBlueHat's avatar BigBlueHat

Decaf config/accounts.js

parent 984a745a
angular = require('angular')
configure = [
'$httpProvider', 'identityProvider', 'sessionProvider'
($httpProvider, identityProvider, sessionProvider) ->
# Pending authentication check
authCheck = null
# Use the Pyramid XSRF header name
$httpProvider.defaults.xsrfHeaderName = 'X-CSRF-Token'
identityProvider.checkAuthentication = [
'$q', 'session',
($q, session) ->
(authCheck = $q.defer()).promise.then do ->
session.load().$promise.then (data) ->
if data.userid then authCheck.resolve data.csrf
else authCheck.reject 'no session'
, -> authCheck.reject 'request failure'
identityProvider.forgetAuthentication = [
'$q', 'flash', 'session',
($q, flash, session) ->
.then ->
authCheck = $q.defer()
authCheck.reject 'no session'
return null
.catch (err) ->
flash.error('Sign out failed!')
throw err
identityProvider.requestAuthentication = [
'$q', '$rootScope',
($q, $rootScope) ->
authCheck.promise.catch ->
(authRequest = $q.defer()).promise.finally do ->
$rootScope.$on 'auth', (event, err, data) ->
if err then authRequest.reject err
else authRequest.resolve data.csrf
sessionProvider.actions.load =
method: 'GET'
withCredentials: true
sessionProvider.actions.profile =
method: 'GET'
__formid__: 'profile'
withCredentials: true
for action in SESSION_ACTIONS
sessionProvider.actions[action] =
method: 'POST'
__formid__: action
withCredentials: true
.value('xsrf', token: null)
var angular = require('angular');
var SESSION_ACTIONS = ['login', 'logout', 'register', 'forgot_password',
'reset_password', 'edit_profile', 'disable_user'];
var configure = [
'$httpProvider', 'identityProvider', 'sessionProvider',
function($httpProvider, identityProvider, sessionProvider) {
var action;
var authCheck;
authCheck = null;
$httpProvider.defaults.xsrfHeaderName = 'X-CSRF-Token';
identityProvider.checkAuthentication = [
'$q', 'session',
function($q, session) {
return (authCheck = $q.defer()).promise.then((function() {
return session.load().$promise.then(function(data) {
if (data.userid) {
return authCheck.resolve(data.csrf);
} else {
return authCheck.reject('no session');
}, function() {
return authCheck.reject('request failure');
identityProvider.forgetAuthentication = [
'$q', 'flash', 'session',
function($q, flash, session) {
return session.logout({}).$promise.then(function() {
authCheck = $q.defer();
authCheck.reject('no session');
return null;
}).catch(function(err) {
flash.error('Sign out failed!');
throw err;
identityProvider.requestAuthentication = [
'$q', '$rootScope',
function($q, $rootScope) {
return authCheck.promise.catch(function() {
var authRequest;
return (authRequest = $q.defer()).promise.finally((function() {
return $rootScope.$on('auth', function(event, err, data) {
if (err) {
return authRequest.reject(err);
} else {
return authRequest.resolve(data.csrf);
sessionProvider.actions.load = {
method: 'GET',
withCredentials: true
sessionProvider.actions.profile = {
method: 'GET',
params: {
__formid__: 'profile'
withCredentials: true
var results = [];
for (var i = 0; i < SESSION_ACTIONS.length; i++) {
action = SESSION_ACTIONS[i];
results.push(sessionProvider.actions[action] = {
method: 'POST',
params: {
__formid__: action
withCredentials: true
return results;
angular.module('h').value('xsrf', {
token: null
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