Commit 0c2faf3f authored by Gergely Ujvari's avatar Gergely Ujvari Committed by ujvari

Introduce isPrivate for permissions service

parent a807c8e5
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ AnnotationController = [
# @returns {boolean} True if the annotation is private to the current user.
this.isPrivate = ->
model.user and angular.equals(model.permissions?.read or [], [model.user])
permissions.isPrivate model.permissions, model.user
# @ngdoc method
......@@ -53,6 +53,18 @@ class Permissions
isPublic: (permissions) ->
GROUP_WORLD in (permissions?.read or [])
# @ngdoc method
# @name permissions#isPrivate
# @param {Object} permissions
# @param {String} user
# @returns {boolean} True if the annotation is private to the user.
isPrivate: (permissions, user) ->
user and angular.equals(permissions?.read or [], [user])
# @ngdoc method
# @name permissions#permits
......@@ -58,6 +58,22 @@ describe 'h', -> = ['one', 'two', 'three']
describe 'isPrivate', ->
it 'returns true if the given user is in the permissions', ->
user = ''
permission = {read: [user]}
assert.isTrue(permissions.isPrivate(permission, user))
it 'returns false if another user is in the permissions', ->
users = ['', '']
permission = {read: users}
assert.isFalse(permissions.isPrivate(permission, ''))
it 'returns false if different user in the permissions', ->
user = ''
permission = {read: ['']}
assert.isFalse(permissions.isPrivate(permission, user))
describe 'permits', ->
it 'returns true when annotation has no permissions', ->
annotation = {}
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