Commit 131e6565 authored by Lyza Danger Gardner's avatar Lyza Danger Gardner Committed by Lyza Gardner

Don't close sidebar on click in certain cases

- Don't close sidebar on click if the click is on highlighted annotation
  text. Fixes a judder (Fixes #2372)
- Don't close sidebar on click if `closeSidebarOnDocumentClick` is
  falsey (for side-by-side support)
parent f2c5e49e
......@@ -104,6 +104,9 @@ module.exports = class Guest extends Delegator
@crossframe = this.plugins.CrossFrame
@crossframe.onConnect(=> this._setupInitialState(config))
# Whether clicks on non-highlighted text should close the sidebar
this.closeSidebarOnDocumentClick = true
......@@ -445,14 +448,15 @@ module.exports = class Guest extends Delegator
# Did an event originate from an element in the annotator UI? (eg. the sidebar
# frame, or its toolbar)
_isEventInAnnotator: (event) ->
isEventInAnnotator: (event) ->
return closest(, '.annotator-frame') != null
# Event handlers to close the sidebar when the user clicks in the document.
# These really ought to live with the sidebar code.
onElementClick: (event) ->
if !this._isEventInAnnotator(event) and !@selectedTargets?.length
if this.closeSidebarOnDocumentClick
if !this.isEventInAnnotator(event) and !@selectedTargets?.length and not event.annotations?.length
onElementTouchStart: (event) ->
# Mobile browsers do not register click events on
......@@ -460,8 +464,9 @@ module.exports = class Guest extends Delegator
# adding that to every element, we can add the initial
# touchstart event which is always registered to
# make up for the lack of click support for all elements.
if !this._isEventInAnnotator(event) and !@selectedTargets?.length
if this.closeSidebarOnDocumentClick
if !this.isEventInAnnotator(event) and !@selectedTargets?.length and not event.annotations?.length
onHighlightMouseover: (event) ->
return unless @visibleHighlights
......@@ -346,6 +346,17 @@ describe 'Guest', ->
assert.calledWith(, 'hideSidebar')
it 'does not hide sidebar if configured not to close sidebar on document click', ->
for event in ['click', 'touchstart']
sandbox.spy(guest, methods[event])
guest.closeSidebarOnDocumentClick = false
rootElement.dispatchEvent(new Event(event))
it 'does not hide sidebar if event occurs inside annotator UI', ->
fakeSidebarFrame = document.createElement('div')
fakeSidebarFrame.className = 'annotator-frame'
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