Commit 150445b3 authored by Lyza Danger Gardner's avatar Lyza Danger Gardner Committed by Lyza Gardner

Migrate PaginationNavigation to Tailwind

parent 889f2a10
import { LabeledButton } from '@hypothesis/frontend-shared';
import classnames from 'classnames';
import { pageNumberOptions } from '../util/pagination';
......@@ -12,7 +13,8 @@ import { pageNumberOptions } from '../util/pagination';
* Render pagination navigation controls, with buttons to go next, previous
* and nearby pages.
* and nearby pages. Buttons corresponding to nearby pages are shown on wider
* screens; for narrow screens only Prev and Next buttons are shown.
* @param {PaginationNavigationProps} props
......@@ -36,11 +38,14 @@ function PaginationNavigation({ currentPage, onChangePage, totalPages }) {
return (
<div className="PaginationNavigation">
<div className="PaginationNavigation__relative PaginationNavigation__prev">
className="flex items-center text-lg"
<div className="w-28 h-10">
{hasPreviousPage && (
title="Go to previous page"
onClick={e =>
......@@ -55,14 +60,30 @@ function PaginationNavigation({ currentPage, onChangePage, totalPages }) {
<ul className="PaginationNavigation__pages">
// Where there's enough horizontal space,
// lay out page navigation buttons horizontally between prev/next:
// | prevPage | numberedPages | nextPage
// e.g.
// | [<- prev] | [2] ... [5] [6] [7] ... [10] | [next ->] |
// These page buttons are hidden on narrow screens
// For slightly wider screens, they are shown in a horizontal row
'md:flex md:items-center md:justify-center md:gap-x-2',
// when visible, this element should stretch to fill available space
{, idx) => (
<li key={idx}>
{page === null ? (
<div className="PaginationNavigation__gap">...</div>
<div data-testid="pagination-gap">...</div>
) : (
title={`Go to page ${page}`}
pressed={page === currentPage}
......@@ -77,10 +98,17 @@ function PaginationNavigation({ currentPage, onChangePage, totalPages }) {
<div className="PaginationNavigation__relative PaginationNavigation__next">
'w-28 h-10 flex justify-end',
// When page buttons are not shown, this element should grow to fill
// available space. But when page buttons are shown, it should not.
'grow md:grow-0'
{hasNextPage && (
title="Go to next page"
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ describe('PaginationNavigation', () => {
// There is one "gap":
assert.equal(wrapper.find('.PaginationNavigation__gap').length, 1);
assert.equal(wrapper.find('[data-testid="pagination-gap"]').length, 1);
it('should invoke the onChangePage callback when page number button clicked', () => {
......@@ -13,12 +13,6 @@
text-decoration: underline;
// This button style has asymmetrical padding. Hold it here to see if
// this kind of padding is useful in other patterns.
.PaginationPageButton {
padding: var.$layout-space--small var.$layout-space;
// An IconButton, but override minimum height/width on touch screen devices
.NonResponsiveIconButton {
@media (pointer: coarse) {
@use '../../mixins/buttons';
@use '../../mixins/layout';
@use '../../mixins/responsive';
@use '../../mixins/utils';
@use '../../variables' as var;
.PaginationNavigation {
@include utils.font--large;
display: grid;
align-items: center;
grid-template-areas: 'prevPage nextPage';
&__prev {
grid-area: prevPage;
&__next {
grid-area: nextPage;
justify-self: end;
&__pages {
// On narrower viewports, there isn't enough room to display all of
// the numbered page buttons; fall back to just prev and next options
display: none;
@include responsive.wide-handheld-and-up {
// Where there's enough horizontal space,
// lay out page navigation buttons horizontally as:
// | prevPage | numberedPages | nextPage
// e.g.
// | [<- prev] | [2] ... [5] [6] [7] ... [10] | [next ->] |
grid-template-columns: 8em auto 8em;
grid-template-areas: 'prevPage numberedPages nextPage';
&__pages {
display: block;
grid-area: numberedPages;
@include layout.row($justify: center, $align: center);
@include layout.horizontal-rhythm(0.5em);
......@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
@use './Menu';
@use './MenuItem';
@use './MenuSection';
@use './PaginationNavigation';
@use './StyledText';
// TODO: Evaluate all classes below after components have been converted to
......@@ -60,6 +59,12 @@
@apply line-through grayscale contrast-50 text-color-text-light;
// Applies to <LabeledButton>; asymmetrical padding used on pagination
// navigation buttons
.p-navigation-button {
@apply py-2.5 px-3.5;
// Disable scroll anchoring as it interferes with `ThreadList` and
// `visible-threads` calculations and can cause a render loop
.js-thread-list-scroll-root {
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