Commit 16ca3d6b authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

Merge pull request #1055 from hypothesis/new-streamer-operators

New streamer operators
parents b2e3446c ee21d27b
class ClauseParser
filter_fields : ['references', 'text', 'user', 'uri', 'id', 'tags', 'created', 'updated']
operators: ['=','=>', '>=', '<=', '=<', '>', '<', '[', '#', '^', '{']
operators: [
'#<=', '#>=', '#<', '#>', '#=',
'=>', '>=', '<=', '=<', '>', '<',
'[', '=~', '^', '{',
'=': 'equals'
'>': 'gt'
......@@ -10,9 +15,14 @@ class ClauseParser
'=<': 'le'
'<=': 'le'
'[' : 'one_of'
'#' : 'matches'
'=~' : 'matches'
'^' : 'first_of'
'{' : 'match_of' # one_of but not exact search
'#=' : 'lene'
'#>' : 'leng'
'#>=' : 'lenge'
'#<' : 'lenl'
'#<=' : 'lenle'
insensitive_operator : 'i'
parse_clauses: (clauses) ->
......@@ -48,7 +58,7 @@ class ClauseParser
for operator in @operators
if (rest.indexOf operator) is 0
oper = @operator_mapping[operator]
if operator is '['
if operator is '[' or operator is '{'
value = rest[operator.length..].split ','
value = rest[operator.length..]
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