Commit 1d588521 authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

Use showViewSort for all the things

I think this better ensures #1135 is fixed cleanly. Before, the
controls might hide after the timeout, but the user may be on their
way to click it. Now, everything goes through showViewSort, and it
manages timeout cancellation.

Also, moved the view and sort controls out to the Because
they're essentially global now, and we should move to kill the viewer,
editor, search distinction anyway.
parent 0ca279b5
......@@ -165,17 +165,18 @@ class App
# Show the sort/view control for a while.
# hide: should we hide it after a second?
$rootScope.showViewSort = (hide = false) =>
unless $scope.show_view_sort
$scope.show_view_sort = true
if hide
$timeout ->
$scope.show_view_sort = false
, 1000
_vstp = null
$rootScope.showViewSort = (show = true, hide = false) ->
if _vstp then $timeout.cancel _vstp
$rootScope.viewState.showControls = show
if $rootScope.viewState.showControls and hide
_vstp = $timeout (-> $rootScope.viewState.showControls = false), 1000
# "View" -- which annotations are shown
$rootScope.applyView = (view) ->
return if $rootScope.viewState.view is view
$rootScope.viewState.view = view
$rootScope.showViewSort true, true
switch view
when 'Screen'
# Go over all providers, and switch them to dynamic mode
......@@ -195,12 +196,18 @@ class App
comments = annotations.filter (a) -> annotator.isComment(a)
$rootScope.annotations = comments
when 'Selection'
for p in providers method: 'setDynamicBucketMode', params: false
throw new Error "Unknown view requested: " + view
# "Sort" -- order annotations are shown
$rootScope.applySort = (sort) ->
return if $rootScope.viewState.sort is sort
$rootScope.viewState.sort = sort
$rootScope.showViewSort true, true
if sort == 'Newest'
$scope.predicate = 'updated'
$scope.reverse = true
......@@ -557,12 +564,13 @@ class Annotation
switch $scope.action
when 'create'
if annotator.isComment(annotation)
if $rootScope.viewState.view isnt "Comments"
when annotator.isComment(annotation) and
$rootScope.viewState.view isnt "Comments"
$rootScope.applyView "Comments"
else if not annotator.isReply(annotation) and
$rootScope.viewState.view in ["Comments"]
$rootScope.applyView "Screen"
when not annotator.isReply(annotation) and
$rootScope.viewState.view not in ["Document", "Selection"]
$rootScope.applyView "Screen"
annotator.publish 'annotationCreated', annotation
when 'delete'
root = $scope.$root.annotations
......@@ -354,10 +354,7 @@ class Hypothesis extends Annotator
($rootScope) =>
@buildReplyList annotations
$rootScope.annotations = annotations
unless $rootScope.viewState.view is viewName
# We are changing the view
$rootScope.viewState.view = viewName
$rootScope.showViewSort true
$rootScope.applyView viewName
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