Commit 22260caf authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

fix tagging and events for jschannel bridge

Various fixes to make the bridge plugin better contained.

- parse returned results from RPC calls before sending to callbacks
- use "events" instance property to leverage Annotator's Delegator
  automatic event hookup
- manage event lifecycle sync between bridge endpoints better, such as
  establishing tags during creation to immediately synchronize new
parent 4a0d0ba5
# node style callback helpers
success = (cb) -> (result) -> cb? null, result
error = (cb) -> (error, reason) -> cb? {error: error, reason: reason}
class Annotator.Plugin.Bridge extends Annotator.Plugin
# These events maintain the awareness of annotations between the two
# communicating annotators.
'beforeAnnotationCreated': 'beforeAnnotationCreated'
'annotationDeleted': 'annotationDeleted'
'annotationsLoaded': 'annotationsLoaded'
# Plugin configuration
......@@ -37,16 +38,6 @@ class Annotator.Plugin.Bridge extends Annotator.Plugin
@options.onReady = this.onReady
@channel = @options
# Set up annotations on the other side of the bridge when necessary
@annotator.subscribe 'beforeAnnotationCreated', (annotation) =>
this.setupAnnotation annotation
@annotator.subscribe 'annotationsLoaded', (annotations) =>
this.setupAnnotation a for a in annotations
# Prevent the cache from leaking annotation references
@annotator.subscribe 'annotationDeleted', (annotation) =>
if annotation.$$tag? then delete @cache[annotation.$$tag]
# Assign a non-enumerable tag to objects which cross the bridge.
# This tag is used to identify the objects between message.
_tag: (msg, tag) ->
......@@ -75,12 +66,27 @@ class Annotator.Plugin.Bridge extends Annotator.Plugin
tag: annotation.$$tag
msg: msg
beforeAnnotationCreated: (annotation) =>
unless annotation.$$tag?
tag = this.createAnnotation()
this._tag annotation, tag
annotationDeleted: (annotation) =>
return unless @cache[annotation.$$tag?]
delete @cache[annotation.$$tag]
this.deleteAnnotation annotation
annotationsLoaded: (annotations) =>
this.setupAnnotation a for a in annotations
onReady: =>
## Remote method call bindings
.bind('createAnnotation', (txn) =>
this._format @annotator.createAnnotation()
.bind('createAnnotation', (txn, tag) =>
annotation = this._tag {}, tag
@annotator.publish 'beforeAnnotationCreated', annotation
this._format annotation
.bind('setupAnnotation', (txn, annotation) =>
......@@ -91,11 +97,12 @@ class Annotator.Plugin.Bridge extends Annotator.Plugin
this._format (@annotator.updateAnnotation (this._parse annotation))
## Notifications
.bind('deleteAnnotation', (ctx, annotation) =>
@annotator.deleteAnnotation (this._parse annotation)
.bind('deleteAnnotation', (txn, annotation) =>
delete @cache[annotation.tag]
this._format (@annotator.deleteAnnotation (this._parse annotation))
## Notifications
.bind('showEditor', (ctx, annotation) =>
@annotator.showEditor (this._parse annotation)
......@@ -105,29 +112,34 @@ class Annotator.Plugin.Bridge extends Annotator.Plugin
createAnnotation: (cb) ->
tag = window.btoa Math.random()
method: 'createAnnotation'
success: success cb
error: error cb
params: tag
success: (annotation) => cb? null, this._parse annotation
error: cb
setupAnnotation: (annotation, cb) ->
method: 'setupAnnotation'
params: this._format annotation
success: success cb
error: error cb
success: (annotation) => cb? null, this._parse annotation
error: cb
updateAnnotation: (annotation, cb) ->
method: 'updateAnnotation'
params: this._format annotation
success: success cb
error: error cb
success: (annotation) => cb? null, this._parse annotation
error: cb
deleteAnnotation: (annotation, cb) ->
method: 'deleteAnnotation'
params: this._format annotation
success: (annotation) => cb? null, this._parse annotation
error: cb
showEditor: (annotation) ->
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