Commit 22dd6fd6 authored by Alejandro Celaya's avatar Alejandro Celaya Committed by Alejandro Celaya

Migrate injector to TS

parent 9029313f
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ function serializeError(err: Error | unknown): ErrorData {
* Convert error data serialized by {@link serializeError} back into an Error.
function deserializeError(data: ErrorData): ErrorData {
function deserializeError(data: ErrorData): Error {
const err = new Error(data.message);
err.stack = data.stack;
return err;
* @typedef Provider
* @prop {unknown} [value] - The value for the object
* @prop {Function} [class] - A class that should be instantiated to create the object
* @prop {Function} [factory] - Function that should be called to create the object
type ValueProvider = { value: unknown };
* @param {Provider} provider
function isValidProvider(provider) {
type Constructible = {
new (...args: any[]): unknown;
type ClassProvider = { class: Constructible & { $inject?: string[] } };
type FactoryProvider = {
factory: ((...args: any[]) => unknown) & { $inject?: string[] };
type Provider = ValueProvider | ClassProvider | FactoryProvider;
function isValueProvider(provider: object): provider is ValueProvider {
return 'value' in provider;
function isClassProvider(provider: object): provider is ClassProvider {
return 'class' in provider && typeof provider.class === 'function';
function isFactoryProvider(provider: object): provider is FactoryProvider {
return 'factory' in provider && typeof provider.factory === 'function';
function isValidProvider(provider: unknown): provider is Provider {
if (typeof provider !== 'object' || provider === null) {
return false;
return (
'value' in provider ||
typeof provider.class === 'function' ||
typeof provider.factory === 'function'
isValueProvider(provider) ||
isClassProvider(provider) ||
......@@ -41,25 +57,26 @@ function isValidProvider(provider) {
* use the `run` method.
export class Injector {
constructor() {
// Map of name to object specifying how to create/provide that object.
this._providers = new Map();
/** Map of name to object specifying how to create/provide that object. */
private _providers: Map<string, Provider>;
/** Map of name to existing instance. */
private _instances: Map<string, unknown>;
/** Set of instances already being constructed. Used to detect circular dependencies. */
private _constructing: Set<string>;
// Map of name to existing instance.
this._instances = new Map();
// Set of instances already being constructed. Used to detect circular
// dependencies.
this._constructing = new Set();
constructor() {
this._providers = new Map<string, Provider>();
this._instances = new Map<string, unknown>();
this._constructing = new Set<string>();
* Construct or return the existing instance of an object with a given `name`
* @param {string} name - Name of object to construct
* @return {unknown} - The constructed object
* @param name - Name of object to construct
* @return The constructed object
get(name) {
get(name: string): unknown {
if (this._instances.has(name)) {
return this._instances.get(name);
......@@ -70,7 +87,7 @@ export class Injector {
throw new Error(`"${name}" is not registered`);
if ('value' in provider) {
if (isValueProvider(provider)) {
this._instances.set(name, provider.value);
return provider.value;
......@@ -85,8 +102,8 @@ export class Injector {
try {
const resolvedDependencies = [];
const dependencies =
('class' in provider && provider.class.$inject) ||
('factory' in provider && provider.factory.$inject) ||
(isClassProvider(provider) && provider.class.$inject) ||
(isFactoryProvider(provider) && provider.factory.$inject) ||
for (const dependency of dependencies) {
......@@ -103,7 +120,7 @@ export class Injector {
let instance;
if (provider.class) {
if (isClassProvider(provider)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line new-cap
instance = new provider.class(...resolvedDependencies);
} else {
......@@ -124,12 +141,10 @@ export class Injector {
* If `provider` is a function, it is treated like a class. In other words
* `register(name, SomeClass)` is the same as `register(name, { class: SomeClass })`.
* @param {string} name - Name of object
* @param {Function|Provider} provider -
* The class or other provider to use to create the object.
* @return {this}
* @param name - Name of object
* @param provider - The class or other provider to use to create the object.
register(name, provider) {
register(name: string, provider: Constructible | Provider): this {
if (typeof provider === 'function') {
provider = { class: provider };
} else if (!isValidProvider(provider)) {
......@@ -144,18 +159,17 @@ export class Injector {
* Run a function which uses one or more dependencies provided by the
* container.
* @template T
* @param {(...args: any[]) => T} callback -
* @param callback -
* A callback to run, with dependencies annotated in the same way as
* functions or classes passed to `register`.
* @return {any} - Returns the result of running the function.
* @return Returns the result of running the function.
run(callback) {
run<T>(callback: (...args: any[]) => T): T {
const tempName = '';
this.register(tempName, { factory: callback });
try {
return this.get(tempName);
return this.get(tempName) as T;
} finally {
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