Commit 27a6ac35 authored by Alejandro Celaya's avatar Alejandro Celaya Committed by Alejandro Celaya

Add description to annotations export formats

parent 6bd2b21f
......@@ -34,26 +34,31 @@ type ExportFormat = {
/** Unique format identifier used also as file extension */
value: 'json' | 'csv' | 'txt' | 'html';
name: string;
description: string;
const exportFormats: ExportFormat[] = [
value: 'json',
name: 'JSON',
description: 'For import into another Hypothesis group or document',
value: 'txt',
name: 'Text',
description: 'For import into Word or text editors',
value: 'csv',
name: 'CSV',
description: 'For import into a spreadsheet',
// TODO Enable these formats when implemented
// {
// value: 'html',
// name: 'HTML',
// description: '',
// },
......@@ -228,7 +233,14 @@ function ExportAnnotations({
<div className="flex-col gap-y-2">
<div className="font-bold" data-testid="format-name">
<div data-testid="format-description">
......@@ -241,11 +241,22 @@ describe('ExportAnnotations', () => {
const options = select.find(SelectNext.Option);
const optionText = (index, type) =>`[data-testid="format-${type}"]`).text();
assert.equal(options.length, 3);
assert.equal(, 'JSON');
assert.equal(, 'Text');
assert.equal(, 'CSV');
assert.equal(optionText(0, 'name'), 'JSON');
optionText(0, 'description'),
'For import into another Hypothesis group or document',
assert.equal(optionText(1, 'name'), 'Text');
optionText(1, 'description'),
'For import into Word or text editors',
assert.equal(optionText(2, 'name'), 'CSV');
assert.equal(optionText(2, 'description'), 'For import into a spreadsheet');
describe('export form submitted', () => {
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