Commit 29fd17c6 authored by Nick Stenning's avatar Nick Stenning

Improve error handling in test that uses setTimeout

If one of these asserts fails, then this test will timeout (taking 2
seconds to do so).

By using a small helper (`timeoutPromise`) to implement the "next tick"
functionality that was previously achieved with `setTimeout`, this is
improved: we return a promise from the test function and a failure will
be reported immediately.

See for more on returning
promises from mocha test functions.
parent b4653a0e
......@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ Guest = proxyquire('../guest', {
'scroll-into-view': scrollIntoView,
# A little helper which returns a promise that resolves after a timeout
timeoutPromise = (millis = 0) ->
new Promise((resolve) -> setTimeout(resolve, millis))
describe 'Guest', ->
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create()
CrossFrame = null
......@@ -215,18 +219,20 @@ describe 'Guest', ->
describe 'createAnnotation()', ->
it 'adds metadata to the annotation object', (done) ->
it 'adds metadata to the annotation object', ->
guest = createGuest()
sinon.stub(guest, 'getDocumentInfo').returns(Promise.resolve({
metadata: {title: 'hello'}
uri: ''
annotation = {}
setTimeout ->
.then ->
assert.equal(annotation.uri, '')
assert.deepEqual(annotation.document, {title: 'hello'})
it 'treats an argument as the annotation object', ->
guest = createGuest()
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