Commit 2e08adab authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

Add a directive for tracking nested aggregates

Rather than continuing to track the message counts in the thread
controller, make a separate deep-count directive that exports a
getter / setter from its controller that can be used to query and
increment counters that bubble aggreggations up to any deep-count
directive above.

Instead of firing a `threadCollapse` event when threads collapse
and canceling it from the annotation directive when the annotation
is being edited, the deep-count directive is used to track the
total number of messages in a thead, the number of matches found
by the thread-filter directive, and the number of annotations that
are being edited.

Remove most of the injectables from the thread controller and handle
more of the DOM-specific bits in the link function. The controller
becomes even simpler, but the directive needs tests now.
parent c458a2e6
......@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ AnnotationController = [
annotator.publish 'annotationDeleted', model
@action = 'view'
@editing = false
@action = 'view'
@editing = false
# @ngdoc method
......@@ -152,10 +152,6 @@ AnnotationController = [
$scope.$on '$destroy', ->
drafts.remove model
# Prevent threads from collapsing during editing.
$scope.$on 'threadCollapse', (event) ->
event.preventDefault() if vm.editing
# Render on updates.
$scope.$watch (-> model.updated), (updated) ->
if updated then drafts.remove model
......@@ -196,14 +192,14 @@ AnnotationController = [
# an embedded widget.
annotation = ['annotator', (annotator) ->
linkFn = (scope, elem, attrs, [ctrl, threadCtrl]) ->
linkFn = (scope, elem, attrs, [ctrl, thread, counter]) ->
# Helper function to remove the temporary thread created for a new reply.
prune = (message) ->
return if # threading plugin will take care of it
return unless threadCtrl.container.message is message
return unless thread.container.message is message
if threadCtrl?
if thread?
annotator.subscribe 'annotationDeleted', prune
scope.$on '$destroy', ->
annotator.unsubscribe 'annotationDeleted', prune
......@@ -219,10 +215,19 @@ annotation = ['annotator', (annotator) ->
scope.$evalAsync ->
scope.$on '$destroy', ->
if ctrl.editing then counter?.count 'edit', -1
scope.$watch (-> ctrl.editing), (editing, old) ->
if editing
counter?.count 'edit', 1
else if old
counter?.count 'edit', -1
controller: 'AnnotationController'
controllerAs: 'vm'
link: linkFn
require: ['annotation', '?^thread']
require: ['annotation', '?^thread', '?^deepCount']
annotationGet: '&annotation'
templateUrl: 'annotation.html'
......@@ -230,5 +235,5 @@ annotation = ['annotator', (annotator) ->
.controller('AnnotationController', AnnotationController)
.directive('annotation', annotation)
.controller('AnnotationController', AnnotationController).
directive('annotation', annotation)
# @ngdoc type
# @name deepCount.DeepCountController
# @description
# `DeepCountController` exports a single getter / setter that can be used
# to retrieve and manipulate a set of counters. Changes to these counters
# are bubbled and aggregated by any instances higher up in the DOM. Digests
# are performed from the top down, scheduled during animation frames, and
# debounced for performance.
DeepCountController = [
'$element', '$scope', 'render',
($element, $scope, render) ->
counters = {}
parent = $element.parent().controller('deepCount')
# @ngdoc method
# @name deepCount.DeepCountController#count
# @param {string} key An aggregate key.
# @param {number} delta If provided, the amount by which the aggregate
# for the given key should be incremented.
# @return {number} The value of the aggregate for the given key.
# @description
# Modify an aggregate when called with an argument and return its current
# value.
this.count = do -> __cancelFrame = null; (key, delta) ->
if delta is undefined or delta is 0 then return counters[key] or 0
counters[key] ?= 0
counters[key] += delta
unless counters[key] then delete counters[key]
if parent
# Bubble updates.
parent.count key, delta
# Debounce digests from the top.
if __cancelFrame then __cancelFrame()
__cancelFrame = render ->
__cancelFrame = null
counters[key] or 0
# @ngdoc directive
# @name deepCount
# @restrict A
# @description
# Directive that instantiates
# {@link deepCount.DeepCountController DeepCountController} and exports it
# to the current scope under the name specified by the attribute parameter.
deepCount = [
($parse) ->
controller: 'DeepCountController'
link: (scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) ->
parsedCounterName = $parse attrs.deepCount
if parsedCounterName.assign
parsedCounterName.assign scope, angular.bind ctrl, ctrl.count
.controller('DeepCountController', DeepCountController)
.directive('deepCount', deepCount)
......@@ -17,15 +17,12 @@ COLLAPSED_CLASS = 'thread-collapsed'
# replying and sharing.
ThreadController = [
'$attrs', '$element', '$parse', '$scope', 'flash', 'render',
($attrs, $element, $parse, $scope, flash, render) ->
@container = null
@collapsed = false
@hover = false
@shared = false
@messageCount = all: 0
parentThread = $element.parent().controller('thread')
vm = this
......@@ -35,8 +32,6 @@ ThreadController = [
# Creates a new message in reply to this thread.
this.reply = ->
return flash 'error', 'You must publish this before replying to it.'
if @collapsed then this.toggleCollapsed()
# Extract the references value from this container.
......@@ -57,16 +52,10 @@ ThreadController = [
# @ngdoc method
# @name thread.ThreadController#toggleCollapsed
# @description
# Fire a `threadCollapse` event and toggle the collapsed property
# unless a listener has called the `preventDefault` method on the event.
# Toggle the collapsed property.
this.toggleCollapsed = ->
return if ($scope.$broadcast 'threadCollapse').defaultPrevented
@collapsed = not @collapsed
if @collapsed
# @ngdoc method
......@@ -75,57 +64,11 @@ ThreadController = [
# Toggle the shared property.
this.toggleShared = ->
return flash 'error', 'You must publish this before sharing it.'
@shared = not @shared
if @shared
# Focus and select the share link
$scope.$evalAsync ->
this.addMessageCount = do -> __cancelFrame = null; (delta, key='all') ->
@messageCount[key] ?= 0
@messageCount[key] += delta
if parentThread
# Bubble updates.
parentThread.addMessageCount delta, key
# Debounce digests from the top.
if __cancelFrame then __cancelFrame()
__cancelFrame = render ->
__cancelFrame = null
# Hide the view initially
$scope.$on '$destroy', ->
if parentThread then parentThread.addMessageCount -1
# Render the view in a future animation frame
render ->
vm.container = $parse($attrs.thread)($scope)
vm.addMessageCount(if vm.container.message then 1 else 0)
# Watch the thread-collapsed attribute.
if $attrs.threadCollapsed
$scope.$watch $parse($attrs.threadCollapsed), (collapsed) ->
vm.toggleCollapsed() if !!collapsed != vm.collapsed
# @ngdoc event
# @name thread#threadCollapse
# @eventType broadcast on the current thread scope
# @description
# Broadcast before a thread collapse state is changed. The change can be
# prevented by calling the `preventDefault` method of the event.
# @ngdoc directive
......@@ -139,10 +82,10 @@ ThreadController = [
# the collapsed state of the thread.
thread = [
'$document', '$window',
($document, $window) ->
linkFn = (scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) ->
# Toggle collapse on click
'$document', '$parse', '$window', 'render',
($document, $parse, $window, render) ->
linkFn = (scope, elem, attrs, [ctrl, counter]) ->
# Toggle collapse on click.
elem.on 'click', (event) ->
......@@ -156,16 +99,50 @@ thread = [
if sel.containsNode(, true) and sel.toString().length
# Ignore if the user just activated a form element
# Ignore if the user just activated a form element.
if $document.activeElement is
# Ignore if edit interactions are present in the view.
if counter?.count('edit') > 0
scope.$evalAsync ->
# Hide the element initially.
# Queue a render frame to complete the binding and show the element.
render ->
ctrl.container = $parse(attrs.thread)(scope)
if ctrl.container.message? and counter?
counter.count 'message', 1
scope.$on '$destroy', -> counter.count 'message', -1
# Add and remove the collapsed class when the collapsed property changes.
scope.$watch (-> ctrl.collapsed), (collapsed) ->
if collapsed
attrs.$addClass COLLAPSED_CLASS
attrs.$removeClass COLLAPSED_CLASS
# Focus and select the share link when it becomes available.
scope.$watch (-> ctrl.shared), (shared) ->
if shared then scope.$evalAsync ->
# Watch the thread-collapsed attribute.
if attrs.threadCollapsed
scope.$watch $parse(attrs.threadCollapsed), (collapsed) ->
ctrl.toggleCollapsed() if !!collapsed != ctrl.collapsed
controller: 'ThreadController'
controllerAs: 'vm'
link: linkFn
require: ['thread', '?^deepCount']
scope: true
......@@ -48,13 +48,12 @@ ThreadFilterController = [
# This method is a getter / setter.
# Set the filter configuration when called with an argument and return
# return the configuration. Resets the `hits` property to zero.
# return the configuration.
this.filters = (filters) ->
if filters is undefined then return @_filters
else if @filters == filters then return @_filters
@hits = 0
child.filters filters for child in @_children
@_filters = filters
......@@ -69,21 +68,18 @@ ThreadFilterController = [
# @description
# Check whether a message container carries a message matching the
# configured filters. If filtering is not active then the result is
# always `true`. Similarly, messages without an `id` are always treated
# as matches so that they are always visible for editing. Updates the
# `hits` property when a match is found that has not been seen before.
# always `true`. Updates the `hits` property to reflect changes in match
# status of the container by caching the result is the `__filterResult`
# property of the container.
this.check = (container) ->
unless then return true
unless container.__filters is @_filters
match = !!viewFilter.filter([container.message], @_filters).length
match = true
if match then @hits++
container.__filters = @_filters
container.__filterResult = match
unless container? then return false
match = !!viewFilter.filter([container.message], @_filters).length
match = true
@hits += (match - !!container.__filterResult)
container.__filterResult = match
# @ngdoc method
......@@ -133,16 +129,13 @@ ThreadFilterController = [
threadFilter = [
'$parse', 'searchfilter'
($parse, searchfilter) ->
linkFn = (scope, elem, attrs, [ctrl, threadCtrl]) ->
linkFn = (scope, elem, attrs, [ctrl, thread, counter]) ->
scope.$watch (-> ctrl.hits), (newValue=0, oldValue=0) ->
if (delta = newValue - oldValue) == 0 then return
threadCtrl.addMessageCount delta, 'filter'
counter?.count 'match', newValue - oldValue
scope.$on '$destroy', ->
threadCtrl.addMessageCount -ctrl.hits, 'filter'
if threadCtrl.container?
delete threadCtrl.container.__filters
delete threadCtrl.container.__filterResult
if thread.container then delete thread.container.__filterResult
counter?.count 'match', -ctrl.hits
if parentCtrl = elem.parent().controller('threadFilter')
ctrl.filters parentCtrl.filters()
......@@ -159,7 +152,7 @@ threadFilter = [
controller: 'ThreadFilterController'
controllerAs: 'threadFilter'
link: linkFn
require: ['threadFilter', 'thread']
require: ['threadFilter', 'thread', '?^deepCount']
......@@ -12,33 +12,18 @@ describe 'h.directives.thread', ->
beforeEach module('h.directives')
beforeEach inject ($controller, $rootScope) ->
$attrs =
$addClass: sinon.spy()
$removeClass: sinon.spy()
thread: 'thread'
$scope = $rootScope.$new()
flash = sinon.spy()
render = (cb) -> cb()
createController = ->
$scope.thread = mail.messageContainer()
$scope.thread.message = id: 'foo', uri: ''
$element = angular.element('<div thread="thread"><input /></div>')
$controller 'ThreadController', {$attrs, $element, $scope, flash, render}
controller = $controller 'ThreadController'
controller.container = mail.messageContainer()
controller.container.message = id: 'foo', uri: ''
afterEach ->
it 'sets its initial collapsed state', ->
controller = createController()
assert.equal(controller.collapsed, false, 'defaults to false')
$attrs.threadCollapsed = 'true'
controller = createController()
assert.equal(controller.collapsed, true, 'accepts a boolean value')
describe '#reply', ->
controller = null
container = null
......@@ -47,8 +32,8 @@ describe 'h.directives.thread', ->
beforeEach ->
controller = createController()
container = $scope.thread
message = container.message
{container} = controller
{message} = container
it 'expands if collapsed', ->
......@@ -82,24 +67,6 @@ describe 'h.directives.thread', ->
after = controller.collapsed
assert.equal(before, !after)
it 'adds and removes the collapsed class', ->
controller = createController()
assert.calledWith($attrs.$addClass, 'thread-collapsed')
assert.calledWith($attrs.$removeClass, 'thread-collapsed')
it 'broadcasts the threadCollapse event', ->
$scope.$on 'threadCollapse', (event) ->
sandbox.spy($scope, '$broadcast')
controller = createController()
before = controller.collapsed
after = controller.collapsed
assert.equal(before, after)
describe '#toggleShared', ->
it 'sets the shared property', ->
controller = createController()
......@@ -107,11 +74,3 @@ describe 'h.directives.thread', ->
after = controller.shared
assert.equal(before, !after)
it 'focuses the first input element', ->
sandbox.spy(jQuery.fn, 'focus')
controller = createController()
inject(($timeout) -> $timeout.flush())
input = $element.find('input')
assert.deepEqual(jQuery.fn.focus.thisValues[0], input)
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