Commit 3178f917 authored by Sean Hammond's avatar Sean Hammond

Extract domainModel<->vm tags translation

Extract the translation of tags in AnnotationController from domainModel.tags
format to vm.tags format and vice-versa into functions.

This is for clarity, and so that the transformations can be used in multiple
places in the code without duplication.
parent 0e3d3921
......@@ -3,6 +3,18 @@
var events = require('../events');
/** Return a domainModel tags array from the given vm tags array.
* domainModel.tags and vm.tags use different formats. This function returns a
* domainModel.tags-formatted copy of the given vm.tags-formatted array.
function domainModelTagsFromViewModelTags(viewModelTags) {
return (viewModelTags || []).map(function(tag) {
return tag.text;
/** Return a human-readable error message for the given server error.
* @param {object} reason The error object from the server. Should have
......@@ -104,20 +116,16 @@ function isNew(annotation) {
function updateDomainModel(domainModel, vm) {
domainModel.text = vm.text;
domainModel.tags = {
return tag.text;
domainModel.tags = domainModelTagsFromViewModelTags(vm.tags);
/** Update the view model from the domain model changes. */
function updateViewModel(drafts, domainModel, vm) {
var draft = drafts.get(domainModel);
// Extend the view model with a copy of the domain model.
// Note that copy is used so that deep properties aren't shared.
vm.annotation = {
text: domainModel.text,
tags: domainModel.tags,
tags: viewModelTagsFromDomainModelTags(domainModel.tags),
// FIXME: These and other vm.annotation.* variables that the templates are
// using need to move out of vm.annotation and onto vm.
......@@ -128,19 +136,16 @@ function updateViewModel(drafts, domainModel, vm) {
// If we have unsaved changes to this annotation, apply them
// to the view model.
var draft = drafts.get(domainModel);
if (draft) {
angular.extend(vm.annotation, angular.copy(draft));
vm.annotation.tags = viewModelTagsFromDomainModelTags(draft.tags);
vm.annotationURI = new URL(
'/a/' +, vm.baseURI).href;
vm.document = extractDocumentMetadata(domainModel);
// Form the tags for ngTagsInput.
vm.annotation.tags = (vm.annotation.tags || []).map(function(tag) {
return {text: tag};
/** Return truthy if the given annotation is valid, falsy otherwise.
......@@ -180,6 +185,18 @@ function validate(annotation, permissions) {
return (targets.length && !worldReadable);
/** Return a vm tags array from the given domainModel tags array.
* domainModel.tags and vm.tags use different formats. This function returns a
* vm.tags-formatted copy of the given domainModel.tags-formatted array.
function viewModelTagsFromDomainModelTags(domainModelTags) {
return (domainModelTags || []).map(function(tag) {
return {text: tag};
* `AnnotationController` provides an API for the annotation directive. It
* manages the interaction between the domain and view models and uses the
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