Commit 3435f32e authored by Lyza Danger Gardner's avatar Lyza Danger Gardner Committed by Lyza Gardner

Remove buttons SASS

Instead, use SASS from `frontend-shared` package
parent 226f6155
@use "../../shared/components/buttons";
@use '@hypothesis/frontend-shared/styles/components/buttons';
@use "../mixins/layout";
@use "../mixins/molecules";
@use "../mixins/utils";
@use "sass:color";
@use '../variables' as var;
@use '@hypothesis/frontend-shared/styles/components/buttons' as shared-buttons;
@use '../../shared/components/buttons' as shared-buttons;
@use '../variables' as var;
@use '../mixins/buttons';
@use '../mixins/layout';
@use './components/buttons/styles';
@use './components/Dialog';
@use "sass:map";
// Set colors for a button
@mixin _colors($colormap) {
color: map.get($colormap, 'foreground');
background-color: map.get($colormap, 'background');
&:disabled {
color: map.get($colormap, 'disabled-foreground');
// Set hover colors and transition for a button
@mixin _hover-state($colormap) {
&:hover:not([disabled]) {
color: map.get($colormap, 'hover-foreground');
background-color: map.get($colormap, 'hover-background');
transition: color 0.2s ease-out, background-color 0.2s ease-out,
opacity 0.2s ease-out;
// Set active state colors for a button
@mixin _active-state($colormap) {
&[aria-pressed='true'] {
color: map.get($colormap, 'active-foreground');
@if map.get($colormap, 'active-background') {
background-color: map.get($colormap, 'active-background');
&:hover:not([disabled]) {
color: map.get($colormap, 'hover-foreground');
&:focus:not([disabled]) {
color: map.get($colormap, 'active-foreground');
// Variant mixin: may be be used by variants (BEM modifier classes)
@mixin button--variant($options) {
@include _colors(map.get($options, 'colormap'));
@if map.get($options, 'withStates') {
@include _active-state(map.get($options, 'colormap'));
@include _hover-state(map.get($options, 'colormap'));
// Base mixin for buttons.
@mixin button($options) {
@include _colors(map.get($options, 'colormap'));
@if map.get($options, 'withStates') {
@include _active-state(map.get($options, 'colormap'));
@include _hover-state(map.get($options, 'colormap'));
border-radius: map.get($options, 'border-radius');
border: none;
padding: 0.5em;
&--small {
padding: 0.25em;
&--large {
padding: 0.75em;
font-size: 1em;
font-weight: 700;
white-space: nowrap; // Keep multi-word button labels from wrapping
@if map.get($options, 'inline') {
display: inline;
} @else {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
@if map.get($options, 'withLayout') {
&--icon-left svg {
margin-right: map.get($options, 'margin');
&--icon-right svg {
margin-left: map.get($options, 'margin');
// When a button has "layout", that indicates it has some textual content:
// Size text to the contextual 1em, and adjust the icon to look balanced.
// H frontend app buttons tend to apply an icon:text ratio of ~1.25:1
svg {
width: 1.25em;
height: 1.25em;
} @else {
// In the case where an icon is the only content in a <button> element,
// size the icon based on contextual font-size. i.e. the icon IS
// the content
svg {
width: 1em;
height: 1em;
@use 'sass:map';
@use '../../variables' as var;
// Map variables to local tokens
$touch-target-size: var.$touch-target-size !default;
$color-g1: var.$color-grey-1 !default;
$color-g2: var.$color-grey-2 !default;
$color-g3: var.$color-grey-3 !default;
$color-g4: var.$color-grey-4 !default;
$color-g6: var.$color-grey-6 !default;
$color-g7: var.$color-grey-7 !default;
$color-gsemi: var.$color-grey-semi !default;
$color-gmid: var.$color-grey-mid !default;
$color-brand: var.$color-brand !default;
$color-link-hover: var.$color-link-hover !default;
// Colors for labeled buttons
$LabeledButton-colors: (
'foreground': $color-gmid,
'background': $color-g1,
'hover-foreground': $color-g7,
'hover-background': $color-g2,
'active-foreground': $color-g7,
'disabled-foreground': $color-gmid,
// Variant currently unused
$LabeledButton-colors--light: $LabeledButton-colors;
$LabeledButton-colors--primary: (
'foreground': $color-g1,
'background': $color-gmid,
'hover-foreground': $color-g1,
'hover-background': $color-g6,
'active-foreground': $color-g1,
'disabled-foreground': $color-g4,
$LabeledButton-colors--dark: (
'foreground': $color-gmid,
'background': transparent,
'hover-foreground': $color-g7,
'hover-background': $color-g3,
'active-foreground': $color-gmid,
'active-background': $color-g3,
'disabled-foreground': $color-gmid,
// Colors for icon-only buttons
$IconButton-colors: (
'foreground': $color-gmid,
'background': transparent,
'hover-foreground': $color-g7,
'hover-background': transparent,
'active-foreground': $color-brand,
'disabled-foreground': $color-gmid,
$IconButton-colors--light: (
'foreground': $color-gsemi,
'background': transparent,
'hover-foreground': $color-g6,
'hover-background': transparent,
'active-foreground': $color-gsemi,
'disabled-foreground': $color-gsemi,
$IconButton-colors--primary: (
'foreground': $color-brand,
'background': transparent,
'hover-foreground': $color-brand,
'hover-background': transparent,
'active-foreground': $color-brand,
'disabled-foreground': $color-gmid,
// Variant currently unused
$IconButton-colors--dark: $IconButton-colors;
// Colors for buttons styled as "links"
$LinkButton-colors: (
'foreground': $color-gmid,
'background': transparent,
'hover-foreground': $color-link-hover,
'hover-background': transparent,
'active-foreground': $color-g7,
'disabled-foreground': $color-gmid,
// Variant currently unused
$LinkButton-colors--light: $LinkButton-colors;
$LinkButton-colors--primary: (
'foreground': $color-brand,
'background': transparent,
'hover-foreground': $color-brand,
'hover-background': transparent,
'active-foreground': $color-brand,
'disabled-foreground': $color-gmid,
$LinkButton-colors--dark: (
'foreground': $color-g7,
'background': transparent,
'hover-foreground': $color-link-hover,
'hover-background': transparent,
'active-foreground': $color-g7,
'disabled-foreground': $color-gmid,
$-IconButton: (
'normal': $IconButton-colors,
'primary': $IconButton-colors--primary,
'dark': $IconButton-colors--dark,
'light': $IconButton-colors--light,
$-LabeledButton: (
'normal': $LabeledButton-colors,
'primary': $LabeledButton-colors--primary,
'dark': $LabeledButton-colors--dark,
'light': $LabeledButton-colors--light,
$-LinkButton: (
'normal': $LinkButton-colors,
'primary': $LinkButton-colors--primary,
'dark': $LinkButton-colors--dark,
'light': $LinkButton-colors--light,
// Return a color map corresponding to a button component-variant combination
// Defaults to `LabeledButton--normal`
@function colors-for($button-type: 'LabeledButton', $variant: 'normal') {
$colors: map.get($-LabeledButton, 'normal');
@if $button-type == 'IconButton' {
$colors: map.get($-IconButton, $variant);
@if $button-type == 'LabeledButton' {
$colors: map.get($-LabeledButton, $variant);
@if $button-type == 'LinkButton' {
$colors: map.get($-LinkButton, $variant);
@return $colors;
@forward 'config' show colors-for;
@forward 'mixins' show reset, Button, IconButton, LabeledButton, LinkButton;
@use "sass:map";
@use "@hypothesis/frontend-shared/styles/mixins/focus";
@use 'config' as c;
@use 'base';
// Basic reset for browser-imposed button styles
@mixin reset {
@include focus.outline-on-keyboard-focus;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
background-color: transparent;
border-style: none;
// Base mixin for <button> elements
@mixin Button($options: ()) {
$defaultOptions: (
// What colors should be used for this button's styling?
'colormap': c.$LabeledButton-colors,
// And for its variants...needed if `withVariants` is true (true is default)
'colormap--primary': c.$LabeledButton-colors--primary,
'colormap--dark': c.$LabeledButton-colors--dark,
'colormap--light': c.$LabeledButton-colors--light,
// Should this button apply an inline layout? (default is flex)
'inline': false,
// Should styling be added for "active" and "hover" states for this <button>?
'withStates': true,
// Should styling be added to support the layout of multiple sub-elements
// of this <button>? Not needed if <button> contains only one child.
'withLayout': false,
// Provide styling for light, primary and dark variants? If this is true,
// make sure all variant colormaps are provided
'withVariants': true,
// Internal margin around SVG icon
'margin': 0.5em,
'border-radius': 2px
$-options: map.merge($defaultOptions, $options);
@include reset;
@include base.button($options: $-options);
// Add styles for supported variants as modifier classes, if `withVariants` enabled
@if (map.get($-options, 'withVariants')) {
&--light {
$-light-options: (
'colormap': map.get($-options, 'colormap--light'),
'withStates': map.get($-options, 'withStates'),
@include base.button--variant($-light-options);
&--primary {
$-primary-options: (
'colormap': map.get($-options, 'colormap--primary'),
'withStates': map.get($-options, 'withStates'),
@include base.button--variant($-primary-options);
&--dark {
$-dark-options: (
'colormap': map.get($-options, 'colormap--dark'),
'withStates': map.get($-options, 'withStates'),
@include base.button--variant($-dark-options);
// Base mixin for a button with an icon and no label/content. Supports
// variants and sizes. Will assert responsive touch-target sizing in
// --medium (default) and --large variants.
@mixin IconButton($options: ()) {
$defaultOptions: (
'colormap': c.$IconButton-colors,
'colormap--light': c.$IconButton-colors--light,
'colormap--primary': c.$IconButton-colors--primary,
'colormap--dark': c.$IconButton-colors--dark,
'responsive': true,
$-options: map.merge($defaultOptions, $options);
@include Button($-options) {
// Establish a minimum touch-target for touch devices if 'responsive'
// option is enabled (default). This is not applied to the `--small`
// size variant.
@if map.get($-options, 'responsive') {
@media (pointer: coarse) {
&--large {
min-width: c.$touch-target-size;
min-height: c.$touch-target-size;
// Base mixin for a button that has text/content and, optionally, an icon.
// Supports variants and sizes.
@mixin LabeledButton($options: ()) {
$defaultOptions: (
'colormap': c.$LabeledButton-colors,
'colormap--light': c.$LabeledButton-colors--light,
'colormap--primary': c.$LabeledButton-colors--primary,
'colormap--dark': c.$LabeledButton-colors--dark,
'withLayout': true,
$-options: map.merge($defaultOptions, $options);
@include Button($-options);
// Base mixin for a button styled to look like an <a> link. Supports variants
// but not pressed/active states at present.
@mixin LinkButton($options: ()) {
$defaultOptions: (
'colormap': c.$LinkButton-colors,
'colormap--light': c.$LinkButton-colors--light,
'colormap--primary': c.$LinkButton-colors--primary,
'colormap--dark': c.$LinkButton-colors--dark,
$-options: map.merge($defaultOptions, $options);
@include Button($-options) {
// Lighter font weight for link-styled buttons
font-weight: 400;
// Add an underline on hover
&:hover:not([disabled]) {
text-decoration: underline;
&--primary {
// Primary variant has bolder text (and also different colors)
font-weight: 500;
// Remove padding to allow button to appear flush with surrounding content
padding: 0;
@use 'mixins';
// A button with text, and optionally an icon
.LabeledButton {
@include mixins.LabeledButton;
// A button with only an icon and no label/text
.IconButton {
@include mixins.IconButton;
// A button styled to appear as a link, with underline on hover
.LinkButton {
@include mixins.LinkButton;
@use "sass:map";
@use '../variables' as var;
// Button styling for the sidebar extending common button-component styles
@use '../shared/components/buttons';
@use '@hypothesis/frontend-shared/styles/components/buttons';
@use '../variables' as var;
// Similar to `.LinkButton`, with inline layout (so button can be used
// within text)
@use "../../shared/components/buttons";
@use '@hypothesis/frontend-shared/styles/components/buttons';
@use "../../mixins/layout";
@use "../../mixins/utils";
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
@use '@hypothesis/frontend-shared/styles';
// Temporary shared styles
// FIXME: Replace with shared-package variant when available
// FIXME: Currently needed for Dialog styling
@use '../shared';
// Custom button styling for the application
......@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
@use '../sidebar/elements';
@use '../variables' as var;
// Shared styles from frontend-shared package
@use '@hypothesis/frontend-shared/styles';
// Shared styles from components/styles temporarily still in this repository
@use '../shared';
body {
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