Commit 3485febd authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

Tests for annotation share function

parent d19c613f
......@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ assert = chai.assert
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create()
describe 'h.directives.annotation', ->
$compile = null
$document = null
$scope = null
$timeout = null
annotator = null
......@@ -10,8 +12,11 @@ describe 'h.directives.annotation', ->
flash = null
beforeEach module('h')
beforeEach module('h.templates')
beforeEach inject ($controller, $rootScope, _$timeout_) ->
beforeEach inject (_$compile_, $controller, _$document_, $rootScope, _$timeout_) ->
$compile = _$compile_
$document = _$document_
$timeout = _$timeout_
$scope = $rootScope.$new()
$scope.annotationGet = (locals) -> annotation
......@@ -262,3 +267,23 @@ describe 'h.directives.annotation', ->
describe 'share', ->
$element = null
$isolateScope = null
dialog = null
beforeEach ->
template = '<div annotation="annotation">'
$scope.annotation = annotation
$element = $compile(template)($scope)
$isolateScope = $element.isolateScope()
dialog = $element.find('.share-dialog-wrapper')
it 'sets and unsets the open class on the share wrapper', ->
$element.find('a').filter(-> this.title == 'Share').click()
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