Commit 35feb3ff authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #327 from hypothesis/mobile-scrolling

Fix Mobile Safari Scrolling
parents b82424e2 ce139154
......@@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ function FakeVirtualThreadList($scope, $window, rootThread) {
inherits(FakeVirtualThreadList, EventEmitter);
describe('threadList', function () {
var threadListContainers;
function createThreadList(inputs) {
var defaultInputs = {
thread: threadFixtures.thread,
......@@ -76,8 +78,33 @@ describe('threadList', function () {
onSetCollapsed: sinon.stub(),
var element = util.createDirective(document, 'threadList',
Object.assign({}, defaultInputs, inputs));
// Create a scrollable container for the `<thread-list>` so that scrolling
// can be tested.
var parentEl = document.createElement('div'); = 'scroll'; = '100px';
// Add an element inside the scrollable container which is much taller than
// the container, so that it actually becomes scrollable.
var tallDiv = document.createElement('div'); = '1000px';
// Create the `<thread-list>` instance
var element = util.createDirective(
Object.assign({}, defaultInputs, inputs),
{}, // initialScope
'', // initialHtml
{ parentElement: parentEl }
element.parentEl = parentEl;
return element;
......@@ -91,6 +118,13 @@ describe('threadList', function () {
angular.mock.module('app', {
VirtualThreadList: FakeVirtualThreadList,
threadListContainers = [];
afterEach(function () {
threadListContainers.forEach(function (el) {
it('displays the children of the root thread', function () {
......@@ -102,34 +136,38 @@ describe('threadList', function () {
describe('when a new annotation is created', function () {
var scrollSpy;
beforeEach(function () {
scrollSpy = sinon.stub(window, 'scroll');
afterEach(function () {
it('scrolls the annotation into view', function () {
var element = createThreadList();
element.parentEl.scrollTop = 500;
var annot = annotFixtures.annotation;
element.scope.$broadcast(events.BEFORE_ANNOTATION_CREATED, annot);
// Check that the thread list was scrolled up to make the new annotation
// visible.
assert.isBelow(element.parentEl.scrollTop, 100);
it('does not scroll the annotation into view if it is a reply', function () {
var element = createThreadList();
element.parentEl.scrollTop = 500;
var reply = annotFixtures.reply;
element.scope.$broadcast(events.BEFORE_ANNOTATION_CREATED, reply);
// Check that the thread list was not scrolled
assert.equal(element.parentEl.scrollTop, 500);
it('does not scroll the annotation into view if it is a highlight', function () {
var element = createThreadList();
element.parentEl.scrollTop = 500;
var highlight = annotFixtures.highlight;
element.scope.$broadcast(events.BEFORE_ANNOTATION_CREATED, highlight);
// Check that the thread list was not scrolled
assert.equal(element.parentEl.scrollTop, 500);
it('clears the selection', function () {
......@@ -43,14 +43,40 @@ var virtualThreadOptions = {
* Return the closest ancestor of `el` which is scrollable.
* @param {Element} el
function closestScrollableAncestor(el) {
var parentEl = el;
while (parentEl !== document.body) {
var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(parentEl);
if (computedStyle.overflowY === 'scroll') {
return parentEl;
parentEl = parentEl.parentElement;
return parentEl;
// @ngInject
function ThreadListController($scope, VirtualThreadList) {
function ThreadListController($element, $scope, VirtualThreadList) {
// `visibleThreads` keeps track of the subset of all threads matching the
// current filters which are in or near the viewport and the view then renders
// only those threads, using placeholders above and below the visible threads
// to reserve space for threads which are not actually rendered.
var self = this;
var visibleThreads = new VirtualThreadList($scope, window, this.thread, virtualThreadOptions);
// `scrollRoot` is the `Element` to scroll when scrolling a given thread into
// view.
this.scrollRoot = closestScrollableAncestor($element[0]);
var options = Object.assign({
scrollRoot: this.scrollRoot,
}, virtualThreadOptions);
var visibleThreads = new VirtualThreadList($scope, window, this.thread, options);
visibleThreads.on('changed', function (state) {
self.virtualThreadList = {
visibleThreads: state.visibleThreads,
......@@ -76,17 +102,14 @@ function ThreadListController($scope, VirtualThreadList) {
* of the view.
function scrollOffset(id) {
// Note: This assumes that the element occupies the entire height of the
// containing document. It would be preferable if only the contents of the
// <thread-list> itself scrolled.
var maxYOffset = document.body.scrollHeight - window.innerHeight;
var maxYOffset = self.scrollRoot.scrollHeight - self.scrollRoot.clientHeight;
return Math.min(maxYOffset, visibleThreads.yOffsetOf(id));
/** Scroll the annotation with a given ID or $tag into view. */
function scrollIntoView(id) {
var estimatedYOffset = scrollOffset(id);
window.scroll(0, estimatedYOffset);
self.scrollRoot.scrollTop = estimatedYOffset;
// As a result of scrolling the sidebar, the target scroll offset for
// annotation `id` might have changed as a result of:
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ describe('VirtualThreadList', function () {
var fakeScope;
var fakeScrollRoot;
var fakeWindow;
function idRange(start, end) {
......@@ -45,6 +46,25 @@ describe('VirtualThreadList', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
fakeScope = {$digest: sinon.stub()};
fakeScrollRoot = {
scrollTop: 0,
listeners: {},
addEventListener: function (event, listener) {
this.listeners[event] = this.listeners[event] || [];
removeEventListener: function (event, listener) {
this.listeners[event] = this.listeners[event].filter(function (fn) {
return fn !== listener;
trigger: function (event) {
(this.listeners[event] || []).forEach(function (cb) {
fakeWindow = {
listeners: {},
addEventListener: function (event, listener) {
......@@ -57,15 +77,15 @@ describe('VirtualThreadList', function () {
trigger: function (event) {
this.listeners[event].forEach(function (cb) {
(this.listeners[event] || []).forEach(function (cb) {
innerHeight: 100,
pageYOffset: 0,
threadOptions.invisibleThreadFilter = sinon.stub().returns(false);
threadOptions.scrollRoot = fakeScrollRoot;
var rootThread = {annotation: undefined, children: []};
threadList = new VirtualThreadList(fakeScope, fakeWindow, rootThread, threadOptions);
......@@ -77,7 +97,7 @@ describe('VirtualThreadList', function () {
unroll('generates expected state when #when', function (testCase) {
var thread = generateRootThread(testCase.threads);
fakeWindow.pageYOffset = testCase.scrollOffset;
fakeScrollRoot.scrollTop = testCase.scrollOffset;
fakeWindow.innerHeight = testCase.windowHeight;
// make sure for everything that is not being presented in the
......@@ -93,7 +113,7 @@ describe('VirtualThreadList', function () {
assert.equal(lastState.offscreenUpperHeight, testCase.expectedHeightAbove);
assert.equal(lastState.offscreenLowerHeight, testCase.expectedHeightBelow);
when: 'window is scrolled to top of list',
when: 'scrollRoot is scrolled to top of list',
threads: 100,
scrollOffset: 0,
windowHeight: 300,
......@@ -101,7 +121,7 @@ describe('VirtualThreadList', function () {
expectedHeightAbove: 0,
expectedHeightBelow: 18800,
when: 'window is scrolled to middle of list',
when: 'scrollRoot is scrolled to middle of list',
threads: 100,
scrollOffset: 2000,
windowHeight: 300,
......@@ -109,7 +129,7 @@ describe('VirtualThreadList', function () {
expectedHeightAbove: 1000,
expectedHeightBelow: 16800,
when: 'window is scrolled to bottom of list',
when: 'scrollRoot is scrolled to bottom of list',
threads: 100,
scrollOffset: 18800,
windowHeight: 300,
......@@ -118,15 +138,17 @@ describe('VirtualThreadList', function () {
expectedHeightBelow: 0,
unroll('recalculates when a window.#event occurs', function (testCase) {
it('recalculates when a window.resize occurs', function () {
lastState = null;
event: 'resize',
event: 'scroll',
it('recalculates when a scrollRoot.scroll occurs', function () {
lastState = null;
it('recalculates when root thread changes', function () {
threadList.setRootThread({annotation: undefined, children: []});
......@@ -137,7 +159,7 @@ describe('VirtualThreadList', function () {
unroll('affects visible threads', function (testCase) {
var thread = generateRootThread(10);
fakeWindow.innerHeight = 500;
fakeWindow.pageYOffset = 0;
fakeScrollRoot.scrollTop = 0;
idRange(0,10).forEach(function (id) {
threadList.setThreadHeight(id, testCase.threadHeight);
......@@ -154,16 +176,18 @@ describe('VirtualThreadList', function () {
describe('#detach', function () {
unroll('stops listening to window.#event events', function (testCase) {
it('stops listening to window.resize events', function () {
lastState = null;
event: 'resize',
event: 'scroll',
it('stops listening to scrollRoot.scroll events', function () {
lastState = null;
describe('#yOffsetOf', function () {
......@@ -4,6 +4,16 @@ var EventEmitter = require('tiny-emitter');
var debounce = require('lodash.debounce');
var inherits = require('inherits');
* @typedef Options
* @property {Function} [invisibleThreadFilter] - Function used to determine
* whether an off-screen thread should be rendered or not. Called with a
* `Thread` and if it returns `true`, the thread is rendered even if offscreen.
* @property {Element} [scrollRoot] - The scrollable Element which contains the
* thread list. The set of on-screen threads is determined based on the scroll
* position and height of this element.
* VirtualThreadList is a helper for virtualizing the annotation thread list.
......@@ -20,10 +30,7 @@ var inherits = require('inherits');
* @param {Window} container - The Window displaying the list of annotation threads.
* @param {Thread} rootThread - The initial Thread object for the top-level
* threads.
* @param {Object} options - The render-time options to help make final adjustments
* to what is and is not rendered.
* options.invisibleThreadFilter allows integrator to tell us what should be
* rerendered but not visible to the user yet.
* @param {Options} options
function VirtualThreadList($scope, window_, rootThread, options) {
var self = this;
......@@ -36,16 +43,17 @@ function VirtualThreadList($scope, window_, rootThread, options) {
this._heights = {};
this.window = window_;
this.scrollRoot = options.scrollRoot || document.body;
var debouncedUpdate = debounce(function () {
}, 20);
this.window.addEventListener('scroll', debouncedUpdate);
this.scrollRoot.addEventListener('scroll', debouncedUpdate);
this.window.addEventListener('resize', debouncedUpdate);
this._detach = function () {
this.window.removeEventListener('scroll', debouncedUpdate);
this.scrollRoot.removeEventListener('scroll', debouncedUpdate);
this.window.removeEventListener('resize', debouncedUpdate);
......@@ -153,17 +161,20 @@ VirtualThreadList.prototype._updateVisibleThreads = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < allThreads.length; i++) {
thread = allThreads[i];
var threadHeight = this._height(;
var added = false;
if (usedHeight + threadHeight < this.window.pageYOffset - MARGIN_ABOVE) {
if (usedHeight + threadHeight < this.scrollRoot.scrollTop - MARGIN_ABOVE) {
// Thread is above viewport
offscreenUpperHeight += threadHeight;
} else if (usedHeight <
this.window.pageYOffset + visibleHeight + MARGIN_BELOW) {
this.scrollRoot.scrollTop + visibleHeight + MARGIN_BELOW) {
// Thread is either in or close to the viewport
added = true;
} else {
// Thread is below viewport
offscreenLowerHeight += threadHeight;
......@@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ hypothesis-app {
@include grey-background;
min-height: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow: scroll;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
padding: $sidebar-h-padding;
padding-top: $sidebar-h-padding + $top-bar-height;
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
border-bottom: solid 1px $gray-lighter;
height: $top-bar-height;
font-size: 15px;
position: fixed;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
right: 0;
top: 0;
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