Commit 3a9d395a authored by Kyle Keating's avatar Kyle Keating Committed by Kyle Keating

Remove isBrowserExtension logic from settings.js

nb. This is now handled inside of getConfig()
parent b208c1e9
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import { parseJsonConfig } from '../../boot/parse-json-config';
import { toBoolean } from '../../shared/type-coercions';
import configFuncSettingsFrom from './config-func-settings-from';
import { isBrowserExtension } from './is-browser-extension';
import { urlFromLinkTag } from './url-from-link-tag';
......@@ -130,17 +129,8 @@ export default function settingsFrom(window_) {
function hostPageSetting(name, options = {}) {
const allowInBrowserExt = options.allowInBrowserExt || false;
const hasDefaultValue = typeof options.defaultValue !== 'undefined';
// TODO: Remove this logic
if (
!allowInBrowserExt &&
isBrowserExtension(urlFromLinkTag(window_, 'sidebar', 'html'))
) {
return hasDefaultValue ? options.defaultValue : null;
if (configFuncSettings.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
return configFuncSettings[name];
......@@ -3,21 +3,16 @@ import { $imports } from '../settings';
describe('annotator/config/settingsFrom', () => {
let fakeConfigFuncSettingsFrom;
let fakeIsBrowserExtension;
let fakeParseJsonConfig;
let fakeUrlFromLinkTag;
beforeEach(() => {
fakeConfigFuncSettingsFrom = sinon.stub().returns({});
fakeIsBrowserExtension = sinon.stub().returns(false);
fakeUrlFromLinkTag = sinon.stub().returns('');
fakeParseJsonConfig = sinon.stub().returns({});
'./config-func-settings-from': fakeConfigFuncSettingsFrom,
'./is-browser-extension': {
isBrowserExtension: fakeIsBrowserExtension,
'./url-from-link-tag': {
urlFromLinkTag: fakeUrlFromLinkTag,
......@@ -354,23 +349,6 @@ describe('annotator/config/settingsFrom', () => {
it("defaults to 'always' if there's no showHighlights setting in the host page", () => {
assert.equal(settingsFrom(fakeWindow()).showHighlights, 'always');
context('when the client is in a browser extension', () => {
beforeEach('configure a browser extension client', () => {
it("doesn't read the setting from the host page, defaults to 'always'", () => {
showHighlights: 'never',
showHighlights: 'never',
assert.equal(settingsFrom(fakeWindow()).showHighlights, 'always');
describe('#hostPageSetting', () => {
......@@ -378,7 +356,6 @@ describe('annotator/config/settingsFrom', () => {
when: 'the client is embedded in a web page',
specify: 'it returns setting values from window.hypothesisConfig()',
isBrowserExtension: false,
configFuncSettings: { foo: 'configFuncValue' },
jsonSettings: { foo: 'ignored' }, // hypothesisConfig() overrides js-hypothesis-config
expected: 'configFuncValue',
......@@ -395,7 +372,6 @@ describe('annotator/config/settingsFrom', () => {
when: 'the client is embedded in a web page',
specify: 'it returns setting values from js-hypothesis-config objects',
isBrowserExtension: false,
configFuncSettings: {},
jsonSettings: { foo: 'jsonValue' },
expected: 'jsonValue',
......@@ -404,7 +380,6 @@ describe('annotator/config/settingsFrom', () => {
when: 'the client is embedded in a web page',
'hypothesisConfig() settings override js-hypothesis-config ones',
isBrowserExtension: false,
configFuncSettings: { foo: 'configFuncValue' },
jsonSettings: { foo: 'jsonValue' },
expected: 'configFuncValue',
......@@ -413,7 +388,6 @@ describe('annotator/config/settingsFrom', () => {
when: 'the client is embedded in a web page',
'even a null from hypothesisConfig() overrides js-hypothesis-config',
isBrowserExtension: false,
configFuncSettings: { foo: null },
jsonSettings: { foo: 'jsonValue' },
expected: null,
......@@ -422,42 +396,13 @@ describe('annotator/config/settingsFrom', () => {
when: 'the client is embedded in a web page',
'even an undefined from hypothesisConfig() overrides js-hypothesis-config',
isBrowserExtension: false,
configFuncSettings: { foo: undefined },
jsonSettings: { foo: 'jsonValue' },
expected: undefined,
when: 'the client is in a browser extension',
specify: 'it always returns null',
isBrowserExtension: true,
configFuncSettings: { foo: 'configFuncValue' },
jsonSettings: { foo: 'jsonValue' },
expected: null,
when: 'the client is in a browser extension and allowInBrowserExt: true is given',
specify: 'it returns settings from window.hypothesisConfig()',
isBrowserExtension: true,
allowInBrowserExt: true,
configFuncSettings: { foo: 'configFuncValue' },
jsonSettings: {},
expected: 'configFuncValue',
when: 'the client is in a browser extension and allowInBrowserExt: true is given',
specify: 'it returns settings from js-hypothesis-configs',
isBrowserExtension: true,
allowInBrowserExt: true,
configFuncSettings: {},
jsonSettings: { foo: 'jsonValue' },
expected: 'jsonValue',
when: 'no default value is provided',
specify: 'it returns null',
isBrowserExtension: false,
allowInBrowserExt: false,
configFuncSettings: {},
jsonSettings: {},
defaultValue: undefined,
......@@ -466,8 +411,6 @@ describe('annotator/config/settingsFrom', () => {
when: 'a default value is provided',
specify: 'it returns that default value',
isBrowserExtension: false,
allowInBrowserExt: false,
configFuncSettings: {},
jsonSettings: {},
defaultValue: 'test value',
......@@ -476,33 +419,19 @@ describe('annotator/config/settingsFrom', () => {
when: 'a default value is provided but it is overridden',
specify: 'it returns the overridden value',
isBrowserExtension: false,
allowInBrowserExt: false,
configFuncSettings: { foo: 'not the default value' },
jsonSettings: {},
defaultValue: 'the default value',
expected: 'not the default value',
when: 'the client is in a browser extension and a default value is provided',
specify: 'it returns the default value',
isBrowserExtension: true,
allowInBrowserExt: false,
configFuncSettings: { foo: 'ignore me' },
jsonSettings: { foo: 'also ignore me' },
defaultValue: 'the default value',
expected: 'the default value',
].forEach(function (test) {
context(test.when, () => {
specify(test.specify, () => {
const settings = settingsFrom(fakeWindow());
const setting = settings.hostPageSetting('foo', {
allowInBrowserExt: test.allowInBrowserExt || false,
defaultValue: test.defaultValue || null,
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