Commit 3c849a81 authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight

Remove sidebar toggle button swipe gesture handling

Remove logic for handling swipe gestures on the sidebar's toggle button.
Trying to perform a swipe on a target as small as the toggle button is
difficult and it doesn't offer advantages over just tapping the button
to open and close. Behavior that _might_ be useful is being able to
two-finger swipe on the whole sidebar to open or close it, but this conflicts
with the browser's own swipe gesture handling. Just remove it entirely
for now.

 - Remove swipe gesture handling

 - Remove unnecessary use of jQuery

 - Ensure that the `_setupGestures` code path is exercised by tests
parent 43b7fef8
import $ from 'jquery';
import Hammer from 'hammerjs';
import annotationCounts from './annotation-counts';
......@@ -90,6 +89,11 @@ export default class Sidebar extends Host {
destroy() {
_setupSidebarEvents() {
annotationCounts(document.body, this.crossframe);
sidebarTrigger(document.body, () =>;
......@@ -117,27 +121,17 @@ export default class Sidebar extends Host {
_setupGestures() {
const toggle = $(this.toolbar.sidebarToggleButton);
if (toggle[0]) {
const toggleButton = this.toolbar.sidebarToggleButton;
if (toggleButton) {
// Prevent any default gestures on the handle.
toggle.on('touchmove', e => e.preventDefault());
toggleButton.addEventListener('touchmove', e => e.preventDefault());
// Set up Hammer instance and handlers.
const manager = new Hammer.Manager(toggle[0])
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-properties
.on('panstart panend panleft panright', this._onPan.bind(this))
this._hammerManager = new Hammer.Manager(toggleButton)
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-properties
.on('swipeleft swiperight', this._onSwipe.bind(this));
// Set up gesture recognition.
const pan = manager.add(
.on('panstart panend panleft panright', this._onPan.bind(this));
new Hammer.Pan({ direction: Hammer.DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL })
const swipe = manager.add(
new Hammer.Swipe({ direction: Hammer.DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL })
......@@ -271,17 +265,6 @@ export default class Sidebar extends Host {
_onSwipe(event) {
switch (event.type) {
case 'swipeleft':;
case 'swiperight':
show() {'sidebarOpened');
......@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ describe('Sidebar', () => {
let fakeCrossFrame;
const sidebarConfig = { pluginClasses: {} };
// `Sidebar` instances created by current test.
let sidebars;
let FakeToolbarController;
let fakeToolbar;
......@@ -32,7 +35,11 @@ describe('Sidebar', () => {
config = Object.assign({}, sidebarConfig, config);
const element = document.createElement('div');
return new Sidebar(element, config);
const sidebar = new Sidebar(element, config);
return sidebar;
const createExternalContainer = () => {
......@@ -44,8 +51,6 @@ describe('Sidebar', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
sandbox.stub(Sidebar.prototype, '_setupGestures');
fakeCrossFrame = {};
fakeCrossFrame.onConnect = sandbox.stub().returns(fakeCrossFrame);
fakeCrossFrame.on = sandbox.stub().returns(fakeCrossFrame);
......@@ -75,6 +80,8 @@ describe('Sidebar', () => {
sidebarConfig.pluginClasses.CrossFrame = CrossFrame;
sidebarConfig.pluginClasses.BucketBar = BucketBar;
sidebars = [];
'./toolbar': {
ToolbarController: FakeToolbarController,
......@@ -83,6 +90,7 @@ describe('Sidebar', () => {
afterEach(() => {
sidebars.forEach(s => s.destroy());
......@@ -361,26 +369,6 @@ describe('Sidebar', () => {
describe('swipe gestures', () => {
let sidebar;
beforeEach(() => {
sidebar = createSidebar({});
it('opens the sidebar on swipeleft', () => {
const show = sandbox.stub(sidebar, 'show');
sidebar._onSwipe({ type: 'swipeleft' });
it('closes the sidebar on swiperight', () => {
const hide = sandbox.stub(sidebar, 'hide');
sidebar._onSwipe({ type: 'swiperight' });
describe('destruction', () => {
let sidebar;
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