Commit 3c9d560e authored by Nick Stenning's avatar Nick Stenning

Merge pull request #3114 from hypothesis/editor-block-formatting

Fix list/quote toolbar command when selection is empty and cursor is at start of line
parents bbc29fab 1f8ac8a9
......@@ -41,14 +41,14 @@ function replaceText(state, pos, length, text) {
var newSelectionStart = state.selectionStart;
var newSelectionEnd = state.selectionEnd;
if (newSelectionEnd <= pos) {
// 1. Selection is before replaced text: Leave selection unchanged
} else if (newSelectionStart >= pos + length) {
// 2. Selection is after replaced text:
if (newSelectionStart >= pos + length) {
// 1. Selection is after replaced text:
// Increment (start, end) by difference in length between original and
// replaced text
newSelectionStart += text.length - length;
newSelectionEnd += text.length - length;
} else if (newSelectionEnd <= pos) {
// 2. Selection is before replaced text: Leave selection unchanged
} else if (newSelectionStart <= pos &&
newSelectionEnd >= pos + length) {
// 3. Selection fully contains replaced text:
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ function toggleSpanStyle(state, prefix, suffix, placeholder) {
if (state.selectionStart === state.selectionEnd && placeholder) {
newState = replaceText(state, state.selectionStart, 0, placeholder);
newState.selectionEnd = newState.selectionStart + placeholder.length;
newState.selectionStart = newState.selectionEnd - placeholder.length;
if (selectionPrefix === prefix && selectionSuffix === suffix) {
......@@ -72,23 +72,32 @@ describe('markdown commands', function () {
describe('block formatting', function () {
function toggle(state) {
return commands.toggleBlockStyle(state, '> ');
var CASES = {
'adds formatting to blocks': {
input: 'one\n<sel>two\nthree</sel>\nfour',
output: 'one\n> <sel>two\n> three</sel>\nfour',
'removes formatting from blocks': {
input: 'one \n<sel>> two\n> three</sel>\nfour',
output: 'one \n<sel>two\nthree</sel>\nfour',
'preserves the selection': {
input: 'one <sel>two\nthree </sel>four',
output: '> one <sel>two\n> three </sel>four',
'inserts the block prefix before an empty selection': {
input: '<sel></sel>',
output: '> <sel></sel>',
it('adds formatting to blocks', function () {
var output = toggle(parseState('one\n<sel>two\nthree</sel>\nfour'));
assert.equal(formatState(output), 'one\n> <sel>two\n> three</sel>\nfour');
it('removes formatting from blocks', function () {
var output = toggle(parseState('one \n<sel>> two\n> three</sel>\nfour'));
assert.equal(formatState(output), 'one \n<sel>two\nthree</sel>\nfour');
Object.keys(CASES).forEach(function (case_) {
it(case_, function () {
var output = commands.toggleBlockStyle(
parseState(CASES[case_].input), '> '
assert.equal(formatState(output), CASES[case_].output);
it('preserves the selection', function () {
var output = toggle(parseState('one <sel>two\nthree </sel>four'));
assert.equal(formatState(output), '> one <sel>two\n> three </sel>four');
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