Unverified Commit 3e2e39a5 authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #1763 from hypothesis/dependency-injector-v2

Implement container to replace AngularJS's dependency injector for services (v2)
parents 9a98e6f2 947a2acc
/* global Map */
* @typedef Provider
* @prop {any} [value] - The value for the object
* @prop {Function} [class] - A class that should be instantiated to create the object
* @prop {Function} [factory] - Function that should be called to create the object
* @param {Provider} provider
function isValidProvider(provider) {
if (typeof provider !== 'object' || provider === null) {
return false;
return (
'value' in provider ||
typeof provider.class === 'function' ||
typeof provider.factory === 'function'
* `Injector` is a dependency injection container.
* It provides a convenient way to instantiate a set of named objects with
* dependencies. Objects are constructed using a _provider_, which can be a
* factory function, class constructor or value.
* If the provider is a factory function or constructor it may have dependencies
* which are indicated by a `$inject` property on the function/class which
* is a list of the names of the dependencies. The `$inject` property can be
* added manually or by a compiler plugin (eg. `babel-plugin-angularjs-annotate`).
* To construct an object, call the `register` method with the name and provider
* for the object and each of its dependencies, and then call
* the `get` method to construct the object and its dependencies return it.
export class Injector {
constructor() {
// Map of name to object specifying how to create/provide that object.
this._providers = new Map();
// Map of name to existing instance.
this._instances = new Map();
// Set of instances already being constructed. Used to detect circular
// dependencies.
this._constructing = new Set();
* Construct or return the existing instance of an object with a given `name`
* @param {string} name - Name of object to construct
* @return {any} - The constructed object
get(name) {
if (this._instances.has(name)) {
return this._instances.get(name);
const provider = this._providers.get(name);
if (!provider) {
throw new Error(`"${name}" is not registered`);
if ('value' in provider) {
this._instances.set(name, provider.value);
return provider.value;
if (this._constructing.has(name)) {
throw new Error(
`Encountered a circular dependency when constructing "${name}"`
try {
const resolvedDependencies = [];
const dependencies =
('class' in provider && provider.class.$inject) ||
('factory' in provider && provider.factory.$inject) ||
for (const dependency of dependencies) {
try {
} catch (e) {
const resolveErr = new Error(
`Failed to construct dependency "${dependency}" of "${name}": ${e.message}`
resolveErr.cause = e;
throw resolveErr;
let instance;
if (provider.class) {
// eslint-disable-next-line new-cap
instance = new provider.class(...resolvedDependencies);
} else {
const factory = provider.factory;
instance = factory(...resolvedDependencies);
this._instances.set(name, instance);
return instance;
} finally {
* Register a provider for an object in the container.
* If `provider` is a function, it is treated like a class. In other words
* `register(name, SomeClass)` is the same as `register(name, { class: SomeClass })`.
* @param {string} name - Name of object
* @param {Function|Provider} provider -
* The class or other provider to use to create the object.
* @return {this}
register(name, provider) {
if (typeof provider === 'function') {
provider = { class: provider };
} else if (!isValidProvider(provider)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid provider for "${name}"`);
this._providers.set(name, provider);
return this;
import { Injector } from '../injector';
describe('Injector', () => {
describe('#get', () => {
it('calls a "factory" provider as a function to create the object', () => {
const instance = 'aValue';
const factory = sinon.stub().callsFake(function() {
return instance;
const container = new Injector();
container.register('service', { factory });
const constructed = container.get('service');
assert.equal(constructed, instance);
it('calls a "class" provider with `new` to create instance', () => {
class Foo {}
const container = new Injector();
container.register('foo', Foo);
container.register('foo2', { class: Foo });
const constructed = container.get('foo');
assert.instanceOf(constructed, Foo);
const constructed2 = container.get('foo2');
assert.instanceOf(constructed2, Foo);
it('uses the value of a "value" provider as the instance', () => {
const instance = {};
const container = new Injector();
container.register('anObject', { value: instance });
assert.equal(container.get('anObject'), instance);
it('returns the existing instance if already constructed', () => {
const instance = {};
const factory = sinon.stub().returns(instance);
const container = new Injector();
container.register('service', factory);
const constructed = container.get('service');
assert.equal(constructed, instance);
it('resolves dependencies', () => {
const container = new Injector();
const foo = {};
const bar = {};
const fooFactory = sinon.stub().returns(foo);
const barFactory = sinon.stub().returns(bar);
const bazFactory = (foo, bar) => ({ foo, bar });
bazFactory.$inject = ['foo', 'bar'];
container.register('foo', fooFactory);
container.register('bar', barFactory);
container.register('baz', bazFactory);
const baz = container.get('baz');
assert.equal(baz.foo, foo);
assert.equal(baz.bar, bar);
it('resolves transitive dependencies', () => {
const container = new Injector();
const addDeps = (factory, dependencies) => {
factory.$inject = dependencies;
return factory;
container.register('a', { value: 'a' });
container.register('b', { factory: addDeps(a => a + 'b', ['a']) });
container.register('c', {
factory: addDeps((b, a) => b + 'c' + a, ['b', 'a']),
assert.equal(container.get('c'), 'abca');
it('throws an error if provider is not registered for name', () => {
const container = new Injector();
assert.throws(() => {
}, '"invalid" is not registered');
it('throws an error if dependency is not registered', () => {
const container = new Injector();
const fooFactory = () => 42;
fooFactory.$inject = ['bar'];
container.register('foo', fooFactory);
assert.throws(() => {
}, 'Failed to construct dependency "bar" of "foo"');
it('throws an error if a circular dependency is encountered', () => {
const container = new Injector();
const fooFactory = () => 42;
fooFactory.$inject = ['foo'];
container.register('foo', fooFactory);
let err;
try {
} catch (e) {
err = e;
assert.instanceOf(err, Error);
'Error: Failed to construct dependency "foo" of "foo": Encountered a circular dependency when constructing "foo"'
assert.instanceOf(err.cause, Error);
'Error: Encountered a circular dependency when constructing "foo"'
describe('#register', () => {
it('returns container for chaining', () => {
const container = new Injector();
container.register('foo', () => 42),
[{}, 'invalid', true, null, undefined].forEach(invalidProvider => {
it('throws an error if the provider is not valid', () => {
const container = new Injector();
assert.throws(() => {
container.register('foo', invalidProvider);
}, `Invalid provider for "foo"`);
......@@ -205,7 +205,68 @@ import * as random from './util/random';
import * as time from './util/time';
import VirtualThreadList from './virtual-thread-list';
import { Injector } from '../shared/injector';
function startAngularApp(config) {
// Create dependency injection container for services.
// This is a replacement for the use of Angular's dependency injection
// (including its `$injector` service) to construct services with dependencies.
const container = new Injector();
// Register services.
.register('analytics', analyticsService)
.register('annotationMapper', annotationMapperService)
.register('annotationsService', annotationsService)
.register('api', apiService)
.register('apiRoutes', apiRoutesService)
.register('auth', authService)
.register('bridge', bridgeService)
.register('features', featuresService)
.register('flash', flashService)
.register('frameSync', frameSyncService)
.register('groups', groupsService)
.register('localStorage', localStorageService)
.register('permissions', permissionsService)
.register('persistedDefaults', persistedDefaultsService)
.register('rootThread', rootThreadService)
.register('searchFilter', searchFilterService)
.register('serviceUrl', serviceUrlService)
.register('session', sessionService)
.register('streamer', streamerService)
.register('streamFilter', streamFilterService)
.register('tags', tagsService)
.register('unicode', unicodeService)
.register('viewFilter', viewFilterService)
.register('store', store);
// Register utility values/classes.
// nb. In many cases these can be replaced by direct imports in the services
// that use them, since they don't depend on instances of other services.
.register('$window', { value: window })
.register('Discovery', { value: Discovery })
.register('OAuthClient', { value: OAuthClient })
.register('VirtualThreadList', { value: VirtualThreadList })
.register('isSidebar', { value: isSidebar })
.register('random', { value: random })
.register('serviceConfig', { value: serviceConfig })
.register('settings', { value: config })
.register('time', { value: time })
.register('urlEncodeFilter', { value: urlEncodeFilter });
// Register services which only Angular can construct, once Angular has
// constructed them.
// @ngInject
function registerAngularServices($rootScope, toastr) {
.register('toastr', { value: toastr })
.register('$rootScope', { value: $rootScope });
.module('h', [angularRoute, angularToastr])
......@@ -250,48 +311,53 @@ function startAngularApp(config) {
.directive('hTooltip', hTooltipDirective)
.directive('windowScroll', windowScrollDirective)
.service('analytics', analyticsService)
.service('annotationMapper', annotationMapperService)
.service('annotationsService', annotationsService)
.service('api', apiService)
.service('apiRoutes', apiRoutesService)
.service('auth', authService)
.service('bridge', bridgeService)
.service('features', featuresService)
.service('flash', flashService)
.service('frameSync', frameSyncService)
.service('groups', groupsService)
.service('localStorage', localStorageService)
.service('permissions', permissionsService)
.service('persistedDefaults', persistedDefaultsService)
.service('rootThread', rootThreadService)
.service('searchFilter', searchFilterService)
.service('serviceUrl', serviceUrlService)
.service('session', sessionService)
.service('streamer', streamerService)
.service('streamFilter', streamFilterService)
.service('tags', tagsService)
.service('unicode', unicodeService)
.service('viewFilter', viewFilterService)
// Register services, the store and utilities with Angular, so that
// Angular components can use them.
.service('analytics', () => container.get('analytics'))
.service('annotationMapper', () => container.get('annotationMapper'))
.service('annotationsService', () => container.get('annotationsService'))
.service('api', () => container.get('api'))
.service('apiRoutes', () => container.get('apiRoutes'))
.service('auth', () => container.get('auth'))
.service('bridge', () => container.get('bridge'))
.service('features', () => container.get('features'))
.service('flash', () => container.get('flash'))
.service('frameSync', () => container.get('frameSync'))
.service('groups', () => container.get('groups'))
.service('localStorage', () => container.get('localStorage'))
.service('permissions', () => container.get('permissions'))
.service('persistedDefaults', () => container.get('persistedDefaults'))
.service('rootThread', () => container.get('rootThread'))
.service('searchFilter', () => container.get('searchFilter'))
.service('serviceUrl', () => container.get('serviceUrl'))
.service('session', () => container.get('session'))
.service('streamer', () => container.get('streamer'))
.service('streamFilter', () => container.get('streamFilter'))
.service('tags', () => container.get('tags'))
.service('unicode', () => container.get('unicode'))
.service('viewFilter', () => container.get('viewFilter'))
// Redux store
.service('store', store)
.service('store', () => container.get('store'))
// Utilities
.value('Discovery', Discovery)
.value('OAuthClient', OAuthClient)
.value('VirtualThreadList', VirtualThreadList)
.value('isSidebar', isSidebar)
.value('random', random)
.value('serviceConfig', serviceConfig)
.value('settings', config)
.value('time', time)
.value('urlEncodeFilter', urlEncodeFilter)
.value('Discovery', container.get('Discovery'))
.value('OAuthClient', container.get('OAuthClient'))
.value('VirtualThreadList', container.get('VirtualThreadList'))
.value('isSidebar', container.get('isSidebar'))
.value('random', container.get('random'))
.value('serviceConfig', container.get('serviceConfig'))
.value('settings', container.get('settings'))
.value('time', container.get('time'))
.value('urlEncodeFilter', container.get('urlEncodeFilter'))
// Make Angular built-ins available to services constructed by `container`.
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ function displayName(ann) {
* which do not match the filter are then hidden.
// @ngInject
export default function viewFilter(unicode) {
export default function ViewFilter(unicode) {
* Normalize a field value or query term for comparison.
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