Commit 3ea92e7f authored by Jehan Tremback's avatar Jehan Tremback

made tabTruncate directive to provide appropriate width and max-width for the tabs

parent 2d42d602
......@@ -129,6 +129,15 @@ tabReveal = ['$parse', ($parse) ->
require: ['ngModel', 'tabbable']
tabTruncate = ->
link: (scope, iElement) ->
tabs = angular.element(iElement.children()[0].childNodes)
percentage = 100 / tabs.length + "%"
for i in [0..tabs.length-1]
angular.element(tabs[i]).css "width", percentage
# Brittle- <a> containing label must be first element in tab <li>.
a_width = tabs[i].childNodes[0].clientWidth
angular.element(tabs[i]).css "max-width", a_width
thread = ->
link: (scope, iElement, iAttrs, controller) ->
......@@ -143,3 +152,4 @@ angular.module('h.directives', ['ngSanitize'])
.directive('resettable', resettable)
.directive('tabReveal', tabReveal)
.directive('thread', thread)
.directive('tabTruncate', tabTruncate)
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