Commit 43f9cd73 authored by Alejandro Celaya's avatar Alejandro Celaya Committed by Alejandro Celaya

Migrate RouterService to TS

parent cd5b852c
* @typedef {'annotation'|'notebook'|'profile'|'stream'|'sidebar'} RouteName
* @typedef {Record<string,string>} RouteParams
import type { SidebarStore } from '../store';
type RouteName = 'annotation' | 'notebook' | 'profile' | 'stream' | 'sidebar';
type RouteParams = Record<string, string>;
* A service that manages the association between the route and route parameters
......@@ -9,11 +10,11 @@
// @inject
export class RouterService {
* @param {Window} $window
* @param {import('../store').SidebarStore} store
constructor($window, store) {
private _window: Window;
private _store: SidebarStore;
private _didRegisterPopstateListener: boolean;
constructor($window: Window, store: SidebarStore) {
this._window = $window;
this._store = store;
this._didRegisterPopstateListener = false;
......@@ -21,17 +22,14 @@ export class RouterService {
* Return the name and parameters of the current route.
* @return {{ route: RouteName, params: RouteParams }}
currentRoute() {
currentRoute(): { route: RouteName; params: RouteParams } {
const path = this._window.location.pathname;
const pathSegments = path.slice(1).split('/');
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(;
/** @type {Record<string, string>} */
const params = {};
for (let [key, value] of searchParams) {
const params: Record<string, string> = {};
for (const [key, value] of searchParams) {
params[key] = value;
......@@ -47,8 +45,7 @@ export class RouterService {
// extension.
const mainSegment = pathSegments[0].replace(/\.html$/, '');
/** @type {RouteName} */
let route;
let route: RouteName;
switch (mainSegment) {
case 'a':
......@@ -74,11 +71,8 @@ export class RouterService {
* Generate a URL for a given route.
* @param {RouteName} name
* @param {RouteParams} params
routeUrl(name, params = {}) {
routeUrl(name: RouteName, params: RouteParams = {}) {
let url;
const queryParams = { ...params };
......@@ -105,7 +99,7 @@ export class RouterService {
let hasParams = false;
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams();
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(queryParams)) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(queryParams)) {
hasParams = true;
searchParams.set(key, value);
......@@ -144,11 +138,8 @@ export class RouterService {
* Navigate to a given route.
* @param {RouteName} name
* @param {RouteParams} params
navigate(name, params) {
navigate(name: RouteName, params: RouteParams) {
this._window.history.pushState({}, '', this.routeUrl(name, params));
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