Commit 45ee38ce authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight Committed by Nick Stenning

Use Shadow DOM to isolate adder from host page's CSS (#49)

In browsers that support Shadow DOM (currently only Chrome, plus Firefox
behind a feature flag), use it to isolate the adder from the host page's

This fixes various problems where very generic CSS on the page could
affect the adder's styling.
parent 2a7ff979
......@@ -26,6 +26,65 @@ var ARROW_HEIGHT = 10;
// arrow position.
var ARROW_H_MARGIN = 20;
function attachShadow(element) {
if (element.attachShadow) {
// Shadow DOM v1 (Chrome v53, Safari 10)
return element.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
} else if (element.createShadowRoot) {
// Shadow DOM v0 (Chrome ~35-52)
return element.createShadowRoot();
} else {
return null;
* Create the DOM structure for the Adder.
* Returns the root DOM node for the adder, which may be in a shadow tree.
function createAdderDOM(container) {
var element;
// If the browser supports Shadow DOM, use it to isolate the adder
// from the page's CSS
// See
var shadowRoot = attachShadow(container);
if (shadowRoot) {
shadowRoot.innerHTML = template;
element = shadowRoot.querySelector('.js-adder');
// Load stylesheets required by adder into shadow DOM element
var adderStyles = Array.from(document.styleSheets).map(function (sheet) {
return sheet.href;
}).filter(function (url) {
return (url || '').match(/(icomoon|inject)\.css/);
// Stylesheet <link> elements are inert inside shadow roots [1]. Until
// Shadow DOM implementations support external stylesheets [2], grab the
// relevant CSS files from the current page and `@import` them.
// [1]
// [2]
// This will unfortunately break if the page blocks inline stylesheets via
// CSP, but that appears to be rare and if this happens, the user will still
// get a usable adder, albeit one that uses browser default styles for the
// toolbar.
var styleEl = document.createElement('style');
styleEl.textContent = (url) {
return '@import "' + url + '";';
} else {
container.innerHTML = template;
element = container.querySelector('.js-adder');
return element;
* Annotation 'adder' toolbar which appears next to the selection
* and provides controls for the user to create new annotations.
......@@ -36,8 +95,7 @@ var ARROW_H_MARGIN = 20;
function Adder(container, options) {
container.innerHTML = template;
var element = container.querySelector('.js-adder');
var element = createAdderDOM(container);
Object.assign(, {
// Set initial style. The adder is hidden using the `visibility`
'use strict';
var adder = require('../adder');
var unroll = require('../../test/util').unroll;
function rect(left, top, width, height) {
return {left: left, top: top, width: width, height: height};
......@@ -36,6 +37,30 @@ describe('adder', function () {
return {width: rect.width, height: rect.height};
context('when Shadow DOM is supported', function () {
unroll('creates the adder DOM in a shadow root', function (testCase) {
var adderEl = document.createElement('div');
var shadowEl;
adderEl[testCase.attachFn] = sinon.spy(function () {
shadowEl = document.createElement('shadow-root');
return shadowEl;
new adder.Adder(adderEl, adderCallbacks);
assert.equal(shadowEl.childNodes[0].tagName.toLowerCase(), 'hypothesis-adder-toolbar');
attachFn: 'createShadowRoot', // Shadow DOM v0 API
attachFn: 'attachShadow', // Shadow DOM v1 API
describe('button handling', function () {
it('calls onHighlight callback when Highlight button is clicked', function () {
var highlightBtn = adderCtrl.element.querySelector('.js-highlight-btn');
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