Commit 45fe9d7f authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight

Convert remaining modules in src/types to TypeScript

parent 6b36da07
import type { FocusUserInfo } from './rpc';
* Configuration for an annotation service.
......@@ -6,95 +8,96 @@
* The `onXXX` functions may be set by the embedder of the client. The
* `onXXXProvided` booleans are correspondingly set in the annotator if a
* particular function is provided.
* @typedef Service
* @prop {string} apiUrl
* @prop {string} authority
* @prop {string} grantToken
* @prop {string} [icon]
* @prop {string[]|Promise<string[]>|'$rpc:requestGroups'} [groups] -
export type Service = {
apiUrl: string;
authority: string;
grantToken: string;
icon?: string;
* List of IDs of groups to show. If the embedder specifies "$rpc:requestGroups",
* the list of groups is fetched from a parent frame and `groups` is
* replaced with a promise to represent the result.
* @prop {boolean} [allowFlagging]
* @prop {boolean} [allowLeavingGroups]
* @prop {boolean} [enableShareLinks]
* @prop {Function} [onLoginRequest]
* @prop {boolean} [onLoginRequestProvided]
* @prop {Function} [onLogoutRequest]
* @prop {boolean} [onLogoutRequestProvided]
* @prop {Function} [onSignupRequest]
* @prop {boolean} [onSignupRequestProvided]
* @prop {Function} [onProfileRequest]
* @prop {boolean} [onProfileRequestProvided]
* @prop {Function} [onHelpRequest]
* @prop {boolean} [onHelpRequestProvided]
groups?: string[] | Promise<string[]> | '$rpc:requestGroups';
allowFlagging?: boolean;
allowLeavingGroups?: boolean;
enableShareLinks?: boolean;
onHelpRequest?: () => void;
onHelpRequestProvided?: boolean;
onLoginRequest?: () => void;
onLoginRequestProvided?: boolean;
onLogoutRequest?: () => void;
onLogoutRequestProvided?: boolean;
onSignupRequest?: () => void;
onSignupRequestProvided?: boolean;
onProfileRequest?: () => void;
onProfileRequestProvided?: boolean;
* Configuration for the Sentry crash-reporting service.
* @typedef SentryConfig
* @prop {string} dsn
* @prop {string} environment
export type SentryConfig = {
dsn: string;
environment: string;
* Configuration for the sidebar app set by the Hypothesis backend ("h")
* or baked into the sidebar app at build time (in the browser extension).
* See `h.views.client` in the "h" application.
* @typedef ConfigFromSidebar
* @prop {string} apiUrl
* @prop {string} authDomain
* @prop {string} oauthClientId
* @prop {string[]} rpcAllowedOrigins
* @prop {SentryConfig} [sentry]
export type ConfigFromSidebar = {
apiUrl: string;
authDomain: string;
oauthClientId: string;
rpcAllowedOrigins: string[];
sentry?: SentryConfig;
* May be provided by `ConfigFromAnnotator` to configure a known ancestor
* frame as the "embedder" frame. `ConfigFromEmbedder` will be requested from
* this frame, and additional messaging (via postMessage) may be configured
* between the sidebar frame and this embedder frame.
* @typedef EmbedderFrameConfig
* @prop {number} ancestorLevel
* @prop {string} origin
export type EmbedderFrameConfig = {
ancestorLevel: number;
origin: string;
export type AnnotationEventType = 'create' | 'update' | 'flag' | 'delete';
* An "embedder frame" may provide configuration to be notified (via JSON RPC)
* of qualifying annotation activity from the sidebar frame.
* @typedef {'create'|'update'|'flag'|'delete'} AnnotationEventType
* @typedef ReportAnnotationActivityConfig
* @prop {string} method - Name of method to call in embedder frame on
* qualifying annotation activity
* @prop {AnnotationEventType[]} events - Which events to notify about
export type ReportAnnotationActivityConfig = {
/** Name of RPC method to call in embedded frame on qualifying annotation activity. */
method: string;
/** Which events to notify about. */
events: AnnotationEventType[];
* Structure of focus-mode config, provided in settings (app config)
* @typedef FocusConfig
* @prop {import('./rpc').FocusUserInfo} [user]
export type FocusConfig = {
user?: FocusUserInfo;
* List of theme elements which can be customized.
* @typedef {'accentColor'|
* 'annotationFontFamily' |
* 'appBackgroundColor'|
* 'ctaBackgroundColor'|
* 'ctaTextColor'|
* 'selectionFontFamily'
* } ThemeProperty
export type ThemeProperty =
| 'accentColor'
| 'annotationFontFamily'
| 'appBackgroundColor'
| 'ctaBackgroundColor'
| 'ctaTextColor'
| 'selectionFontFamily';
* Configuration provided by the annotator ("host frame") as
......@@ -104,43 +107,68 @@
* This is the subset of keys from
* which
* excludes any keys used only by the "annotator" part of the application.
export type ConfigFromHost = {
/** Direct-linked annotation ID. */
annotations?: string;
focus?: FocusConfig;
/** Direct-linked group ID */
group?: string;
/** Initial filter query. */
query?: string;
/** Method used to load the client (extension, Via proxy, embedded by publisher etc.) */
appType?: string;
/** Whether to open the sidebar on the initial load. */
openSidebar?: boolean;
/** Whether to show highlights. */
showHighlights?: boolean;
/** Theme properties (fonts, colors etc.) */
branding?: Record<ThemeProperty, string>;
/** Whether to show the "New note" button on the "Page notes" tab. */
enableExperimentalNewNoteButton?: boolean;
* Instructs the client to fetch configuration from an ancestor of the host
* frame.
* @typedef ConfigFromHost
* @prop {string} [annotations] - Direct-linked annotation ID
* @prop {FocusConfig} [focus]
* @prop {string} [group] - Direct-linked group ID
* @prop {string} [query] - Initial filter query
* @prop {string} [appType] - Method used to load the client
* @prop {boolean} [openSidebar] - Whether to open the sidebar on the initial load
* @prop {boolean} [showHighlights] - Whether to show highlights
* @prop {Record<ThemeProperty, string>} [branding] -
* Theme properties (fonts, colors etc.)
* @prop {boolean} [enableExperimentalNewNoteButton] -
* Whether to show the "New note" button on the "Page Notes" tab
* @prop {EmbedderFrameConfig} [requestConfigFromFrame] - Allows annotator to
* designate an ancestor frame from which configuration should be requested.
* Only valid when provided by annotator ("host frame").
* @prop {ReportAnnotationActivityConfig} [reportActivity] - Allows embedder to
* receive notifications on qualifying annotation activity. Only valid when
* provided by ancestor ("embedder frame").
* @prop {Service[]} [services] -
* Configuration for the annotation services that the client connects to
* @prop {string} [theme]
* Name of the base theme to use.
* @prop {string} [usernameUrl]
* URL template for username links
* This is primarily used in Hypothesis's LMS integration.
requestConfigFromFrame?: EmbedderFrameConfig;
* Request notifications be delivered to the frame specified by
* `requestConfigFromFrame` when certain annotation activity happens.
reportActivity?: ReportAnnotationActivityConfig;
/** Configuration for the annotation services that the client connects to. */
services?: Service[];
/** Name of the base theme to use. */
theme?: string;
/** URL template for username links. */
usernameUrl?: string;
* Settings derived from `ConfigFromAnnotator["requestConfigFromFrame"]`.
* These settings allow `ConfigFromEmbedder` to be requested from the
* designated frame, and allows subsequent communication between the sidebar
* and embedder frames.
* @typedef RPCSettings
* @prop {Window} targetFrame
* @prop {EmbedderFrameConfig['origin']} origin
export type RPCSettings = {
targetFrame: Window;
origin: EmbedderFrameConfig['origin'];
* `SidebarSettings` are created by merging "sidebar configuration"
......@@ -190,11 +218,12 @@
* | | +---------------------+ | |
* | +------------------------------------------+ |
* +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* @typedef {Omit<ConfigFromHost, "reportActivity">} ConfigFromAnnotator
* @typedef {Omit<ConfigFromHost, "requestConfigFromFrame">} ConfigFromEmbedder
* @typedef {ConfigFromHost & ConfigFromSidebar & { rpc?: RPCSettings }} SidebarSettings
export type SidebarSettings = ConfigFromHost &
ConfigFromSidebar & { rpc?: RPCSettings };
/** See {@link SidebarSettings} */
export type ConfigFromAnnotator = Omit<ConfigFromHost, 'reportActivity'>;
// Make TypeScript treat this file as a module.
export const unused = {};
/** See {@link SidebarSettings} */
export type ConfigFromEmbedder = Omit<ConfigFromHost, 'requestConfigFromFrame'>;
......@@ -2,25 +2,25 @@
* Type definitions for methods available to embedding frames that contain
* a host frame. This is specifically used by the LMS integration application.
/** @typedef {import('./api').GroupIdentifier} GroupIdentifier */
import type { GroupIdentifier } from './api';
* Data about a user to focus on in the sidebar. The intent is that the
* sidebar will filter annotations such that only those authored by this
* user are shown. If `groups` are provided, the sidebar will filter the set
* of shown groups to that set.
* @typedef FocusUserInfo
* @prop {string} [userid]
* @prop {string} [username]
* @prop {string} [displayName] - User's display name
* @prop {GroupIdentifier[]} [groups] - A list of group identifiers that
export type FocusUserInfo = {
userid?: string;
username?: string;
displayName?: string;
* A list of group identifiers that
* correspond to a set of groups specific to this focused user. This is
* assumed to be a subset of the groups currently loaded in the store. These
* identifiers, which can be either `id`s or `groupid`s, should be normalized
* to `id`s before use with the store.
// Make TypeScript treat this file as a module.
export const unused = {};
groups?: GroupIdentifier[];
......@@ -4,16 +4,11 @@
* Defined panel components available in the sidebar.
* @typedef {'help'|'loginPrompt'|'shareGroupAnnotations'} PanelName
export type PanelName = 'help' | 'loginPrompt' | 'shareGroupAnnotations';
* The top-level tabs in the sidebar interface. Used to reference which tab
* is currently selected (active/visible).
* @typedef {'annotation'|'note'|'orphan'} TabName
// Make TypeScript treat this file as a module.
export const unused = {};
export type TabName = 'annotation' | 'note' | 'orphan';
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