Commit 46b84d21 authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight

Use MessagePort `close` event if available

Use MessagePort's built-in `close` event to detect when the sending frame goes
away, instead of the sending window's `unload` event, which is being deprecated.

Currently only beta/dev versions of Chrome support the MessagePort `close`

parent 90ca06a2
......@@ -50,6 +50,20 @@ type ResponseMessage = {
type Message = RequestMessage | ResponseMessage;
function makeRequestMessage(
method: string,
args: unknown[] = [],
sequence = -1,
): RequestMessage {
return {
protocol: PROTOCOL,
version: VERSION,
arguments: args,
* Send a PortRPC method call.
......@@ -61,13 +75,7 @@ function sendCall(
args: unknown[] = [],
sequence = -1,
) {
protocol: PROTOCOL,
version: VERSION,
arguments: args,
} satisfies RequestMessage);
port.postMessage(makeRequestMessage(method, args, sequence));
......@@ -187,13 +195,27 @@ export class PortRPC<OnMethod extends string, CallMethod extends string>
userAgent = navigator.userAgent,
currentWindow = window,
}: { userAgent?: string; currentWindow?: Window } = {}) {
forceUnloadListener = false,
}: {
userAgent?: string;
currentWindow?: Window;
// Test seam. Force the use of a Window "unload" listener even if the
// browser supports "close" events for MessagePort.
forceUnloadListener?: boolean;
} = {}) {
this._port = null;
this._methods = new Map();
this._sequence = 1;
this._callbacks = new Map();
this._listeners = new ListenerCollection();
// In browsers that emit a "close" event when the other end of a MessagePort
// goes away, we can listen for that directly. In other browsers, we have to
// send the "close" event through the message channel when the window
// containing the sending port is unloaded.
if (!('onclose' in MessagePort.prototype) || forceUnloadListener) {
this._listeners.add(currentWindow, 'unload', () => {
if (this._port) {
// Send "close" notification directly. This works in Chrome, Firefox and
......@@ -215,6 +237,7 @@ export class PortRPC<OnMethod extends string, CallMethod extends string>
this._pendingCalls = [];
......@@ -249,6 +272,19 @@ export class PortRPC<OnMethod extends string, CallMethod extends string>
connect(port: MessagePort) {
this._port = port;
this._listeners.add(port, 'message', event => this._handle(event));
// For browsers that support a `close` event for MessagePort, we use that
// to identify when the other end disconnects. This is translated into a
// message event that is similar to what we receive in older browsers
// which use a Window unload handler instead.
this._listeners.add(port, 'close', () => {
new MessageEvent('message', {
data: makeRequestMessage('close'),
sendCall(port, 'connect');
......@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ describe('PortRPC', () => {
it('should send "close" event when window is unloaded', async () => {
const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannel();
const sender = new PortRPC();
const sender = new PortRPC({ forceUnloadListener: true });
const receiver = new PortRPC();
const closeHandler = sinon.stub();
......@@ -260,6 +260,26 @@ describe('PortRPC', () => {
it('should send "close" event when MessagePort emits "close" event', async () => {
const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannel();
const sender = new PortRPC();
const receiver = new PortRPC();
const closeHandler = sinon.stub();
receiver.on('close', closeHandler);
await waitForMessageDelivery();
const closed = waitForMessage(port2, 'close');
port2.dispatchEvent(new Event('close'));
await closed;
it('should only invoke "close" handler once', async () => {
const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannel();
const sender = new PortRPC();
......@@ -322,6 +342,7 @@ describe('PortRPC', () => {
const sender = new PortRPC({
userAgent: safariUserAgent,
currentWindow: childFrame.contentWindow,
forceUnloadListener: true,
const receiver = new PortRPC();
const closeHandler = sinon.stub();
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