Commit 4b03e69d authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight

Fetch access tokens and add Authorization header to API requests

Remove the global HTTP interceptor provided by angular-jwt which added
the Authorization header to API requests and replace it with explicit
logic in `createAPICall` to do the same thing.

This will enable replacing the JWT tokens with opaque access tokens when
using a publisher-provided grant token for authentication.

It also provides a more explicit way to only include the access token
with requests to the API, rather than filtering based on the URL prefix
of the request in the `tokenGetter` implementation.

 * Remove angular-jwt's HTTP interceptor and replace it with logic in
   store.js to explicitly fetch an access token using the `auth` module
   and add an Authorization header to API requests.

 * Convert standalone functions and global variables in auth.js to
   methods on the auth service. This will enable swapping out the
   current auth service implementation which uses cookies + CSRF
   for authentication with one that uses the OAuth grant token.

 * Fix several cases in store-test.js where functions that made
   assertions inside Promise callbacks did not explicitly wait for the
   Promise to resolve before finishing the test.
parent 697d50d7
......@@ -79,12 +79,9 @@ function configureRoutes($routeProvider) {
// @ngInject
function configureHttp($httpProvider, jwtInterceptorProvider) {
function configureHttp($httpProvider) {
// Use the Pyramid XSRF header name
$httpProvider.defaults.xsrfHeaderName = 'X-CSRF-Token';
// Setup JWT tokens for API requests
jwtInterceptorProvider.tokenGetter = require('./auth').tokenGetter;
// @ngInject
......@@ -161,7 +158,7 @@ module.exports = angular.module('h', [
.service('annotationMapper', require('./annotation-mapper'))
.service('annotationUI', require('./annotation-ui'))
.service('auth', require('./auth').service)
.service('auth', require('./auth'))
.service('bridge', require('../shared/bridge'))
.service('drafts', require('./drafts'))
.service('features', require('./features'))
'use strict';
* Provides functions for retrieving and caching API tokens required by
* API requests and logging out of the API.
// The user ID which the current cached token is valid for
userid: undefined,
......@@ -14,14 +9,11 @@ var INITIAL_TOKEN = {
token: undefined,
var cachedToken = INITIAL_TOKEN;
* Fetches a new API token for the current logged-in user.
* @return {Promise} - A promise for a new JWT token.
// @ngInject
function fetchToken($http, session, settings) {
var tokenUrl = new URL('token', settings.apiUrl).href;
......@@ -43,13 +35,21 @@ function fetchToken($http, session, settings) {
* Service for fetching and caching access tokens for the Hypothesis API.
// @ngInject
function auth($http, flash, jwtHelper, session, settings) {
var cachedToken = INITIAL_TOKEN;
* Fetches or returns a cached JWT API token for the current user.
* @return {Promise} - A promise for a JWT API token for the current
* user.
// @ngInject
function fetchOrReuseToken($http, jwtHelper, session, settings) {
// @ngInject
function fetchOrReuseToken($http, jwtHelper, session, settings) {
function refreshToken() {
return fetchToken($http, session, settings).then(function (token) {
return token;
......@@ -82,30 +82,12 @@ function fetchOrReuseToken($http, jwtHelper, session, settings) {
return token;
* JWT token fetcher function for use with 'angular-jwt'
* angular-jwt should be configured to use this function as its
* tokenGetter implementation.
// @ngInject
function tokenGetter($http, config, jwtHelper, session, settings) {
// Only send the token on requests to the annotation storage service
if (config.url.slice(0, settings.apiUrl.length) === settings.apiUrl) {
return fetchOrReuseToken($http, jwtHelper, session, settings);
} else {
return null;
function clearCache() {
function clearCache() {
cachedToken = INITIAL_TOKEN;
// @ngInject
function authService(flash, session) {
* Log out from the API and clear any cached tokens.
......@@ -122,13 +104,20 @@ function authService(flash, session) {
* Return an access token for authenticating API requests.
* @return {Promise<string>}
function tokenGetter() {
return fetchOrReuseToken($http, jwtHelper, session, settings);
return {
clearCache: clearCache,
tokenGetter: tokenGetter,
logout: logout,
module.exports = {
tokenGetter: tokenGetter,
clearCache: clearCache,
service: authService,
module.exports = auth;
......@@ -81,14 +81,26 @@ function serializeParams(params) {
* @param links - Object or promise for an object mapping named API routes to
* URL templates and methods
* @param route - The dotted path of the named API route (eg. `annotation.create`)
* @param {Function} tokenGetter - Function which returns a Promise for an
* access token for the API.
function createAPICall($http, links, route) {
function createAPICall($http, links, route, tokenGetter) {
return function (params, data) {
return links.then(function (links) {
return Promise.all([links, tokenGetter()]).then(function (linksAndToken) {
var links = linksAndToken[0];
var token = linksAndToken[1];
var descriptor = get(links, route);
var url = urlUtil.replaceURLParams(descriptor.url, params);
var headers = {};
if (token) {
headers.Authorization = 'Bearer ' + token;
var req = {
data: data ? stripInternalProperties(data) : null,
headers: headers,
method: descriptor.method,
params: url.params,
paramSerializer: serializeParams,
......@@ -108,20 +120,22 @@ function createAPICall($http, links, route) {
* the Hypothesis API (see
// @ngInject
function store($http, settings) {
function store($http, auth, settings) {
var links = retryUtil.retryPromiseOperation(function () {
return $http.get(settings.apiUrl);
}).then(function (response) {
var tokenGetter = auth.tokenGetter;
return {
search: createAPICall($http, links, 'search'),
search: createAPICall($http, links, 'search', tokenGetter),
annotation: {
create: createAPICall($http, links, 'annotation.create'),
delete: createAPICall($http, links, 'annotation.delete'),
get: createAPICall($http, links, ''),
update: createAPICall($http, links, 'annotation.update'),
create: createAPICall($http, links, 'annotation.create', tokenGetter),
delete: createAPICall($http, links, 'annotation.delete', tokenGetter),
get: createAPICall($http, links, '', tokenGetter),
update: createAPICall($http, links, 'annotation.update', tokenGetter),
......@@ -43,27 +43,25 @@ describe('auth', function () {
afterEach(function () {
describe('tokenGetter', function () {
function tokenGetter() {
var config = {url:''};
return auth.tokenGetter(fakeHttp, config, fakeJwtHelper,
fakeSession, fakeSettings);
function authFactory() {
var fakeFlash = { error: sinon.stub() };
return auth(fakeHttp, fakeFlash, fakeJwtHelper, fakeSession, fakeSettings);
describe('#tokenGetter', function () {
it('should fetch and return a new token', function () {
return tokenGetter().then(function (token) {
var auth = authFactory();
return auth.tokenGetter().then(function (token) {
assert.equal(token, fakeTokens[0]);
it('should cache tokens for future use', function () {
return tokenGetter().then(function () {
return tokenGetter();
var auth = authFactory();
return auth.tokenGetter().then(function () {
return auth.tokenGetter();
}).then(function (token) {
assert.equal(token, fakeTokens[0]);
......@@ -71,11 +69,12 @@ describe('auth', function () {
it('should refresh expired tokens', function () {
return tokenGetter().then(function () {
var auth = authFactory();
return auth.tokenGetter().then(function () {
fakeJwtHelper.isTokenExpired = function () {
return true;
return tokenGetter();
return auth.tokenGetter();
}).then(function (token) {
assert.equal(token, fakeTokens[1]);
......@@ -83,9 +82,10 @@ describe('auth', function () {
it('should fetch a new token if the userid changes', function () {
return tokenGetter().then(function () {
var auth = authFactory();
return auth.tokenGetter().then(function () {
fakeSession.state.userid = 'new-user-id';
return tokenGetter();
return auth.tokenGetter();
}).then(function (token) {
assert.equal(token, fakeTokens[1]);
......@@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ describe('auth', function () {
describe('.logout', function () {
describe('#logout', function () {
it('should call session.logout', function () {
var fakeFlash = {error: sinon.stub()};
return auth.service(fakeFlash, fakeSession).logout().then(function () {
var auth = authFactory();
return auth.logout().then(function () {
......@@ -22,12 +22,44 @@ describe('store', function () {
beforeEach(angular.mock.module(function ($provide) {
beforeEach(function () {
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
$provide.value('settings', {apiUrl: ''});
var fakeTokenGetter = function () {
return Promise.resolve('faketoken');
angular.mock.module('h', {
auth: {
tokenGetter: fakeTokenGetter,
settings: {apiUrl: ''},
* Wrapper around $httpBackend.flush() which allows for methods under test
* needing to fetch data using Promise-returning functions before they
* actually make an HTTP request.
* @param {number} [maxTicks] - Maximum number of event loop turns to wait.
function flushHttpRequests(maxTicks) {
try {
return null;
} catch (err) {
if (maxTicks === 0) {
throw new Error('No HTTP request was made');
// No HTTP request was made yet. Try again on the next tick of the event
// loop.
maxTicks = maxTicks || 5;
return Promise.resolve().then(function () {
flushHttpRequests(maxTicks - 1);
afterEach(function () {
......@@ -66,32 +98,41 @@ describe('store', function () {
it('saves a new annotation', function () {
store.annotation.create({}, {}).then(function (saved) {
var done = store.annotation.create({}, {}).then(function (saved) {
.respond(function () {
return [201, {id: 'new-id'}, {}];
return done;
it('updates an annotation', function () {
store.annotation.update({id: 'an-id'}, {text: 'updated'});
var done = store.annotation.update({id: 'an-id'}, {text: 'updated'});
.respond(function () {
return [200, {}, {}];
return done;
it('deletes an annotation', function () {
store.annotation.delete({id: 'an-id'}, {});
var done = store.annotation.delete({id: 'an-id'}, {});
.respond(function () {
return [200, {}, {}];
return done;
it('removes internal properties before sending data to the server', function () {
......@@ -100,20 +141,26 @@ describe('store', function () {
$notme: 'nooooo!',
allowed: 123,
store.annotation.create({}, annotation);
var done = store.annotation.create({}, annotation);
$httpBackend.expectPOST('', {
allowed: 123,
.respond(function () { return {id: 'test'}; });
.respond(function () { return [200, {id: 'test'}, {}]; });
return done;
// Our backend service interprets semicolons as query param delimiters, so we
// must ensure to encode them in the query string.
it('encodes semicolons in query parameters', function () {{'uri': ';baz=qux'});
var done ={'uri': ';baz=qux'});
.respond(function () { return [200, {}, {}]; });
return done;
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