Commit 4bcb73e4 authored by Aron Carroll's avatar Aron Carroll

Merge pull request #1903 from hypothesis/no-account-module

Eliminate the explicit account module.
parents 90c39fef 11e809f7
...@@ -87,5 +87,5 @@ class AccountController ...@@ -87,5 +87,5 @@ class AccountController
angular.module('h.account') angular.module('h')
.controller('AccountController', AccountController) .controller('AccountController', AccountController)
imports = [
'login' 'login'
'logout' 'logout'
...@@ -126,6 +119,7 @@ configure = [ ...@@ -126,6 +119,7 @@ configure = [
] ]
angular.module('h.account', imports, configure) angular.module('h')
.controller('AuthAppController', AuthAppController) .controller('AuthAppController', AuthAppController)
.controller('AuthPageController', AuthPageController) .controller('AuthPageController', AuthPageController)
...@@ -53,5 +53,5 @@ class AuthController ...@@ -53,5 +53,5 @@ class AuthController
, 300000 , 300000
angular.module('h.account') angular.module('h')
.controller('AuthController', AuthController) .controller('AuthController', AuthController)
...@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ imports = [ ...@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ imports = [
'ngRoute' 'ngRoute'
'ngSanitize' 'ngSanitize'
'ngTagsInput' 'ngTagsInput'
'h.helpers' 'h.helpers'
'h.identity' 'h.identity'
'h.session' 'h.session'
...@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ assert = chai.assert ...@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ assert = chai.assert
sinon.assert.expose assert, prefix: null sinon.assert.expose assert, prefix: null
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create() sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create()
describe 'h.account.AccountController', -> describe 'AccountController', ->
$scope = null $scope = null
fakeFlash = null fakeFlash = null
fakeSession = null fakeSession = null
...@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ describe 'h.account.AccountController', -> ...@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ describe 'h.account.AccountController', ->
profilePromise = null profilePromise = null
createController = null createController = null
beforeEach module('h.account') beforeEach module('h')
beforeEach module ($provide, $filterProvider) -> beforeEach module ($provide, $filterProvider) ->
fakeSession = {} fakeSession = {}
...@@ -19,8 +19,13 @@ class MockSession ...@@ -19,8 +19,13 @@ class MockSession
mockFlash = sandbox.spy() mockFlash = sandbox.spy()
mockFormHelpers = applyValidationErrors: sandbox.spy() mockFormHelpers = applyValidationErrors: sandbox.spy()
describe 'h.account', -> describe 'AuthController', ->
beforeEach module('h.account') $scope = null
$timeout = null
auth = null
session = null
beforeEach module('h')
beforeEach module('h.templates') beforeEach module('h.templates')
beforeEach module ($provide) -> beforeEach module ($provide) ->
...@@ -30,95 +35,89 @@ describe 'h.account', -> ...@@ -30,95 +35,89 @@ describe 'h.account', ->
$provide.value 'formHelpers', mockFormHelpers $provide.value 'formHelpers', mockFormHelpers
return return
beforeEach inject ($controller, $rootScope, _$timeout_, _session_) ->
$scope = $rootScope.$new()
$timeout = _$timeout_
auth = $controller 'AuthController', {$scope}
session = _session_
sandbox.spy session, 'login'
afterEach -> afterEach ->
sandbox.restore() sandbox.restore()
describe 'AuthController', -> describe '#submit()', ->
$scope = null it 'should call session methods on submit', ->
$timeout = null
auth = null
session = null
beforeEach inject ($controller, $rootScope, _$timeout_, _session_) ->
$scope = $rootScope.$new()
$timeout = _$timeout_
auth = $controller 'AuthController', {$scope}
session = _session_
sandbox.spy session, 'login'
describe '#submit()', ->
it 'should call session methods on submit', ->
$name: 'login'
$valid: true
$setValidity: sandbox.stub()
assert.called session.login
it 'should do nothing when the form is invalid', -> auth.submit
auth.submit $name: 'login'
$name: 'login' $valid: true
$valid: false $setValidity: sandbox.stub()
$setValidity: sandbox.stub()
assert.notCalled session.login
it 'should apply validation errors on submit', -> assert.called session.login
form =
$name: 'register'
$valid: true
$setValidity: sandbox.stub()
$setValidity: sandbox.stub()
$setValidity: sandbox.stub()
auth.submit(form) it 'should do nothing when the form is invalid', ->
$name: 'login'
$valid: false
$setValidity: sandbox.stub()
assert.calledWith mockFormHelpers.applyValidationErrors, form, assert.notCalled session.login
{username: 'taken'},
'registration error'
it 'should emit an auth event once authenticated', -> it 'should apply validation errors on submit', ->
form = form =
$name: 'login' $name: 'register'
$valid: true $valid: true
$setValidity: sandbox.stub()
$setValidity: sandbox.stub()
$setValidity: sandbox.stub() $setValidity: sandbox.stub()
sandbox.spy $scope, '$emit' auth.submit(form)
auth.submit(form) assert.calledWith mockFormHelpers.applyValidationErrors, form,
assert.calledWith $scope.$emit, 'auth', null, userid: 'alice' {username: 'taken'},
'registration error'
it 'should emit an auth event if destroyed before authentication', ->
sandbox.spy $scope, '$emit' it 'should emit an auth event once authenticated', ->
$scope.$destroy() form =
assert.calledWith $scope.$emit, 'auth', 'cancel' $name: 'login'
$valid: true
describe 'timeout', -> $setValidity: sandbox.stub()
it 'should happen after a period of inactivity', ->
sandbox.spy $scope, '$broadcast' sandbox.spy $scope, '$emit'
$scope.form = $setPristine: sandbox.stub()
$scope.model = auth.submit(form)
username: 'test' assert.calledWith $scope.$emit, 'auth', null, userid: 'alice'
email: ''
password: 'secret' it 'should emit an auth event if destroyed before authentication', ->
code: '1234' sandbox.spy $scope, '$emit'
$scope.$digest() assert.calledWith $scope.$emit, 'auth', 'cancel'
assert.called $timeout
describe 'timeout', ->
$timeout.lastCall.args[0]() it 'should happen after a period of inactivity', ->
assert.called $scope.form.$setPristine, 'the form is pristine' sandbox.spy $scope, '$broadcast'
assert.deepEqual $scope.model, {}, 'the model is erased' $scope.form = $setPristine: sandbox.stub()
assert.called mockFlash, 'a notification is flashed' $scope.model =
username: 'test'
it 'should not happen if the model is empty', -> email: ''
$scope.model = undefined password: 'secret'
$scope.$digest() code: '1234'
assert.notCalled $timeout
$scope.model = {} assert.called $timeout
assert.notCalled $timeout $timeout.lastCall.args[0]()
assert.called $scope.form.$setPristine, 'the form is pristine'
assert.deepEqual $scope.model, {}, 'the model is erased'
assert.called mockFlash, 'a notification is flashed'
it 'should not happen if the model is empty', ->
$scope.model = undefined
assert.notCalled $timeout
$scope.model = {}
assert.notCalled $timeout
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