Commit 501f835b authored by Lyza Danger Gardner's avatar Lyza Danger Gardner Committed by Lyza Gardner

Add mixin for `menu-arrow`

parent 67315d48
......@@ -63,6 +63,25 @@
* A pattern for styling a little "pointer" (arrow) icon that attaches to
* menu content and serves as a visual anchor back to the triggering
* button/element. When using, you'll need to provide the appropriate
* positioning details to get the pointer to be where you want it in the
* given menu.
* @param {string} [$direction] - Which direction the arrow should "point"
@mixin menu-arrow($direction: 'up') {
position: absolute;
z-index: 2;
color: var.$color-border;
fill: var.$color-background;
@if ($direction == 'down') {
transform: rotateX(180deg);
* A pattern for displaying redacted (moderated) text content
......@@ -42,16 +42,11 @@
// Position the pointer icon absolutely and flip it to make it point at the
// share icon. Fill it with background color and give it the same color as
// the border to make it look like part of the panel frame.
// share icon
&__arrow {
position: absolute;
z-index: 100;
@include$direction: 'down');
right: 0px;
bottom: -8px;
color: var.$color-border;
fill: var.$color-background;
transform: rotateX(180deg);
.share-links__icon {
@use "../../mixins/focus";
@use "../../mixins/layout";
@use "../../mixins/molecules";
@use "../../mixins/utils";
@use "../../variables" as var;
......@@ -56,17 +57,14 @@
// Triangular indicator at the top of the menu that associates it with the
// toggle button.
.menu__arrow {
color: var.$grey-3;
fill: white;
// Position the arrow so that it appears flush with the right edge of the
// content when the menu is right-aligned, and the bottom of the arrow just
// overlaps the content's border. The effect is that the menu's border is a
// rounded rect with a notch at the top.
position: absolute;
top: calc(100% - 2px); // nb. Adjust this if changing the <svg> size.
right: 0;
z-index: 2;
// Content area of the menu.
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