Commit 530466ae authored by Nick Stenning's avatar Nick Stenning

Merge pull request #2533 from hypothesis/9sqXWtNi-fix-title-for-local-file-pdf-annotations

Fix document title and domain for local file PDF annotations
parents a13ea6d2 ca26970b
......@@ -152,6 +152,8 @@ module.exports = angular.module('h', [
.filter('moment', require('./filter/moment'))
.filter('persona', require('./filter/persona'))
.filter('urlencode', require('./filter/urlencode'))
.filter('documentTitle', require('./filter/document-title'))
.filter('documentDomain', require('./filter/document-domain'))
.provider('identity', require('./identity'))
......@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ describe 'annotation', ->
fakeMomentFilter = null
fakePermissions = null
fakePersonaFilter = null
fakeDocumentTitleFilter = null
fakeDocumentDomainFilter = null
fakeSession = null
fakeStore = null
fakeTags = null
......@@ -65,6 +67,8 @@ describe 'annotation', ->
private: sandbox.stub().returns({read: ['justme']})
fakePersonaFilter = sandbox.stub().returnsArg(0)
fakeDocumentTitleFilter = (arg) -> ''
fakeDocumentDomainFilter = (arg) -> ''
fakeSession =
......@@ -92,6 +96,8 @@ describe 'annotation', ->
$provide.value 'momentFilter', fakeMomentFilter
$provide.value 'permissions', fakePermissions
$provide.value 'personaFilter', fakePersonaFilter
$provide.value('documentTitleFilter', fakeDocumentTitleFilter)
$provide.value('documentDomainFilter', fakeDocumentDomainFilter)
$provide.value 'session', fakeSession
$provide.value 'store', fakeStore
$provide.value 'tags', fakeTags
......@@ -564,7 +570,8 @@ describe("AnnotationController", ->
createAnnotationDirective = ({annotation, personaFilter, momentFilter,
urlencodeFilter, drafts, flash,
permissions, session, tags, time, annotationUI,
annotationMapper, groups}) ->
annotationMapper, groups,
documentTitleFilter, documentDomainFilter}) ->
locals = {
personaFilter: personaFilter or ->
momentFilter: momentFilter or {}
......@@ -594,6 +601,8 @@ describe("AnnotationController", ->
get: ->
focused: -> {}
documentTitleFilter: documentTitleFilter or -> ''
documentDomainFilter: documentDomainFilter or -> ''
module(($provide) ->
$provide.value("personaFilter", locals.personaFilter)
......@@ -608,6 +617,8 @@ describe("AnnotationController", ->
$provide.value("annotationUI", locals.annotationUI)
$provide.value("annotationMapper", locals.annotationMapper)
$provide.value("groups", locals.groups)
$provide.value("documentTitleFilter", locals.documentTitleFilter)
$provide.value("documentDomainFilter", locals.documentDomainFilter)
'use strict';
var escapeHtml = require('escape-html');
module.exports = function() {
* Return a nice displayable string representation of a document's domain.
* @returns {String} The document's domain in braces, e.g. '('.
* Returns '' if the document has no domain or if the document's domain is
* the same as its title (because we assume that the title is already
* displayed elsewhere and displaying it twice would be redundant).
function documentDomainFilter(document) {
var domain = escapeHtml(document.domain || '');
var title = escapeHtml(document.title || '');
if (domain && domain !== title) {
return '(' + domain + ')';
} else {
return '';
return documentDomainFilter;
'use strict';
var escapeHtml = require('escape-html');
module.exports = function() {
* Return a nice displayable string representation of a document's title.
* @returns {String} The document's title preceded on "on " and hyperlinked
* to the document's URI. If the document has no http(s) URI then don't
* hyperlink the title. If the document has no title then return ''.
function documentTitleFilter(document) {
var title = escapeHtml(document.title || '');
var uri = escapeHtml(document.uri || '');
if (uri && !(uri.startsWith('http://') || uri.startsWith('https://'))) {
// We only link to http(s) URLs.
uri = null;
if (title && uri) {
return ('on &ldquo;<a target="_blank" href="' + uri + '">' + title +
} else if (title) {
return 'on &ldquo;' + title + '&rdquo;';
} else {
return '';
return documentTitleFilter;
'use strict';
var documentDomainFilterProvider = require('../document-domain');
describe('documentDomain', function() {
it('returns the domain in braces', function() {
var domain = documentDomainFilterProvider()({
domain: ''
assert(domain === '(');
it('returns an empty string if domain and title are the same', function() {
var domain = documentDomainFilterProvider()({
domain: '',
title: ''
assert(domain === '');
it('returns an empty string if the document has no domain', function() {
var domain = documentDomainFilterProvider()({
title: ''
assert(domain === '');
it('escapes HTML in the document domain', function() {
var spamLink = '<a href="">Buy rubies!!!</a>';
var domain = documentDomainFilterProvider()({
title: 'title',
domain: '</a>' + spamLink
assert(domain.indexOf(spamLink) === -1);
'use strict';
var documentTitleFilterProvider = require('../document-title');
describe('documentTitle', function() {
it('returns the title linked if the document has title and uri', function() {
var title = documentTitleFilterProvider()({
title: 'title',
uri: ''
assert(title === 'on &ldquo;<a target="_blank" ' +
'href="">' +
it('returns the title linked if the document has an https uri', function() {
var title = documentTitleFilterProvider()({
title: 'title',
uri: ''
assert(title === 'on &ldquo;<a target="_blank" '+
'href="">' +
it('returns the title unlinked if doc has title but no uri', function() {
var title = documentTitleFilterProvider()({
title: 'title',
assert(title === 'on &ldquo;title&rdquo;');
it('returns the title unlinked if doc has non-http uri', function() {
var title = documentTitleFilterProvider()({
title: 'title',
uri: 'file:///home/bob/Documents/example.pdf'
assert(title === 'on &ldquo;title&rdquo;');
it('returns the title linked if the document has title and uri', function() {
var title = documentTitleFilterProvider()({
title: 'title',
uri: ''
assert(title === 'on &ldquo;<a target="_blank" ' +
'href="">' +
it('returns an empty string if the document has no title', function() {
var title = documentTitleFilterProvider()({
uri: ''
assert(title === '');
it('escapes HTML in the document title', function() {
var spamLink = '<a href="">Buy rubies!!!</a>';
var title = documentTitleFilterProvider()({
title: '</a>' + spamLink,
uri: ''
assert(title.indexOf(spamLink) === -1);
it('escapes HTML in the document URI', function() {
var spamLink = '<a href="">Buy rubies!!!</a>';
var title = documentTitleFilterProvider()({
uri: 'http://</a>' + spamLink,
title: 'title'
assert(title.indexOf(spamLink) === -1);
......@@ -25,15 +25,16 @@
title="This annotation is visible only to you.">
<i class="h-icon-lock"></i> Only Me
<span class="annotation-citation"
on &ldquo;<a href="{{vm.document.uri}}" target="_blank"
ng-bind-html="vm.document | documentTitle"
<span class="annotation-citation-domain"
ng-show="vm.document.domain != vm.document.title"
ng-bind-html="vm.document | documentDomain"
<!-- Editing controls -->
<aside class="pull-right" ng-if="vm.editing">
<privacy ng-click="$event.stopPropagation()"
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
"dom-anchor-text-position": "^2.0.0",
"dom-anchor-text-quote": "^2.0.0",
"dom-seek": "^1.0.1",
"escape-html": "^1.0.3",
"extend": "^2.0.0",
"frame-rpc": "^1.3.1",
"hammerjs": "^2.0.4",
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