Commit 55c0c964 authored by Lena's avatar Lena Committed by Sheetal Umesh Kumar

New icons and copy changes for sidebar tutorial (#3220)

* Changes to html.
parent 705c35e1
......@@ -28,11 +28,13 @@
display: table;
padding: 0;
.sidebar-tutorial__list-item {
list-style: none;
counter-increment: sidebar-tutorial__list;
display: table-row;
.sidebar-tutorial__list-item::before {
content: counter(sidebar-tutorial__list) ".";
display: table-cell; /* aha! */
......@@ -6,25 +6,31 @@
<li class="sidebar-tutorial__list-item">
<p class="sidebar-tutorial__list-item-content">
To create an annotation, select text and click the
<i class="h-icon-insert-comment"></i>&nbsp;button.
<i class="h-icon-annotate"></i>&nbsp;button.
<li class="sidebar-tutorial__list-item">
<p class="sidebar-tutorial__list-item-content">
To add a note to the page you are viewing, click the
<i class="h-icon-note"></i>&nbsp;button.
<li class="sidebar-tutorial__list-item">
<p class="sidebar-tutorial__list-item-content">
To create a highlight, select text and click the
<i class="h-icon-border-color"></i>&nbsp;button.
<i class="h-icon-highlight"></i>&nbsp;button.
<li class="sidebar-tutorial__list-item">
<p class="sidebar-tutorial__list-item-content">
To reply to an annotation, click the
<i class="h-icon-reply"></i>&nbsp;<strong>Reply</strong>&nbsp;link.
<i class="h-icon-annotation-reply"></i>&nbsp;<strong>Reply</strong>&nbsp;link.
<li class="sidebar-tutorial__list-item">
<p class="sidebar-tutorial__list-item-content">
To share an annotated page, click the
<i class="h-icon-share"></i>&nbsp;button at the top.
<i class="h-icon-annotation-share"></i>&nbsp;button at the top.
<li class="sidebar-tutorial__list-item">
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