Commit 568a440f authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight

Prevent confusing error if action payload has a field called `type`

Previously if a payload had a field called `type`, it would override the value
passed in the `type` argument to `makeAction`, causing confusing errors.
parent 31c1555b
......@@ -216,6 +216,9 @@ export function makeAction<
Reducers extends ReducerMap<any>,
Type extends keyof Reducers,
>(reducers: Reducers, type: Type, payload: Parameters<Reducers[Type]>[1]) {
if (payload && 'type' in payload) {
throw new Error('Payload cannot contain a `type` field');
// nb. `reducers` is not used here. It exists purely for type inference.
return { type, ...payload };
/* global process */
import { createStore, createStoreModule } from '../create-store';
import { createStore, createStoreModule, makeAction } from '../create-store';
function initialState(value = 0) {
return { count: value };
......@@ -298,3 +298,19 @@ describe('createStore', () => {
describe('makeAction', () => {
// Dummy reducers map.
const reducers = {};
it('merges type and payload', () => {
const action = makeAction(reducers, 'SET_SEARCH', { query: 'foo' });
assert.deepEqual(action, { type: 'SET_SEARCH', query: 'foo' });
it('does not allow payload to contain a `type` field', () => {
assert.throws(() => {
makeAction(reducers, 'SET_SEARCH', { query: 'foo', type: 'bar' });
}, 'Payload cannot contain a `type` field');
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