Commit 57c4cc11 authored by Alejandro Celaya's avatar Alejandro Celaya Committed by Alejandro Celaya

Replace useElementShouldClose with usePopoverShouldClose

parent b57fc1f9
import { useElementShouldClose } from '@hypothesis/frontend-shared';
import { usePopoverShouldClose } from '@hypothesis/frontend-shared';
import {
......@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ function AnnotationShareControl({
const toggleSharePanel = () => setOpen(!isOpen);
const closePanel = () => setOpen(false);
// Interactions outside of the component when it is open should close it
useElementShouldClose(shareRef, isOpen, closePanel);
// Interactions outside the component when it is open should close it
usePopoverShouldClose(shareRef, closePanel, { enabled: isOpen });
useEffect(() => {
if (wasOpen.current !== isOpen) {
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ function AnnotationShareControl({
// Make the container div focusable by setting a non-null `tabIndex`.
// This prevents clicks on non-focusable contents from "leaking out" and
// focusing a focusable ancester. If something outside of the panel gains
// focus, `useElementShouldClose`'s focus listener will close the panel.
// focus, `usePopoverShouldClose`'s focus listener will close the panel.
// "Catch focus" here to prevent this.
// See
<div className="relative" ref={shareRef} tabIndex={-1}>
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ describe('AnnotationShareControl', () => {
'@hypothesis/frontend-shared': {
useElementShouldClose: sinon.stub(),
usePopoverShouldClose: sinon.stub(),
'../../helpers/annotation-sharing': {
isShareableURI: fakeIsShareableURI,
import { useElementShouldClose } from '@hypothesis/frontend-shared';
import { usePopoverShouldClose } from '@hypothesis/frontend-shared';
import { MenuExpandIcon } from '@hypothesis/frontend-shared';
import classnames from 'classnames';
import type { ComponentChildren } from 'preact';
......@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ export default function Menu({
// Menu element should close via `closeMenu` whenever it's open and there
// are user interactions outside of it (e.g. clicks) in the document
useElementShouldClose(menuRef, isOpen, closeMenu);
usePopoverShouldClose(menuRef, closeMenu, { enabled: isOpen });
const stopPropagation = (e: Event) => e.stopPropagation();
import { useElementShouldClose } from '@hypothesis/frontend-shared';
import { usePopoverShouldClose } from '@hypothesis/frontend-shared';
import { Input } from '@hypothesis/frontend-shared';
import classnames from 'classnames';
import { useRef, useState } from 'preact/hooks';
......@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ function TagEditor({
// Set up callback to monitor outside click events to close the AutocompleteList
const closeWrapperRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
useElementShouldClose(closeWrapperRef, suggestionsListOpen, () => {
usePopoverShouldClose(closeWrapperRef, () => setSuggestionsListOpen(false), {
enabled: suggestionsListOpen,
......@@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ describe('Menu', () => {
new Event('mousedown'),
new Event('click'),
((e = new Event('keydown')), (e.key = 'Escape'), e),
new Event('focus'),
].forEach(event => {
it(`closes when the user clicks or presses the mouse outside (${event.type})`, () => {
const wrapper = createMenu({ defaultOpen: true });
......@@ -126,6 +125,20 @@ describe('Menu', () => {
it('closes when menu loses focus', () => {
const wrapper = createMenu({ defaultOpen: true });
act(() => {
.dispatchEvent(new Event('focusout'));
it('does not close when user presses non-Escape key outside', () => {
const wrapper = createMenu({ defaultOpen: true });
......@@ -224,7 +224,10 @@ describe('TagEditor', () => {
wrapper.find('input').instance().value = 'non-empty';
assert.equal(wrapper.find('AutocompleteList').prop('open'), true);
document.body.dispatchEvent(new Event('focus'));
.dispatchEvent(new Event('focusout'));
assert.equal(wrapper.find('AutocompleteList').prop('open'), false);
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