Commit 582358b6 authored by gergely-ujvari's avatar gergely-ujvari

H main controller uses baseurl from Helper

parent d71d1261
imports = [
......@@ -9,20 +9,15 @@ class App
this.$inject = [
'$element', '$filter', '$http', '$location', '$rootScope', '$scope', '$timeout',
'annotator', 'authentication', 'streamfilter'
'annotator', 'authentication', 'baseurl', 'streamfilter'
constructor: (
$element, $filter, $http, $location, $rootScope, $scope, $timeout
annotator, authentication, streamfilter
annotator, authentication, baseurl, streamfilter
) ->
# Get the base URL from the base tag or the app location
baseUrl = angular.element('head base')[0]?.href
baseUrl ?= ($location.absUrl().replace $location.url(), '')
# Strip an empty hash and end in exactly one slash
baseUrl = baseUrl.replace /#$/, ''
baseUrl = baseUrl.replace /\/*$/, '/'
$scope.baseUrl = baseUrl
init_path = document.init_path
$scope.baseurl = baseurl[..-(init_path.toString().length)] + '__streamer__'
delete document.init_path
{plugins, host, providers} = annotator
......@@ -469,12 +464,6 @@ class App
$scope.initUpdater = ->
$scope.new_updates = 0
# Quick hack until we unify all the routes.
# We need to eliminate the distinction between the app and the site
# because it's not useful. The site is the app, stupid!
# Then everything will be relative to the same base.
path = $scope.baseUrl.replace(/\/\w+\/$/, '/')
path = "#{path}__streamer__"
# Collect all uris we should watch
uris = (e for e of annotator.plugins.Store.entities).join ','
......@@ -486,7 +475,7 @@ class App
.setClausesParse('uri:[' + uris)
$scope.updater = new SockJS(path)
$scope.updater = new SockJS($scope.baseurl)
$scope.updater.onopen = =>
sockmsg =
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