Commit 5c249fee authored by csillag's avatar csillag

Removed unnecessary mock complexity and test case

Small changes here and there
parent 8cafdd2c
......@@ -60,10 +60,7 @@ describe 'Annotator.Plugin.EnhancedAnchoring', ->
page: page
removeFromDocument: sinon.spy()
scrollIntoView: sinon.spy ->
new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
setTimeout ->
anchor.anchoring.document.setPageIndex page
new Promise (resolve, reject) -> setTimeout -> resolve()
afterEach ->
......@@ -237,9 +234,6 @@ describe 'Annotator.Plugin.EnhancedAnchoring', ->
describe 'two-phased anchoring', ->
# Simple lazy rendering document simulation for testing,
# which emulates the user movement prediction (and page rendering)
# behavior of PDF.js
class DummyDocumentAccess
@applicable: -> true
......@@ -247,11 +241,8 @@ describe 'Annotator.Plugin.EnhancedAnchoring', ->
isPageMapped: (index) -> index in @_rendered
getPageIndex: -> @currentIndex
setPageIndex: sinon.spy()
constructor: ->
@_rendered = []
@currentIndex = -10
# Helper function to trigger a page rendering
# This is an asynchronous method; returns a promise.
......@@ -665,6 +656,7 @@ describe 'Annotator.Plugin.EnhancedAnchoring', ->
ann = createTestAnnotationForPages "a1", [10]
anchor = am.createAnchor(ann,[0]).result
am.document.currentIndex = 5 # We start from page 5
am.document.setPageIndex = sinon.spy()
# Now we trigger the actual action
......@@ -685,21 +677,6 @@ describe 'Annotator.Plugin.EnhancedAnchoring', ->
anchor.scrollIntoView().then ->
assert am.document.isPageMapped 10
it 'scrolls to the wanted page, eventually', ->
am = createAnchoringManagerAndLazyDocument()
ann = createTestAnnotationForPages "a1", [10]
anchor = am.createAnchor(ann,[0]).result
am.document.currentIndex = 5 # We start from page 5
am.document.setPageIndex = sinon.spy (index) ->
am.document.currentIndex = index
if index is 9
renderPage am.document, 9
renderPage am.document, 10
# Now we trigger the actual action
anchor.scrollIntoView().then ->
assert.calledWith am.document.setPageIndex, 10
it 'calls scrollIntoView() on the highlight', ->
am = createAnchoringManagerAndLazyDocument()
ann = createTestAnnotationForPages "a1", [10]
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