Commit 5f1853a5 authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

Remove discovery plugin

parent 17551718
class Annotator.Plugin.Discovery extends Annotator.Plugin
pluginInit: ->
svc = $('link')
.filter ->
this.rel is 'service' and this.type is 'application/annotatorsvc+json'
.filter ->
return unless svc.length
href = svc[0].href
$.getJSON href, (data) =>
return unless data?.links?
options =
prefix: href.replace /\/$/, ''
urls: {}
if =
for action, info of (data.links.annotation or {}) when info.url?
options.urls[action] = info.url
for action, url of options.urls
options.urls[action] = url.replace(options.prefix, '')
@annotator.publish 'serviceDiscovery', options
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