Commit 6281c877 authored by gergely-ujvari's avatar gergely-ujvari

Merge pull request #1662 from hypothesis/1620-multiple-down-arrows-tweaks

Tweaks to Remove bad css classes from buckets
parents 9e656c0f 9a6969aa
......@@ -315,6 +315,7 @@ class Annotator.Plugin.Heatmap extends Annotator.Plugin
# Creates highlights corresponding bucket when mouse is hovered
# TODO: This should use event delegation on the container.
.on 'mousemove', (event) =>
bucket = @tabs.index(event.currentTarget)
for hl in @annotator.getHighlights()
......@@ -351,32 +352,34 @@ class Annotator.Plugin.Heatmap extends Annotator.Plugin
annotator.selectAnnotations annotations,
(event.ctrlKey or event.metaKey),
.attr 'title', (d) =>
if (len = @buckets[d].length) > 1
"Show #{len} annotations"
else if len > 0
"Show one annotation"
this._buildTabs(@tabs, @buckets)
.css 'margin-top', (d) =>
if @isUpper(d) or @isLower(d) then '-9px' else '-8px'
if @dynamicBucket
@annotator.updateViewer this._getDynamicBucket()
.css 'top', (d) =>
"#{(@index[d] + @index[d+1]) / 2}px"
_buildTabs: ->
@tabs.each (d, el) =>
el = $(el)
bucket = @buckets[d]
bucketLength = bucket?.length
.html (d) =>
return unless @buckets[d]
"<div class='label'>#{@buckets[d].length}</div>"
title = if bucketLength != 1
"Show #{bucketLength} annotations"
else if bucketLength > 0
'Show one annotation'
.addClass (d) => if @isUpper(d) then 'upper' else ''
.addClass (d) => if @isLower(d) then 'lower' else ''
el.attr('title', title)
el.toggleClass('upper', @isUpper(d))
el.toggleClass('lower', @isLower(d))
.css 'display', (d) =>
bucket = @buckets[d]
if (!bucket or bucket.length is 0) then 'none' else ''
top: (@index[d] + @index[d+1]) / 2
marginTop: if @isUpper(d) or @isLower(d) then -9 else -8
display: unless bucketLength then 'none' else ''
if @dynamicBucket
@annotator.updateViewer this._getDynamicBucket()
if bucket
el.html("<div class='label'>#{bucketLength}</div>")
_getDynamicBucket: ->
top = window.pageYOffset
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ module.exports = function(config) {
assert = chai.assert
sinon.assert.expose(assert, prefix: '')
describe 'Annotator.Heatmap', ->
createHeatmap = (options) ->
element = document.createElement('div')
new Annotator.Plugin.Heatmap(element, options || {})
# Yes this is testing a private method. Yes this is bad practice, but I'd
# rather test this functionality in a private method than not test it at all.
describe '_buildTabs', ->
setup = (tabs) ->
heatmap = createHeatmap()
heatmap.tabs = tabs
heatmap.buckets = [['AN ANNOTATION?']]
heatmap.index = [
it 'creates a tab with a title', ->
tab = $('<div />')
heatmap = setup(tab)
assert.equal(tab.attr('title'), 'Show one annotation')
it 'creates a tab with a pluralized title', ->
tab = $('<div />')
heatmap = setup(tab)
heatmap.buckets[0].push('Another Annotation?')
assert.equal(tab.attr('title'), 'Show 2 annotations')
it 'sets the tab text to the number of annotations', ->
tab = $('<div />')
heatmap = setup(tab)
heatmap.buckets[0].push('Another Annotation?')
assert.equal(tab.text(), '2')
it 'sets the tab text to the number of annotations', ->
tab = $('<div />')
heatmap = setup(tab)
heatmap.buckets[0].push('Another Annotation?')
assert.equal(tab.text(), '2')
it 'adds the class "upper" if the annotation is at the top', ->
tab = $('<div />')
heatmap = setup(tab)
sinon.stub(heatmap, 'isUpper').returns(true)
assert.equal(tab.hasClass('upper'), true)
it 'removes the class "upper" if the annotation is not at the top', ->
tab = $('<div />').addClass('upper')
heatmap = setup(tab)
sinon.stub(heatmap, 'isUpper').returns(false)
assert.equal(tab.hasClass('upper'), false)
it 'adds the class "lower" if the annotation is at the top', ->
tab = $('<div />')
heatmap = setup(tab)
sinon.stub(heatmap, 'isLower').returns(true)
assert.equal(tab.hasClass('lower'), true)
it 'removes the class "lower" if the annotation is not at the top', ->
tab = $('<div />').addClass('lower')
heatmap = setup(tab)
sinon.stub(heatmap, 'isLower').returns(false)
assert.equal(tab.hasClass('lower'), false)
it 'reveals the tab if there are annotations in the bucket', ->
tab = $('<div />')
heatmap = setup(tab)
assert.equal(tab.css('display'), '')
it 'hides the tab if there are no annotations in the bucket', ->
tab = $('<div />')
heatmap = setup(tab)
heatmap.buckets = []
assert.equal(tab.css('display'), 'none')
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