Commit 632846d0 authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #63 from hypothesis/remove-firstrun-config-option

Replace "firstRun" config option with "openSidebar" and "openLoginForm"
parents cbfa2acd 56fd70cf
Configuring the sidebar
The Hypothesis sidebar can be configured by providing a settings object in the
body of the hosting page:
<script type="application/json" class="js-hypothesis-config">
"openSidebar": true
<script async src=""></script>
**N.B.** The body of the `.js-hypothesis-config` tag must be [valid
JSON]( -- invalid JSON will cause the entire config object
to be ignored.
Config keys
### `openLoginForm`
_Boolean_. Controls whether the login panel is automatically opened on startup,
as if the user had clicked "Log in" themselves.
### `openSidebar`
_Boolean_. Controls whether the sidebar opens automatically on startup.
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module.exports = class Sidebar extends Host
if options.firstRun || options.annotations
if options.openSidebar || options.annotations
this.on 'panelReady', =>
if @plugins.BucketBar?
......@@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ describe('annotator configuration', function () {
it('merges the config from hypothesisConfig()', function () {
var fakeWindow = Object.assign({}, fakeWindowBase, {
hypothesisConfig: function () {
return {firstRun: true};
return {foo: true};
assert.deepEqual(config(fakeWindow), {
app: 'app.html',
firstRun: true,
foo: true,
......@@ -79,7 +79,11 @@ module.exports = function AppController(
// update the auth info in the top bar and show the login form
// after first install of the extension.
$scope.auth = authStateFromUserID(state.userid);
if (!state.userid && settings.firstRun) {
// FIXME: Fix this horrendous !== 'false' conditional. Unfortunately, we
// currently pass settings from the hosting page into the sidebar via the
// URL query string, so type information is lost. Ugh.
if (!state.userid && settings.openLoginForm && settings.openLoginForm !== 'false') {
......@@ -94,7 +94,6 @@ describe('AppController', function () {
fakeSettings = {
firstRun: false,
serviceUrl: '',
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ function LiveReloadServer(port, appServer) {
liveReloadServer: 'ws://' + appHost + ':${port}',
// Open the sidebar when the page loads
firstRun: true,
openSidebar: true,
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