Commit 63384392 authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

Fix the form validation tests

parent 63a4ab59
......@@ -131,15 +131,6 @@ describe 'h.auth', ->
assert.isTrue $scope.login.$valid
assert.isUndefined $scope.login.responseErrorMessage
it 'should reset to pristine state when the model is reset', ->
assert.isFalse $rootScope.form.$pristine
$scope.model = null
assert.isTrue $rootScope.form.$pristine
it 'should invoke handlers set by attributes', ->
$rootScope.stub = sandbox.stub()
for event in ['error', 'success', 'timeout']
......@@ -34,34 +34,30 @@ describe 'h.directives', ->
$element = null
beforeEach ->
$scope.model = {username: ''}
$scope.model = {username: undefined}
template = '''
<form form-validate name="login" onsubmit="return false">
<div class="form-field">
<input type="text" class="" ng-model="model.username" name="username" required ng-minlength="3" />
<input type="text" class="form-input" name="username"
ng-model="model.username" name="username"
required ng-minlength="3" />
# Needs to be passed through angular.element() to work. Otherwise it
# will not link the form-validate directive.
$element = $compile(angular.element(template))($scope)
it 'should apply an error class to an invalid field on change', ->
$field = $element.find('.form-field')
$input = $element.find('[name=username]')
assert.include($field.prop('className'), 'form-field-error')
it 'should remove an error class to an valid field on change', ->
$field = $element.find('.form-field').addClass('form-field-error')
$input = $element.find('[name=username]')
$input = $element.find('[name=username]').addClass('form-field-error')
assert.notInclude($field.prop('className'), 'form-field-error')
assert.notInclude($input.prop('className'), 'form-field-error')
it 'should apply an error class to an invalid field on submit', ->
$field = $element.find('.form-field')
......@@ -112,29 +108,28 @@ describe 'h.directives', ->
assert.include($field.prop('className'), 'form-field-error', 'Fail fast check')
assert.notInclude($field.prop('className'), 'form-field-error')
# TODO: I can't get this test to pass, it should create a dirty form
# state and then reset it. However the scope watch handler for the form
# $prisine change doesn't fire when $setPrisine is called. I've tried
# $scope.$digest and other tricks. The form and input all have their
# internal $pristine values updated correctly.
it 'should hide errors if the field is pristine'
# it 'should hide errors if the field is pristine', ->
# $field = $element.find('.form-field').addClass('form-field-error')
# $input = $element.find('[name=username]')
# formController = $input.controller('form')
# modelController = formController.username
# $input.val('a').trigger('input')
# # Clear out the model and set to $pristine
# $scope.model = {}
# $scope.login = formController
# formController.$setPristine() # Not triggering $pristine watch event.
# assert.notInclude($field.prop('className'), 'form-field-error')
it 'should hide errors if the model is marked as pristine', ->
$field = $element.find('.form-field').addClass('form-field-error')
$input = $element.find('[name=username]')
controller = $input.controller('ngModel')
# Submit Event
controller.$setValidity('response', false)
controller.responseErrorMessage = 'fail'
assert.include($field.prop('className'), 'form-field-error', 'Fail fast check')
# Then clear it out and mark it as pristine
assert.notInclude($field.prop('className'), 'form-field-error')
describe '.username', ->
$element = null
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