Commit 6865289a authored by Ujvari Gergely's avatar Ujvari Gergely

Clear searchbar when switching back to Viewer.

Added a $routeChangeStart handle to the AppController which checks if we're to go back to the Viewer then it clears the searchbar and also clears the search query from localstorage
A solution for #643
parent 287f5754
......@@ -215,6 +215,17 @@ class App
$scope.$broadcast '$reset'
$scope.$on '$routeChangeStart', (current, next) =>
if next.$$route?.controller is 'ViewerController'
# Got back from search page
$scope.show_search = false
@visualSearch.searchBox.flags.allSelected = false;
# Update scope with auto-filled form field values
$timeout ->
for i in $element.find('input') when i.value
......@@ -259,6 +270,24 @@ class App
console.log "Should create unattached annotation"
# Searchbar initialization
$scope.clearSearchLocalStorage = ->
unless typeof(localStorage) is 'undefined'
localStorage.setItem "hyp_page_search_query", ""
catch error
console.warn 'Cannot save query to localStorage!'
if error is DOMException.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR
console.warn 'localStorage quota exceeded!'
$scope.saveSearchLocalStorage = (query) ->
unless typeof(localStorage) is 'undefined'
localStorage.setItem "hyp_page_search_query", query
catch error
console.warn 'Cannot save query to localStorage!'
if error is DOMException.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR
console.warn 'localStorage quota exceeded!'
@user_filter = $filter('userName')
search_query = ''
unless typeof(localStorage) is 'undefined'
......@@ -380,13 +409,7 @@ class App
# Save query to localStorage
unless typeof(localStorage) is 'undefined'
localStorage.setItem "hyp_page_search_query", query
catch error
console.warn 'Cannot save query to localStorage!'
if error is DOMException.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR
console.warn 'localStorage quota exceeded!'
$scope.saveSearchLocalStorage query
# Set the path
search =
......@@ -409,13 +432,7 @@ class App
clearSearch: (original) =>
$scope.show_search = false
unless typeof(localStorage) is 'undefined'
localStorage.setItem "hyp_page_search_query", ""
catch error
console.warn 'Cannot save query to localStorage!'
if error is DOMException.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR
console.warn 'localStorage quota exceeded!'
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