Commit 692ea39a authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight

Preserve selection when applying block formatting

Previously all modified lines in a block were replaced in one
call to replaceText() when applying block formatting, which
lost the selection.

This rewrites the command to transform each line separately
which preserves the selection.
parent c069f232
......@@ -66,6 +66,12 @@ function replaceText(state, pos, length, text) {
// Increment end by difference in length between original and replaced
// text
newSelectionEnd += text.length - length;
} else if (pos < newSelectionStart &&
pos + length > newSelectionEnd) {
// 6. Replaced text fully contains selection:
// Expand selection to replaced text
newSelectionStart = pos;
newSelectionEnd = pos + length;
return {
......@@ -157,6 +163,56 @@ function toggleSpanStyle(state, prefix, suffix, placeholder) {
return newState;
function startOfLine(str, pos) {
var start = str.lastIndexOf('\n', pos);
if (start < 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return start + 1;
function endOfLine(str, pos) {
var end = str.indexOf('\n', pos);
if (end < 0) {
return str.length;
} else {
return end;
* Transform lines between two positions in an input field.
* @param {EditorState} state - The initial state of the input field
* @param {number} start - The start position within the input text
* @param {number} end - The end position within the input text
* @param {(EditorState, number) => EditorState} callback
* - Callback which is invoked with the current state of the input and
* the start of the current line and returns the new state of the input.
function transformLines(state, start, end, callback) {
var lineStart = startOfLine(state.text, start);
var lineEnd = endOfLine(state.text, start);
while (lineEnd <= endOfLine(state.text, end)) {
var isLastLine = lineEnd === state.text.length;
var currentLineLength = lineEnd - lineStart;
state = callback(state, lineStart, lineEnd);
var newLineLength = endOfLine(state.text, lineStart) - lineStart;
end += newLineLength - currentLineLength;
if (isLastLine) {
lineStart = lineStart + newLineLength + 1;
lineEnd = endOfLine(state.text, lineStart);
return state;
* Toggle Markdown-style formatting around a block of text.
......@@ -166,42 +222,34 @@ function toggleSpanStyle(state, prefix, suffix, placeholder) {
* @return {EditorState} - The new state of the input field.
function toggleBlockStyle(state, prefix) {
// Expand the start and end of the selection to the start and
// and of their respective lines
var start = state.text.lastIndexOf('\n', state.selectionStart);
if (start < 0) {
start = 0;
} else {
start += 1;
var end = state.text.indexOf('\n', state.selectionEnd);
if (end < 0) {
end = state.text.length;
var start = state.selectionStart;
var end = state.selectionEnd;
// Test whether all input lines are already formatted with this style
var lines = state.text.slice(start, end).split('\n');
var prefixedLines = lines.filter(function (line) {
return line.slice(0, prefix.length) === prefix;
// Test whether all lines in the selected range already have the style
// applied
var blockHasStyle = true;
transformLines(state, start, end, function (state, lineStart) {
if (state.text.slice(lineStart, lineStart + prefix.length) !== prefix) {
blockHasStyle = false;
return state;
var newLines;
if (prefixedLines.length === lines.length) {
// All lines already start with the block prefix, remove the formatting.
newLines = (line) {
return line.slice(prefix.length);
if (blockHasStyle) {
// Remove the formatting.
return transformLines(state, start, end, function (state, lineStart) {
return replaceText(state, lineStart, prefix.length, '');
} else {
// Add the block style to any lines which do not already have it applied
newLines = (line) {
if (line.slice(0, prefix.length) === prefix) {
return line;
return transformLines(state, start, end, function (state, lineStart) {
if (state.text.slice(lineStart, lineStart + prefix.length) === prefix) {
return state;
} else {
return prefix + line;
return replaceText(state, lineStart, 0, prefix);
return replaceText(state, start, end - start, newLines.join('\n'));
module.exports = {
......@@ -78,13 +78,18 @@ describe('markdown commands', function () {
it('adds formatting to blocks', function () {
var output = toggle(parseState('one\n<sel>two\nthree</sel>\nfour'));
assert.equal(formatState(output), 'one\n<sel>> two\n> three</sel>\nfour');
assert.equal(formatState(output), 'one\n> <sel>two\n> three</sel>\nfour');
it('removes formatting from blocks', function () {
var output = toggle(parseState('one \n<sel>> two\n> three</sel>\nfour'));
assert.equal(formatState(output), 'one \n<sel>two\nthree</sel>\nfour');
it('preserves the selection', function () {
var output = toggle(parseState('one <sel>two\nthree </sel>four'));
assert.equal(formatState(output), '> one <sel>two\n> three </sel>four');
describe('link formatting', function () {
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