Commit 6bc3be91 authored by Lyza Danger Gardner's avatar Lyza Danger Gardner Committed by Lyza Gardner

Add `theme-clean` tailwind variant to local config

This variant is soon to be removed from the upstream `tailwind` preset
as it only applies to the `client` application.
parent 9b5716a4
......@@ -214,6 +214,11 @@ export default {
// class to the sidebar frame when it's collapsed. This modifier allows
// sub-components to select for that state.
addVariant('sidebar-collapsed', '.sidebar-collapsed &');
// Add a custom variant such that the `theme-clean:` modifier is available
// for all tailwind utility classes. e.g. `.theme-clean:bg-white` would
// only apply (set the element's background color to white) if a parent
// element had the `.theme-clean` class.
addVariant('theme-clean', '.theme-clean &');
plugin(({ addComponents, addUtilities }) => {
// Tailwind does not provide hyphens-related utility classes.
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