Commit 6c64bd65 authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

Refactor drafting and authentication interactions

Make changes to allow multiple top-level drafts, drafting before
authenticating, keeping drafts while performing page searches,
and replying to search results.

- Factor out the userAuthorize option passed to the Permissions
  plugin into a local function in

- Only load the Permissions plugin when logged in so that the
  plugin options do not leak information about the last logged in
  user and unattributed drafts have no user or permissions field.

- When switching to highlight mode, show the sidebar and flash an
  info message informing the user that they will need to log in
  before annotations are saved, but don't prohibit highlighting.

- Simplify the logic in the guest for highlight mode by offloading
  work to the annotation controller. The "inject" property is no
  longer needed. The annotation controller saves drafts of highlights
  if they have no user and persists them to the server as soon as
  the user is set.

- When logging in, the app controller simply loops through all the
  drafts are publishes 'beforeAnnotationUpdated' to give the
  Permissions plugin a chance to fire.

- When initializing the Store plugin, don't perform any search at
  all when not logged in. This change makes "single player" mode
  work even before logging in.

- Allow hiding the sidebar when editing. Simplify the guest code
  that no longer needs to track the sidebar state by listening for
  'annotationEditorHide' and 'annotationEditorSubmit' and the
  corresponding sidebar code that fired these. They're nonsensical
  now because there isn't exactly one "editor".

- Remove the concept of an 'ongoing edit' entirely, simplifying the
  sidebar code even further. Any number of edits are allowed and
  top level ones are not treated specially.
parent 60504257
......@@ -9,6 +9,32 @@ imports = [
# User authorization function for the Permissions plugin.
authorizeAction = (action, annotation, user) ->
if annotation.permissions
tokens = annotation.permissions[action] || []
if tokens.length == 0
# Empty or missing tokens array: only admin can perform action.
return false
for token in tokens
if user == token
return true
if token == 'group:__world__'
return true
# No tokens matched: action should not be performed.
return false
# Coarse-grained authorization
else if annotation.user
return user and user == annotation.user
# No authorization info on annotation: free-for-all!
class App
this.$inject = [
'$location', '$q', '$route', '$scope', '$timeout',
......@@ -75,18 +101,20 @@ class App
"""Initialize the storage component."""
Store = plugins.Store
delete plugins.Store
annotator.addPlugin 'Store', annotator.options.Store
$ = plugins.Store
if $scope.persona or is 'none'
annotator.addPlugin 'Store', annotator.options.Store
$ = plugins.Store
_id = $
_promise = null
_id = $
_promise = null
# Load any initial annotations that should be displayed
if _id
# XXX: Two requests here is less than ideal
plugins.Store.loadAnnotationsFromSearch({_id}).then ->
plugins.Store.loadAnnotationsFromSearch({references: _id})
# Load any initial annotations that should be displayed
if _id
# XXX: Two requests here is less than ideal
plugins.Store.loadAnnotationsFromSearch({_id}).then ->
plugins.Store.loadAnnotationsFromSearch({references: _id})
return unless Store
......@@ -112,7 +140,7 @@ class App
cull = (acc, annotation) ->
if annotator.tool is 'highlight' and annotation.user != user
acc.drop.push annotation
else if plugins.Permissions.authorize('read', annotation, user)
else if authorizeAction 'read', annotation, user
acc.keep.push annotation
acc.drop.push annotation
......@@ -120,7 +148,11 @@ class App
{keep, drop} = Store.annotations.reduce cull, {keep: [], drop: []}
Store.annotations = []
plugins.Store.annotations = keep
if plugins.Store?
plugins.Store.annotations = keep
drop = drop.concat keep
# Clean up the ones that should be removed.
do cleanup = (drop) ->
......@@ -177,10 +209,6 @@ class App
onlogin = (assertion) ->
# Delete any old Auth plugin.
delete plugins.Auth
# Configure the Auth plugin with the issued assertion as refresh token.
annotator.addPlugin 'Auth',
tokenUrl: documentHelpers.absoluteURI(
......@@ -188,22 +216,27 @@ class App
# Set the user from the token.
plugins.Auth.withToken (token) ->
loggedInUser = plugins.Permissions.user.replace /^acct:/, ''
annotator.addPlugin 'Permissions',
user: token.userId
userAuthorize: authorizeAction
read: [token.userId]
update: [token.userId]
delete: [token.userId]
admin: [token.userId]
loggedInUser = token.userId.replace /^acct:/, ''
onlogout = ->
return unless drafts.discard()
delete plugins.Auth
# XXX: Temporary workaround until Annotator v2.0 or v1.2.10
plugins.Permissions.options.permissions =
read: []
update: []
delete: []
admin: []
delete plugins.Permissions
loggedInUser = null
......@@ -212,11 +245,9 @@ class App
# Do not rely on the identity service to invoke callbacks within an
# angular digest cycle.
$scope.$evalAsync ->
if $scope.ongoingHighlightSwitch
$scope.ongoingHighlightSwitch = false
annotator.setTool 'highlight'
annotator.setTool 'comment'
# Update any edits in progress.
for draft in drafts.all()
annotator.publish 'beforeAnnotationCreated', draft
# Convert the verified user id to the format used by the API.
persona = loggedInUser
......@@ -231,19 +262,6 @@ class App
annotator.subscribe 'annotationCreated', (annotation) ->
if annotation is $scope.ongoingEdit?.message
delete $scope.ongoingEdit
for p in providers method: 'onEditorSubmit' method: 'onEditorHide'
annotator.subscribe 'annotationDeleted', (annotation) ->
if annotation is $scope.ongoingEdit?.message
delete $scope.ongoingEdit
for p in providers method: 'onEditorHide'
annotator.subscribe 'serviceDiscovery', (options) ->
annotator.options.Store ?= {}
angular.extend annotator.options.Store, options
......@@ -253,21 +271,11 @@ class App
$scope.$watch '', (newValue, oldValue) ->
return if newValue is oldValue
if $scope.persona
else if newValue is 'single-player'
$scope.$watch 'frame.visible', (newValue, oldValue) ->
if newValue
if newValue is 'single-player' and not $scope.persona method: 'showFrame'
else if oldValue
annotator.hide() method: 'hideFrame'
for p in annotator.providers method: 'setActiveHighlights'
flash 'info',
'You will need to sign in for your highlights to be saved.'
$scope.$watch '', (name) ->
return unless name
......@@ -299,8 +307,6 @@ class App
$scope.authTimeout = ->
delete $scope.ongoingEdit
$scope.ongoingHighlightSwitch = false
flash 'info',
'For your security, the forms have been reset due to inactivity.'
......@@ -310,7 +316,6 @@ class App
$scope.selectedAnnotationsCount = 0
$scope.baseURI = documentHelpers.baseURI
$scope.frame = visible: false
$ = identity
$scope.model = persona: undefined
......@@ -324,8 +329,7 @@ class App
update: (query) ->
unless angular.equals $['q'], query
if drafts.discard()
$'q', query or null)
$'q', query or null)
$scope.socialView = annotator.socialView
$scope.sort = name: 'Location'
......@@ -372,8 +376,6 @@ class Viewer
$scope.activate = (annotation) ->
if angular.isObject annotation
highlights = [annotation.$$tag]
else if $scope.ongoingEdit
highlights = [$scope.ongoingEdit.message.$$tag]
highlights = []
for p in annotator.providers
......@@ -383,7 +385,7 @@ class Viewer
$scope.shouldShowThread = (container) ->
if $routeParams.q
container.shown or not
else if $scope.selectedAnnotations?
if container.parent is $scope.threading.root
......@@ -409,10 +411,11 @@ class Viewer
render = (acc, container) ->
{lastShown, renderList} = acc
id = container.message?.id
container.more = 0
container.order = renderList.length
container.renderList = renderList
container.shown = matchSet is null or matchSet[container.message?.id]?
container.shown = matchSet is null or not id or matchSet[id]
renderList.push container
if container.shown
......@@ -225,8 +225,11 @@ repeatAnim = ->
username = ['$filter', '$window', ($filter, $window) ->
link: (scope, elem, attr) ->
scope.$watch 'user', ->
scope.uname = $filter('persona')(scope.user, 'username')
scope.$watch 'user', (user) ->
if user
scope.uname = $filter('persona')(scope.user, 'username')
scope.uname = '<nobody>'
scope.uclick = (event) ->
......@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ extractURIComponent = (uri, component) ->
# A non-public annotation requires only a target (e.g. a highlight).
validate = (value) ->
return unless angular.isObject value
return unless value.user or value.deleted
worldReadable = 'group:__world__' in (value.permissions?.read or [])
(value.tags?.length or value.text?.length) or
( and not worldReadable)
......@@ -38,8 +37,8 @@ validate = (value) ->
# {@link annotator annotator service} for persistence.
AnnotationController = [
'$scope', 'annotator', 'drafts',
($scope, annotator, drafts) ->
'$scope', 'annotator', 'drafts', 'flash'
($scope, annotator, drafts, flash) ->
@annotation = {}
@action = 'view'
@document = null
......@@ -47,7 +46,8 @@ AnnotationController = [
@editing = false
@embedded = false
model = null
highlight = annotator.tool is 'highlight'
model = $scope.annotationGet()
original = null
vm = this
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ AnnotationController = [
# @description Switches the view to an editor.
this.edit = ->
drafts.add model, => this.revert()
drafts.add model, -> vm.revert()
@action = if then 'edit' else 'create'
@editing = true
@preview = 'no'
......@@ -105,7 +105,10 @@ AnnotationController = [
# @description Saves any edits and returns to the viewer.
### = ->
return unless validate(@annotation)
unless model.user or model.deleted
return flash 'info', 'Please sign in to save annotations.'
unless validate(@annotation)
return flash 'info', 'Please add text or a tag before publishing.'
@editing = false
angular.extend model, @annotation,
......@@ -124,11 +127,6 @@ AnnotationController = [
# changes. Initializes brand new annotations and
this.render = ->
# Initialize brand new annotations.
unless or drafts.contains model
annotator.publish 'beforeAnnotationCreated', model
# Extend the view model with a copy of the domain model.
# Note that copy is used so that deep properties aren't shared.
angular.extend @annotation, angular.copy model
......@@ -158,12 +156,26 @@ AnnotationController = [
$scope.$on 'threadCollapse', (event) ->
event.preventDefault() if vm.editing
# Render on updates
$scope.$watchCollection (-> $scope.annotationGet()), (value) ->
model = value
if value?
if value.updated then drafts.remove model
# Render on updates.
$scope.$watch (-> model.updated), (updated) ->
if updated then drafts.remove model
# Save highlights once logged in.
$scope.$watch (-> model.user), (user) ->
return unless highlight and not model.references
if user
annotator.publish 'annotationCreated', model
drafts.add model, -> vm.revert()
# Initialize brand now annotations
if model.references
annotator.publish 'beforeAnnotationCreated', model
else if not highlight
......@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ COLLAPSED_CLASS = 'thread-collapsed'
# replying and sharing.
ThreadController = [
'$attrs', '$element', '$parse', '$scope', 'render',
($attrs, $element, $parse, $scope, render) ->
'$attrs', '$element', '$parse', '$scope', 'flash', 'render',
($attrs, $element, $parse, $scope, flash, render) ->
@container = null
@collapsed = false
@hover = false
......@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ ThreadController = [
# Creates a new message in reply to this thread.
this.reply = ->
return flash 'error', 'You must publish this before replying to it.'
if @collapsed then this.toggleCollapsed()
# Extract the references value from this container.
......@@ -71,6 +73,8 @@ ThreadController = [
# Toggle the shared property.
this.toggleShared = ->
return flash 'error', 'You must publish this before sharing it.'
@shared = not @shared
if @shared
# Focus and select the share link
......@@ -191,8 +191,12 @@ class Annotator.Guest extends Annotator
_setupWrapper: ->
@wrapper = @element
.on 'click', =>
unless @selectedTargets?.length
.on 'click', (event) =>
if @selectedTargets?.length
if @tool is 'highlight'
# Create the annotation
annotation = this.setupAnnotation(this.createAnnotation())
......@@ -269,23 +273,14 @@ class Annotator.Guest extends Annotator
return confirm "You have selected a very short piece of text: only " + length + " chars. Are you sure you want to highlight this?"
onSuccessfulSelection: (event, immediate) ->
return unless @canAnnotate
if @tool is 'highlight'
# Describe the selection with targets
@selectedTargets = (@_getTargetFromSelection(s) for s in event.segments)
# Do we really want to make this selection?
return false unless this.confirmSelection()
# Create the annotation
annotation = {inject: true}
this.publish 'beforeAnnotationCreated', annotation
# Set up the annotation
annotation = this.setupAnnotation annotation
this.publish 'annotationCreated', annotation
# Describe the selection with targets
@selectedTargets = (@_getTargetFromSelection(s) for s in event.segments)
onAnchorMouseover: (event) ->
this.addEmphasis event
......@@ -333,18 +328,7 @@ class Annotator.Guest extends Annotator
@element.removeClass markerClass
addComment: ->
sel = @selectedTargets # Save the selection
# Nuke the selection, since we won't be using that.
# We will attach this to the end of the document.
# Our override for setupAnnotation will add that highlight.
@selectedTargets = []
this.onAdderClick() # Open editor (with 0 targets)
@selectedTargets = sel # restore the selection
# Is this annotation a comment?
isComment: (annotation) ->
# No targets and no references means that this is a comment.
not (annotation.inject or annotation.references?.length or
# Open the sidebar
showFrame: ->
......@@ -359,10 +343,12 @@ class Annotator.Guest extends Annotator
method: 'addToken'
params: token
onAdderMousedown: angular.noop
onAdderClick: (event) =>
@inAdderClick = false
annotation = this.setupAnnotation(this.createAnnotation())
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ renderFactory = ['$$rAF', ($$rAF) ->
class Hypothesis extends Annotator
'beforeAnnotationCreated': 'digest'
'annotationCreated': 'digest'
'annotationDeleted': 'digest'
'annotationUpdated': 'digest'
......@@ -30,34 +31,6 @@ class Hypothesis extends Annotator
noDocAccess: true
Discovery: {}
userAuthorize: (action, annotation, user) ->
if annotation.permissions
tokens = annotation.permissions[action] || []
if tokens.length == 0
# Empty or missing tokens array: only admin can perform action.
return false
for token in tokens
if this.userId(user) == token
return true
if token == 'group:__world__'
return true
if token == 'group:__authenticated__' and this.user?
return true
# No tokens matched: action should not be performed.
return false
# Coarse-grained authorization
else if annotation.user
return user and this.userId(user) == this.userId(annotation.user)
# No authorization info on annotation: free-for-all!
showEditPermissionsCheckbox: false,
showViewPermissionsCheckbox: false,
Threading: {}
# Internal state
......@@ -69,8 +42,10 @@ class Hypothesis extends Annotator
# Here as a noop just to make the Permissions plugin happy
# XXX: Change me when Annotator stops assuming things about viewers
addField: angular.noop
addField: (-> )
addField: angular.noop
this.$inject = ['$document', '$window']
constructor: ( $document, $window ) ->
......@@ -146,27 +121,6 @@ class Hypothesis extends Annotator
unless annotation.highlights?
annotation.highlights = []
# Register it with the draft service, except when it's an injection
# This is an injection. Delete the marker.
if annotation.inject
# Set permissions for private
permissions = @plugins.Permissions
userId = permissions.options.userId permissions.user
annotation.permissions =
read: [userId]
admin: [userId]
update: [userId]
delete: [userId]
# Set default owner permissions on all annotations
for event in ['beforeAnnotationCreated', 'beforeAnnotationUpdated']
this.subscribe event, (annotation) =>
permissions = @plugins.Permissions
if permissions.user?
userId = permissions.options.userId(permissions.user)
for action, roles of annotation.permissions
unless userId in roles then roles.push userId
_setupXDM: (options) ->
# jschannel chokes FF and Chrome extension origins.
if (options.origin.match /^chrome-extension:\/\//) or
......@@ -187,9 +141,7 @@ class Hypothesis extends Annotator
.bind('back', =>
# Navigate "back" out of the interface.
@element.scope().$apply =>
return if @element.scope().ongoingEdit
@element.scope().$apply => this.hide()
.bind('open', =>
......@@ -294,17 +246,15 @@ class Hypothesis extends Annotator
showEditor: (annotation) ->
scope = @element.scope()
scope.ongoingEdit = mail.messageContainer(annotation)
delete scope.selectedAnnotations
delete @element.scope().selectedAnnotations
show: ->
@element.scope().frame.visible = true
@host.notify method: 'showFrame'
hide: ->
@element.scope().frame.visible = false
@host.notify method: 'hideFrame'
digest: ->
@element.scope().$evalAsync angular.noop
......@@ -375,18 +325,8 @@ class Hypothesis extends Annotator
setTool: (name) ->
return if name is @tool
return unless @element.injector().get('drafts').discard()
if name is 'highlight'
# Check login state first
unless @plugins.Permissions?.user
scope = @element.scope()
# If we are not logged in, start the auth process
scope.ongoingHighlightSwitch = true
return = 'single-player'
else = 'none'
......@@ -409,45 +349,47 @@ class Hypothesis extends Annotator
class DraftProvider
drafts: null
_drafts: null
constructor: ->
this.drafts = []
this._drafts = []
$get: -> this
add: (draft, cb) -> @drafts.push {draft, cb}
all: -> draft for {draft} in @_drafts
add: (draft, cb) -> @_drafts.push {draft, cb}
remove: (draft) ->
remove = []
for d, i in @drafts
for d, i in @_drafts
remove.push i if d.draft is draft
while remove.length
@drafts.splice(remove.pop(), 1)
@_drafts.splice(remove.pop(), 1)
contains: (draft) ->
for d in @drafts
for d in @_drafts
if d.draft is draft then return true
return false
isEmpty: -> @drafts.length is 0
isEmpty: -> @_drafts.length is 0
discard: ->
text =
switch @drafts.length
switch @_drafts.length
when 0 then null
when 1
"""You have an unsaved reply.
Do you really want to discard this draft?"""
"""You have #{@drafts.length} unsaved replies.
"""You have #{@_drafts.length} unsaved replies.
Do you really want to discard these drafts?"""
if @drafts.length is 0 or confirm text
discarded = @drafts.slice()
@drafts = []
if @_drafts.length is 0 or confirm text
discarded = @_drafts.slice()
@_drafts = []
d.cb?() for d in discarded
......@@ -9,10 +9,6 @@
color: $link-color;
.magicontrol.dropdown {
top: 4px;
fuzzytime {
line-height: 2;
......@@ -35,7 +31,7 @@
.annotation-actions {
margin-top: 4px;
margin-top: .4em;
.annotation-quote {
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ describe 'h.directives.annotation', ->
$scope = null
annotation = null
createController = null
flash = null
beforeEach module('h.directives')
......@@ -15,11 +16,13 @@ describe 'h.directives.annotation', ->
title: 'A special document'
target: [{}]
uri: ''
flash = sinon.spy()
createController = ->
$controller 'AnnotationController',
$scope: $scope
annotator: {plugins: {}, publish: sinon.spy()}
flash: flash
it 'provides a document title', ->
controller = createController()
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ describe 'h.directives.thread', ->
$element = null
container = null
createController = null
flash = null
beforeEach module('h.directives')
......@@ -16,13 +17,14 @@ describe 'h.directives.thread', ->
$removeClass: sinon.spy()
thread: 'thread'
$scope = $rootScope.$new()
flash = sinon.spy()
render = (value, cb) -> cb(value)
createController = ->
$scope.thread = mail.messageContainer()
$scope.thread.message = id: 'foo', uri: ''
$element = angular.element('<div thread="thread"><input /></div>')
$controller 'ThreadController', {$attrs, $element, $scope, render}
$controller 'ThreadController', {$attrs, $element, $scope, flash, render}
afterEach ->
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