Commit 6ee5b8da authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

Merge pull request #808 from hypothesis/807-fix-bridge-dataflow

Bridge: don't skip old data in the 'loadAnnotations' notifications
parents 9316e1a0 9fd9abe4
......@@ -145,6 +145,9 @@ class Annotator.Plugin.Bridge extends Annotator.Plugin
## Notifications
.bind('loadAnnotations', (txn, annotations) =>
# First, parse the existing ones, for any updates
this._parse a for a in annotations when @cache[a.tag]
# Then collect the new ones
annotations = (this._parse a for a in annotations when not @cache[a.tag])
@annotator.loadAnnotations annotations
......@@ -268,7 +271,7 @@ class Annotator.Plugin.Bridge extends Annotator.Plugin
annotationsLoaded: (annotations) =>
method: 'loadAnnotations'
params: (this._format a for a in annotations when not a.$$tag?)
params: (this._format a for a in annotations)
beforeCreateAnnotation: (annotation, cb) ->
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