Commit 6fce0ccd authored by Lyza Danger Gardner's avatar Lyza Danger Gardner Committed by Lyza Gardner

Update `AnnotationPublishControl` to use `Icon`

parent d491a691
import { LabeledButton, SvgIcon } from '@hypothesis/frontend-shared';
import { Icon, LabeledButton } from '@hypothesis/frontend-shared';
import { useStoreProxy } from '../../store/use-store';
import { isNew, isReply } from '../../helpers/annotation-metadata';
......@@ -73,12 +73,12 @@ function AnnotationPublishControl({
const menuLabel = (
<div className="annotation-publish-button__menu-label" style={buttonStyle}>
<SvgIcon name="expand-menu" className="u-icon--small" />
<Icon name="expand-menu" classes="u-icon--small" />
return (
<div className="AnnotationPublishControl">
<div className="hyp-u-layout-row hyp-u-horizontal-spacing--4">
<div className="annotation-publish-button">
@use '../../mixins/layout';
@use '../../variables' as var;
.AnnotationPublishControl {
@include layout.row;
@include layout.horizontal-rhythm(var.$layout-space);
// A split control with a primary submit button on the left
// and a drop-down menu for changing
// the annotation's privacy settings on the right
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