Commit 77281cd5 authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight

Make filter toggle row wrap and truncate long labels

Prevent the filter toggle button row from overflowing the containing panel by
wrapping onto multiple lines if needed, and truncate long labels within
individual toggle buttons if needed.

parent e4427ce9
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ function FilterToggle({
{IconComponent && <IconComponent className="w-em h-em" />}
<span className="max-w-36 truncate">{label}</span>
// Vertical divider line between label and active/inactive state.
// This should fill the button vertically.
......@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ export default function FilterControls({
return (
className="flex flex-row gap-x-2 items-center"
className="flex flex-row flex-wrap gap-x-2 gap-y-2 items-center"
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