Unverified Commit 790a8620 authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #665 from hypothesis/groups-change

Get the list of groups from the new endpoint and update it where applicable
parents 8b12ad7e 36c46608
......@@ -192,7 +192,6 @@ function FrameSync($rootScope, $window, Discovery, annotationUI, bridge) {
id: info.frameIdentifier,
metadata: info.metadata,
......@@ -14,17 +14,59 @@
var STORAGE_KEY = 'hypothesis.groups.focus';
var events = require('./events');
var { awaitStateChange } = require('./util/state-util');
// @ngInject
function groups(localStorage, serviceUrl, session, $rootScope, store) {
function groups(annotationUI, localStorage, serviceUrl, session, $rootScope, store) {
// The currently focused group. This is the group that's shown as selected in
// the groups dropdown, the annotations displayed are filtered to only ones
// that belong to this group, and any new annotations that the user creates
// will be created in this group.
var focusedGroup;
var focusedGroupId;
var groups = [];
var documentUri;
function getDocumentUriForGroupSearch() {
function mainUri() {
var uris = annotationUI.searchUris();
if (uris.length === 0) {
return null;
// We get the first HTTP URL here on the assumption that group scopes must
// be domains (+paths)? and therefore we need to look up groups based on
// HTTP URLs (so eg. we cannot use a "file:" URL or PDF fingerprint).
return uris.find(uri => uri.startsWith('http'));
return awaitStateChange(annotationUI, mainUri);
* Fetch the list of applicable groups from the API.
* The list of applicable groups depends on the current userid and the URI of
* the attached frames.
function load() {
return getDocumentUriForGroupSearch().then(uri => {
return store.groups.list({ document_uri: uri });
}).then(gs => {
$rootScope.$apply(() => {
var focGroup = focused();
if (focGroup) {
var focusedGroupInFetchedList = gs.some(g => g.id === focGroup.id);
if (!focusedGroupInFetchedList) {
groups = gs;
return gs;
function all() {
return session.state.groups || [];
return groups;
// Return the full object for the group with the given id.
......@@ -58,14 +100,16 @@ function groups(localStorage, serviceUrl, session, $rootScope, store) {
* a previous session. Lastly, we fall back to the first group available.
function focused() {
if (focusedGroup) {
return focusedGroup;
if (focusedGroupId) {
return get(focusedGroupId);
var fromStorage = get(localStorage.getItem(STORAGE_KEY));
if (fromStorage) {
focusedGroup = fromStorage;
return focusedGroup;
focusedGroupId = fromStorage.id;
return fromStorage;
return all()[0];
......@@ -74,7 +118,7 @@ function groups(localStorage, serviceUrl, session, $rootScope, store) {
var prevFocused = focused();
var g = get(id);
if (g) {
focusedGroup = g;
focusedGroupId = g.id;
localStorage.setItem(STORAGE_KEY, g.id);
if (prevFocused.id !== g.id) {
$rootScope.$broadcast(events.GROUP_FOCUSED, g.id);
......@@ -84,19 +128,35 @@ function groups(localStorage, serviceUrl, session, $rootScope, store) {
// reset the focused group if the user leaves it
$rootScope.$on(events.GROUPS_CHANGED, function () {
if (focusedGroup) {
focusedGroup = get(focusedGroup.id);
if (!focusedGroup) {
$rootScope.$broadcast(events.GROUP_FOCUSED, focused());
// return for use in test
return load();
// refetch the list of groups when user changes
$rootScope.$on(events.USER_CHANGED, () => {
// FIXME Makes a second api call on page load. better way?
// return for use in test
return load();
// refetch the list of groups when document url changes
$rootScope.$on(events.FRAME_CONNECTED, () => {
// FIXME Makes a third api call on page load. better way?
// return for use in test
return getDocumentUriForGroupSearch().then(uri => {
if (documentUri !== uri) {
documentUri = uri;
return {
all: all,
get: get,
leave: leave,
load: load,
focused: focused,
focus: focus,
......@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ if(settings.googleAnalytics){
// Fetch external state that the app needs before it can run. This includes the
// authenticated user state, the API endpoint URLs and WebSocket connection.
// user's profile and list of groups.
var resolve = {
// @ngInject
sessionState: function (session) {
return session.load();
state: function (groups, session) {
return Promise.all([groups.load(), session.load()]);
......@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ function init() {
session: {
/** A map of features that are enabled for the current user. */
features: {},
/** List of groups that the current user is a member of. */
groups: [],
/** A map of preference names and values. */
preferences: {},
'use strict';
var angular = require('angular');
var events = require('./events');
var retryUtil = require('./retry-util');
......@@ -97,7 +95,6 @@ function session($q, $rootScope, analytics, annotationUI, auth,
function update(model) {
var prevSession = annotationUI.getState().session;
var userChanged = model.userid !== prevSession.userid;
var groupsChanged = !angular.equals(model.groups, prevSession.groups);
// Update the session model used by the application
......@@ -120,10 +117,6 @@ function session($q, $rootScope, analytics, annotationUI, auth,
if (groupsChanged) {
// Return the model
return model;
......@@ -178,7 +178,11 @@ function store($http, $q, apiRoutes, auth) {
delete: apiCall('group.member.delete'),
groups: {
list: apiCall('groups.read'),
profile: {
groups: apiCall('profile.groups'),
read: apiCall('profile.read'),
update: apiCall('profile.update'),
......@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ function Streamer($rootScope, annotationMapper, annotationUI, auth,
function handleSessionChangeNotification(message) {
function handleSocketOnError (event) {
......@@ -2,21 +2,17 @@
var events = require('../events');
var groups = require('../groups');
var unroll = require('../../shared/test/util').unroll;
// Return a mock session service containing three groups.
var sessionWithThreeGroups = function() {
return {
state: {
groups: [
{name: 'Group 1', id: 'id1'},
{name: 'Group 2', id: 'id2'},
{name: 'Group 3', id: 'id3'},
state: {},
describe('groups', function() {
var fakeAnnotationUI;
var fakeSession;
var fakeStore;
var fakeLocalStorage;
......@@ -27,21 +23,28 @@ describe('groups', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
fakeAnnotationUI = {
searchUris: sinon.stub().returns(['http://example.org']),
fakeSession = sessionWithThreeGroups();
fakeLocalStorage = {
getItem: sandbox.stub(),
setItem: sandbox.stub(),
fakeRootScope = {
eventCallbacks: [],
eventCallbacks: {},
$broadcast: sandbox.stub(),
$apply: function(callback) {
$on: function(event, callback) {
if (event === events.GROUPS_CHANGED) {
if (event === events.GROUPS_CHANGED || event === events.USER_CHANGED || event === events.FRAME_CONNECTED) {
this.eventCallbacks[event] = callback;
$broadcast: sandbox.stub(),
fakeStore = {
group: {
......@@ -49,6 +52,13 @@ describe('groups', function() {
delete: sandbox.stub().returns(Promise.resolve()),
groups: {
list: sandbox.stub().returns(Promise.resolve([
{name: 'Group 1', id: 'id1'},
{name: 'Group 2', id: 'id2'},
{name: 'Group 3', id: 'id3'},
fakeServiceUrl = sandbox.stub();
......@@ -58,22 +68,24 @@ describe('groups', function() {
function service() {
return groups(fakeLocalStorage, fakeServiceUrl, fakeSession,
return groups(fakeAnnotationUI, fakeLocalStorage, fakeServiceUrl, fakeSession,
fakeRootScope, fakeStore);
describe('.all()', function() {
describe('#all()', function() {
it('returns no groups if there are none in the session', function() {
fakeSession = {state: {groups: []}};
fakeSession = {state: {}};
var groups = service().all();
assert.equal(groups.length, 0);
it('returns the groups from the session when there are some', function() {
var groups = service().all();
it('returns the groups when there are some', function() {
var svc = service();
return svc.load().then(() => {
var groups = svc.all();
assert.equal(groups.length, 3);
assert.deepEqual(groups, [
{name: 'Group 1', id: 'id1'},
......@@ -82,101 +94,134 @@ describe('groups', function() {
describe('.get() method', function() {
describe('#load() method', function() {
it('loads all available groups', function() {
var svc = service();
return svc.load().then(() => {
assert.equal(svc.all().length, 3);
it('focuses on the first in the list of groups if user leaves the focused group', function () {
var svc = service();
return svc.load().then(() => {
}).then(() => {
fakeStore.groups.list = sandbox.stub().returns(Promise.resolve([
{name: 'Group 3', id: 'id3'},
{name: 'Group 1', id: 'id1'},
return svc.load();
}).then(() => {
assert.equal(svc.focused().id, 'id3');
describe('#get() method', function() {
it('returns the requested group', function() {
var group = service().get('id2');
var svc = service();
return svc.load().then(() => {
var group = svc.get('id2');
assert.equal(group.id, 'id2');
it("returns null if the group doesn't exist", function() {
var group = service().get('foobar');
var svc = service();
return svc.load().then(() => {
var group = svc.get('foobar');
describe('.focused() method', function() {
describe('#focused() method', function() {
it('returns the focused group', function() {
var s = service();
var svc = service();
assert.equal(s.focused().id, 'id2');
return svc.load().then(() => {
assert.equal(svc.focused().id, 'id2');
it('returns the first group initially', function() {
var s = service();
var svc = service();
assert.equal(s.focused().id, 'id1');
return svc.load().then(() => {
assert.equal(svc.focused().id, 'id1');
it('returns the group selected in localStorage if available', function() {
var s = service();
var svc = service();
assert.equal(s.focused().id, 'id3');
return svc.load().then(() => {
assert.equal(svc.focused().id, 'id3');
it('should update if the user leaves the focused group', function () {
var s = service();
var leaveGroup = function(id) {
fakeSession.state.groups =
fakeSession.state.groups.slice().filter(function (group) {
return group.id !== id;
fakeRootScope.eventCallbacks.forEach(function (callback) {
assert.equal(s.focused().id, 'id2');
assert.notEqual(s.focused().id, 'id2');
describe('.focus()', function() {
describe('#focus()', function() {
it('sets the focused group to the named group', function() {
var s = service();
var svc = service();
assert.equal(s.focused().id, 'id2');
return svc.load().then(() => {
assert.equal(svc.focused().id, 'id2');
it('does nothing if the named group isn\'t recognised', function() {
var s = service();
var svc = service();
assert.equal(s.focused().id, 'id1');
return svc.load().then(() => {
assert.equal(svc.focused().id, 'id1');
it('stores the focused group id in localStorage', function() {
var s = service();
var svc = service();
return svc.load().then(() => {
assert.calledWithMatch(fakeLocalStorage.setItem, sinon.match.any, 'id3');
it('emits the GROUP_FOCUSED event if the focused group changed', function () {
var s = service();
var svc = service();
return svc.load().then(() => {
assert.calledWith(fakeRootScope.$broadcast, events.GROUP_FOCUSED, 'id3');
it('does not emit GROUP_FOCUSED if the focused group did not change', function () {
var s = service();
var svc = service();
return svc.load().then(() => {
fakeRootScope.$broadcast = sinon.stub();
describe('.leave()', function () {
describe('#leave()', function () {
it('should call the group leave API', function () {
var s = service();
return s.leave('id2').then(() => {
......@@ -187,4 +232,20 @@ describe('groups', function() {
describe('calls load on various events', function () {
var changeEvents = [
{event: events.GROUPS_CHANGED},
{event: events.USER_CHANGED},
{event: events.FRAME_CONNECTED},
unroll('should fetch the list of groups from the server when #event occurs', function (testCase) {
return fakeRootScope.eventCallbacks[testCase.event]().then(() => {
}, changeEvents);
......@@ -171,17 +171,6 @@ describe('sidebar.session', function () {
describe('#update()', function () {
it('broadcasts GROUPS_CHANGED when the groups change', function () {
var groupChangeCallback = sinon.stub();
$rootScope.$on(events.GROUPS_CHANGED, groupChangeCallback);
groups: [{
id: 'groupid',
it('broadcasts USER_CHANGED when the user changes', function () {
var userChangeCallback = sinon.stub();
$rootScope.$on(events.USER_CHANGED, userChangeCallback);
......@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ describe('Streamer', function () {
fakeGroups = {
focused: sinon.stub().returns({id: 'public'}),
load: sinon.stub(),
fakeSession = {
......@@ -416,6 +417,7 @@ describe('Streamer', function () {
model: model,
'use strict';
* Return a value from app state when it meets certain criteria.
* `await` returns a Promise which resolves when a selector function,
* which reads values from a Redux store, returns non-null.
* @param {Object} store - Redux store
* @param {Function<T|null>} selector - Function which returns a value from the
* store if the criteria is met or `null` otherwise.
* @return {Promise<T>}
function awaitStateChange(store, selector) {
var result = selector(store);
if (result !== null) {
return Promise.resolve(result);
return new Promise(resolve => {
var unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() => {
var result = selector(store);
if (result !== null) {
module.exports = { awaitStateChange } ;
'use strict';
var fakeStore = require('../../test/fake-redux-store');
var stateUtil = require('../state-util');
describe('state-util', function () {
var store;
beforeEach(function() {
store = fakeStore({ val: 0 });
describe('awaitStateChange()', function () {
function getValWhenGreaterThanTwo(store) {
if (store.getState().val < 3) {
return null;
return store.getState().val;
it('should return promise that resolves to a non-null value', function () {
var expected = 5;
store.setState({ val: 5 });
return stateUtil.awaitStateChange(store, getValWhenGreaterThanTwo).then(function (actual) {
assert.equal(actual, expected);
it('should wait for awaitStateChange to return a non-null value', function () {
var valPromise;
var expected = 5;
store.setState({ val: 2 });
valPromise = stateUtil.awaitStateChange(store, getValWhenGreaterThanTwo);
store.setState({ val: 5 });
return valPromise.then(function (actual) {
assert.equal(actual, expected);
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