Commit 7eb036d5 authored by RawKStar77's avatar RawKStar77

Clean up code. Implemenet @tilgovi's suggestions.

Add a third argument to the applyInlineMarkup() to handle inline math markup which uses both \\( and \\).

Delete the now unnecessary inlineMath() function, applyInlineMarkup() is now used instead.

Simplify scope.insertMath().
parent b68567b0
......@@ -53,31 +53,35 @@ markdown = ['$filter', '$sanitize', '$sce', '$timeout', ($filter, $sanitize, $sc
# Focus the input
applyInlineMarkup = (markup, innertext)->
applyInlineMarkup = (markupL, innertext, markupR) ->
markupR or= markupL
text = userSelection()
if text.selection == ""
newtext = text.before + markup + innertext + markup + text.after
start = (text.before + markup).length
end = (text.before + innertext + markup).length
newtext = text.before + markupL + innertext + markupR + text.after
start = (text.before + markupL).length
end = (text.before + innertext + markupR).length
insertMarkup(newtext, start, end)
# Check to see if markup has already been applied before to the selection.
slice1 = text.before.slice(text.before.length - markup.length)
slice2 = text.after.slice(0, markup.length)
if slice1 == markup and slice2 == markup
slice1 = text.before.slice(text.before.length - markupL.length)
slice2 = text.after.slice(0, markupR.length)
# Edge case: scope.insertMath() is called for inline and block markup, to avoid a case
# in which pressing the math button to remove block math markup adds inline math inside of
# block math $$\(LaTex or MathML\)$$ we check for $$ here.
if (slice1 == markupL and slice2 == markupR) or (slice1 == '$$' and slice2 == '$$')
# Remove markup
newtext = (
text.before.slice(0, (text.before.length - markup.length)) +
text.selection + text.after.slice(markup.length)
text.before.slice(0, (text.before.length - markupL.length)) +
text.selection + text.after.slice(markupR.length)
start = text.before.length - markup.length
end = (text.before + text.selection).length - markup.length
start = text.before.length - markupL.length
end = (text.before + text.selection).length - markupR.length
insertMarkup(newtext, start, end)
# Apply markup
newtext = text.before + markup + text.selection + markup + text.after
start = (text.before + markup).length
end = (text.before + text.selection + markup).length
newtext = text.before + markupL + text.selection + markupR + text.after
start = (text.before + markupL).length
end = (text.before + text.selection + markupR).length
insertMarkup(newtext, start, end)
scope.insertBold = ->
......@@ -86,43 +90,13 @@ markdown = ['$filter', '$sanitize', '$sce', '$timeout', ($filter, $sanitize, $sc
scope.insertItalic = ->
applyInlineMarkup("*", "Italic")
inlineMath = (text) ->
slice1 = text.before.slice(text.before.length - 2)
slice2 = text.after.slice(0, 2)
if slice1 == "\\(" or slice1 == "$$"
if slice2 == "\\)" or slice2 == "$$"
# Remove markup
newtext = (
text.before.slice(0, (text.before.length - 2)) +
text.selection + text.after.slice(2)
start = text.before.length - 2
end = (text.before + text.selection).length - 2
insertMarkup(newtext, start, end)
newtext = text.before + "\\(" + "LaTex or MathML" + "\\)" + text.after
start = text.before.length + 2
end = (text.before + "LaTex or MathML").length + 2
insertMarkup(newtext, start, end)
scope.insertMath = ->
text = userSelection()
index = text.before.length
if index == 0
# The selection takes place at the very start of the input
applyInlineMarkup("$$", "LaTex or MathML")
else if text.selection != ""
if input.value.substring(index - 1).charAt(0) == "\n"
# Look to see if the selection falls at the beginning of a new line.
applyInlineMarkup("$$", "LaTex or MathML")
if index == 0 or input.value[index - 1] == '\n'
applyInlineMarkup('$$', 'LaTeX or MathML')
else if input.value.substring((text.start - 1 ), text.start) == "\n"
# Edge case, no selection, the cursor is on a new line.
applyInlineMarkup("$$", "LaTex or MathML")
# No selection, cursor is not on new line.
applyInlineMarkup('\\(', 'LaTeX or MathML', '\\)')
scope.insertLink = ->
text = userSelection()
......@@ -332,19 +306,17 @@ markdown = ['$filter', '$sanitize', '$sce', '$timeout', ($filter, $sanitize, $sc
match = undefined
indexes = []
while match = re.exec(textToCheck)
indexes.push [
indexes.push match.index
for index in indexes
if startMath == null
startMath = index[0] + 2
startMath = index + 2
endMath = index[0]
endMath = index
if startMath != null and endMath != null
math = katex.renderToString(textToCheck.substring(startMath, endMath))
textToCheck = (
textToCheck.substring(0, (startMath - 2)) + math +
textToCheck.substring((endMath + 2))
textToCheck.substring(endMath + 2)
startMath = null
endMath = null
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